Reborn: Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 286: 286 Someone Wants To Meet You

Yu Qi was currently calling her auntie Ming Yue. She wanted to invite her to her Saisei Ryokan to enjoy the hot springs with her.

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"An onsen? Really?" Ming Yue on the other side excitedly asked.

"Yes. Would you like to go, Auntie Ming Yue?"

"Of course I want to. It's been a long time since I last traveled."

"You can ask Uncle Jung Wen too. He has worked so hard and really needs to take a break."

"Sure. If he can't go, I will still have your Auntie Su Xiao join me."

"Auntie, you should also let my brothers know," Yu Qi said. She wanted the whole family to join her at her onsen.

"Don't worry. I will inform them. I bet your Brother Jin Wei will very happy with this."

(Please read this novel at w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l.c.o.m)

"Yes. I know he would!" Yu Qi chuckled. Her Brother Jin Wei really wanted to go on a holiday., so, why not just let him come to her ryokan for his vacation?

Yu Qi hung up with her Aunt and thought of who to call next. Her next target was Feng Yue and her Grandfather. However, Yu Qi did not know whether or not Feng Yue was also on her school break or not, so she called Feng Yue to ask.

"Hello, Yu Qi." Feng Yue was excited to receive the call from Yu Qi.

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"My dear, where are you right now?" Yu Qi asked, trying to see if she was on break or not.

"I'm at home."

"Really? You are in Shiwa Town?"

"Yes. Why? Wait, are you also here?"

"Yes. Perfect, let's meet then!"


Yu Qi ended the call and went outside. "Grandfather, I'm going to meet Feng Yue right now. She is in town." Yu Qi told Grandpa Tang, who was currently inside Godly Herbs shop.

"Okay." Grandpa Tang replied and turned back to Uncle Song Nan, in order to continue their discussion.

Yu Qi walked together with Aoi. Feng Yue, who saw the combo, excitedly ran to them and hugged Yu Qi.

"Slow down, my dear." Yu Qi balanced herself from falling down after being hugging by Feng Yue like that.

"I was so bored at home, then out of nowhere, your call came." Feng Yue said.

"Let's go grab a drink first." Yu Qi told Feng Yue since she saw Feng Yue ran toward her just now.

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The two girls went to a stall that sold drinks.

"Are you on a school break as well?" Feng Yue asked as she slurped the lemon tea that she had bought just now.

"Yes. My ryokan has already finished its construction. I plan to have an opening ceremony for that before the new semester begins. So the date I am planning is on the 20th of February." Yu Qi told her about the opening ceremony.

"It's finished? I can not wait to see inside it." Feng Yue asked.

"But before that, I want to be the one who officially stays at the ryokan for the first time. I plan to go on this weekend. Would you like to go too?"

"Huh? Are you inviting me?"

"Of course, my dear. I'm inviting you right now." Yu Qi flicked Feng Yue's forehead.

"I want to go!" Feng Yue agreed.

"Okay! Make sure to bring Grandpa Feng as well! My grandfather will also be there."

"My grandfather will be happy to go if his best friend is going too." Feng Yue nodded.

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"Oh, you look happy there."

Feng Yue and Yu Qi turned to the voice that greeted them. Feng Yue's happy face right now turning to annoy face. Yu Qi also showed a cold expression. That person was not other was Wang Fu Ya. Wang Fu Ya was currently in a dress complete with accessories. She was smiling at the two girls, ignoring their expressions.

"Long time no see." Wang Fu Ya said while smiling.

(Please read this novel at w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l.c.o.m)

Feng Yue looked at Yu Qi. At the same time, Yu Qi also looked at Feng Yue.

"You are still friends with each other. That's so nice!" Wang Fu Ya commented.

"Of course. Unlike you." Feng Yue smirked.

Wang Fu Ya held in her anger by gripping her handbag. Feng Yue's statement was a total slap in her face. It was true that with her current self, her old friends did not want to acknowledge her as their friend anymore.

"I don't need a friend." Wang Fu Ya said.

"I don't care about you. Can you leave us alone so that I can spend some quality time with my best friend?" Feng Yue stressed the word friend again.

"Humph..." Wang Fu Ya rolled her eyes at Feng Yue and turned to Yu Qi, giving a smirk to Yu Qi. 'Your happy time will end,' she thought to herself, then she turned around and left the pair.

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"What did she come here for?" Feng Yue asked.

"I don't know. Just let her be." Yu Qi did not give a second thought about Wang Fu Ya.

"Yu Qi, just be careful. The girl might have an evil plan for you." Feng Yue warned Yu Qi.


After having a long conversation with Feng Yue, Yu Qi was walking home with Aoi. Suddenly she saw three cars parked in front of her home. At first, she thought they were customers that wanted to buy some herbs.

Then she felt something was off. She ran to the house. Her grandfather, Uncle Song Nan and Sister Chu Xiao were all tied up. In front of them, a man sat on the sofa, behaving like he was the owner of the house. A scar could be seen on his cheek, making him looked like an evil person.

The man realized someone was at the door. He turned and saw a beauty standing there, looking at him.

"Come in." The man said. The moment he said that his men took out their pistols and pointed them at Yu Qi.

(Please read this novel at w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l.c.o.m)

Yu Qi could not help but step inside the house. Yu Qi took a deep breath to calm herself. She needed to stay calm so that she could come up with an escape plan. It was not about her but also the safety of her grandfather, Uncle Song Nan, and Sister Chu Xiao.

"What do you want?" Yu Qi asked the scarred man.

"I need you to follow me. Someone wants to see you." The scarred man said.

Editor: Sakura Minasaki
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