Reborn: Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 283: 283 Became A Pervert Girl??

The dinner was pleasant and the food was not bad. Yu Qi was eating happily even though her expression showed nothing. It was the same for Yu Qi, Long Hui ate in a very proper manner, just like a nobleman. The women inside the restaurant kept turning to Long Hui and watching him eat.

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Not losing to Long Hui, Yu Qi was also the centre of attention for all of the men inside the restaurant. Sensing that the men were looking at Yu Qi, Long Hui lifted up his eyes and gave some kind of a warning glare to the men that kept staring at his beloved Qi Qi through his eyes. The men saw it and started to look around.

While Yu Qi was eating, she called the waiter over in order to request for some more food to take out. Of course, it was for the two little cuties that kept reminding her to buy some food for the two of them. Feeling annoying, she ordered some food for them to eat later. After that, Yu Qi could finally eat in peace.

After that, they left the restaurant happy with a full stomach. Long Hui did not want to send his beloved Qi Qi home so soon. So, Long Hui just drove around at a very slow speed.

"Brother Hui, what are you trying to do?" Yu Qi asked the oblivious question.

"You don't know?" Long Hui answered, also playing around.

Yu Qi chuckled. " I know."

However, they eventually arrived at their destination. Long Hui stopped the vehicle and turned to Yu Qi. He turned around and looked at her with big, sad eyes.

Yu Qi chuckled again when looking at Long Hui's puppy face. "We will meet again. Oh, are you free on the 20th of February?"

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"What's on that day?"

"I want to invite you to the opening ceremony of my hot springs hotel, Saisei Ryokan." Yu Qi told Long Hui excitedly.

"I will try to apply for an off-day on that day. But..." Long Hui could not finish his sentence.

"It's okay. If you have another job, make sure to prioritize it." Yu Qi knew that Long Hui was a soldier and needed to go on missions for the country. She could not let Long Hui abandon his missions just to be with her.

Long Hui smiled, his beloved Qi Qi really understood him. Feeling happy, he leaned closer to Yu Qi and gave her a kiss. A quick kiss. When Long Hui looked at Yu Qi, he saw somewhat of an unsatisfied look on Yu Qi's face.

"Want some more?" Long Hui asked devilishly.

Hearing that question, Yu Qi was shocked. She was indeed unsatisfied with the kiss that was given by Long Hui. It was to fast and she did not have time to enjoy it. She had become a perverted girl.

Long Hui stared at his beloved Qi Qi. She was showing so many different kinds of expressions on her face. First, there was a shock, then, it turned to a frown and after a few seconds, it was an embarrassed expression. Long Hui chuckled.

"What?" Yu Qi asked when she heard Long Hui chuckled.

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"My beloved, you are so cute." Finishing his sentence, Long Hui wanted to kiss Yu Qi again.

Unfortunately, a knock on the window of his vehicle surprised the two of them. The outside world had already turned dark. With the lights coming from the Godly Herbs, they could see the figure outside the vehicle.

It was Yu Qi's grandfather, Grandpa Tang. Yu Qi went got out of the vehicle, followed by Long Hui. Grandpa Tang smiled when he saw his granddaughter, but when he turned to Long Hui, Grandpa Tang made a 'humph' sound.

"Grandfather, why are you outside here?" Yu Qi asked Grandpa Tang.

"I see a car stopped in front of my house and I'm waiting for them to come out, but after a long time of waiting, they still did not come out. I was wondering who they were and what they were doing.  That's why I'm here." Grandpa Tang explained. "It's good that I come out though." Grandpa Tang added.

Yu Qi looked at Long Hui and Long Hui gave an oblivious smile. Seeing that, Yu Qi was embarrassed. Her grandfather was about to see her kissing Long Hui. She looked down, embarrassed.

Grandpa Tang saw that. "It's getting late. Say goodbye to him and come into the house." Grandpa Tang gave the order and turned back to enter the house.

Yu Qi lifted her face, she was still blushing. Without waiting any longer, Long Hui gave Yu Qi another kiss. It was a gentle deep kiss. Yu Qi was surprised when Long Hui kissed her, however, it was not long before she started to respond to his kisses.

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Once she started to respond, Long Hui suddenly let her go. While looking at Yu Qi, he licked his lips seductively. Yu Qi saw that and once again blushed red.

"That was delicious." Long Hui whispered to Yu Qi. "My beloved, we will meet again. Until then, you must always dream about me." After saying that, Long Hui gave a kiss on her forehead. and left.

Yu Qi touched her forehead. After a few moments of standing outside, Yu Qi felt her pants being pulled by something. Yu Qi looked down and saw that it was Aoi that was tugging on her leg.

"What are you doing, Aoi?"

"Master, stop daydreaming. I want to eat. I'm so hungry! I have been waiting for so long. Can I have it now?" Aoi was not lying. He was indeed hungry. He was just waiting for his Master's love drama to finish before he wanted to ask her. However, after that man left, his master was stuck in the same place. He had tried calling his master multiple times, but she did not respond. That was why he started pulling on his master's pants.

"Sorry. Let's go and greet grandfather first, then I will send you inside the space, okay?" Yu Qi apologized to Aoi.

Yu Qi entered the house. Her grandfather was in the living room reading some books, waiting for her.

"Grandfather, I'm home."

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"Hmm... Did that brat leave already?" Grandpa Tang asked.


"You must be tired. Go and rest."

"Grandfather too. You must rest now."

"Okay, okay." Grandpa Tang closed his book and went to his room.

Only after that did Yu Qi enter her room. Grabbing Aoi and the food, she entered her space.

"Bo Ya, here is the promised food. Let me reheat it first." Yu Qi went to the kitchen to reheat the food and then served it to her two little cuties.

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Editor: Sakura Minasaki
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