Reborn: Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 285: 285 Saisei Ryokan

After spending two hours walking around the greenhouse, Yu Qi was satisfied with the efforts of the workers. They had become more serious when it came to taking care of the plants in the greenhouse. Feeling satisfied with what she had seen, she said goodbye to Song Tao who was currently settling some paperwork in the office.

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She wanted to go to Saisei Ryokan in order to see how the progress was going. The opening ceremony would be held there so everything had to be ready before then. It was also not far from the greenhouse where she was, so she just needed to walk for about fifteen minutes before arriving at the Ryokan.

As she was passing a few houses, the people outside greeted Yu Qi.

"Oh, Yu Qi, how are you?" An old woman greeted Yu Qi.

(Please read this novel at w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l.c.o.m)

"I'm fine, but, Grandma Cheng, you are not in good condition. You need to stay at home more." Yu Qi just needed to look at the old woman's face in order to figure out what was wrong with her.

"I can't. If I don't go to work, who will feed my family?" The Old Woman asked.

"Don't you have a son?" Yu Qi remembered that this old woman had a son that was slightly older than her.

"Don't mention him. I really don't know what he wants to be!" The Old Woman sighed. "Sorry. Just continue your walk. I'm going to work."

Yu Qi saw the Old Woman walked passed her after she said that.

"Sometimes I really pity Grandma Cheng. I know that every time she brings home a bit of money, her son always seems to gamble it away. He seems to have a gambling problem so that is why Grandma Cheng needs to work, despite her age." A middle-aged man sighed. He then turned to Yu Qi. "Yu Qi, it has been a while since I last saw you. How have you been?" The middle-aged man had been her neighbor when she was still in the Wang Family. His name was Yun Wang Ting.

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"I'm fine, how about you, Uncle Yun?" It was Yu Qi's turn to ask.

"As you see, I haven't changed at all." Yun Wang Ting laughed. "I heard you are studying at the university."

"Yes, I'm studying medicine." Yu Qi answered.

Yun Wang Ting looked at his watch. "I need to go first. Bye." The middle-aged man left her to go about her day.

After that, Yu Qi continued her walk to the Ryokan. As she was entering through the main entrance of the Ryokan, one of the workers stopped her.

"Miss, this hotel is still not open to the customer." The worker said politely.

"I'm not here as a customer. I just want to see Sister Mei Fung. Can you let her know that I am here?" Yu Qi indeed wanted to see Chui Mei Fung.

"Wait here for one moment, please, I will need to inform Okami first." The worker went to find Chui Mei Fung and informed her about the girl who wanted to meet her.

When Chui Mei Fung heard about this, she quickly left her own work and ran to the main entrance. The workers who happened to see Chui Mei Fung were surprised to see Chui Mei Fung run like this.

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"Miss Yu Qi." Chui Mei Fung arrived at the main entrance as she called her savior's name. She could not forget about the young girl that saved her from the darkness and gave her a new meaning to live on.

"I'm happy to see you like this." Yu Qi smiled when she saw Chui Mei Fung like this. She was nothing like how she was two years ago.

"Of course, I already move on. Thank you for all of your efforts actually. If you had not appeared that day, I might currently be at the bottom of the hell." Chui Mei Fung was really grateful for what Yu Qi did for her.

"Come in, Miss Yu Qi. We are currently preparing for the opening ceremony." Chui Mei Fung invited Yu Qi in.

"Are all the rooms decorated correctly?" Yu Qi asked about the progress.

(Please read this novel at w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l.c.o.m)

"Of course. I can show them to you."

Chui Mei Fung brought Yu Qi to one of the rooms. Yu Qi was very impressed in this room.

"It is a premium room, it had a private onsen so the customer can have privacy while enjoying the onsen." Chui Mei Fung explained to Yu Qi.

"How many of these kinds of room that we have?"

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"About seven rooms in total, all of them had a private onsen attached to them."

"I see."

Chui Mei Fung brought Yu Qi to another room. "Even though this room dose does not have a private onsen, the scene of the mountains is very beautiful, making the customer who likes to enjoy nature, want this room."

After that, they went to the main attraction of this ryokan which was the public onsen. This onsen was divided into three partitions. One was the men's section, another one was the women's section and the last one was a mix where both men and women could enjoy the onsen together.

"Can you gather all of the workers? I want to say a few words to them." Yu Qi asked.

"Sure." Chui Mei Fung informed all the workers to gather in the main hall of the ryokan.

After thirty minutes, most of the workers were already gathered in the hall. Everyone kept looking at the young girl beside their Okami. They were curious about this young girl's identity.

"Hello, everyone. Sorry for disturbing your work, however, I would like to introduce you to the owner of our ryokan. " Chui Mei Fung said.

After Chui Mei Fung made her introduction, the workers turned to whisper amongst themselves.

When Chui Mei Fung started to talk again, the workers became silent again and listened to her words. "The young girl beside me is our big boss."

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Yu Qi gave a smile to all the workers. "Hello, everyone. I'm Tang Yu Qi. This is our first meeting, I hope all of us can work together to make our ryokan stand out against others and be the best in the world." Yu Qi bowed to them. "However, I like to inform you that this ryokan belongs to the Tang Family and not only me."

This made the workers feel good towards Yu Qi. Their big boss was bowing down to them in order to make this ryokan successful.

"I actually know her background. She was an orphan adopted by Wang Family but they treated her like a slave. She could not stand that treatment and chose to leave the family. Her life turned around for the better when she found a big 1000 years ginseng. She sold the ginseng and made a lot of money." This worker was a person from the town, so, of course, he knew all about Yu Qi's story.

"How can she just leave the family? That family had taken care of her since she was a kid." A man commented.

"If people treat you like a slave or a punching bag, would you stay with them?"

The man that had made the comment earlier shut his mouth.

"Everyone, we will be receiving our first guest this weekend. Let's give our best treatment to them." Chui Mei Fung informed all the workers.

(Please read this novel at w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l.c.o.m)

Just now, Yu Qi had informed Chui Mei Fung that she and her family would be staying this weekend. As Yu Qi said, this is their first time receiving a guest and Yu Qi wanted to see their best efforts on taking care of a guest.

Editor: Sakura Minasaki
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