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Translated by Wook
Edited by Wook


“It’s something the emperor does sometimes. If there is a person who caught her eyes, she will drive them to the edge of the cliff and tame them.”


“Tame them?”


When Rena asked the question, Lynn nodded in displeasure.


“She will push you around until her interest cools down, treating you like an errand dog. I didn’t think Her Majesty called you because…”


“Did she do the same to Duke Naja?”


When Naja’s name came out, Lynn nodded heavily. Then he opened his mouth as if to say something, and then closed it again.


In fact, she wasn’t the only one.


After Naja’s death, the emperor once turned her attention to Lynn.


— Naja died because of you, so you fill the vacancy.


— It’s an order. Go and wipe out the rebels in the East.


— Prove that you belong to me.


For Lynn, who was a boy at the time, that was a more terrifying order than the words to die.


The rebels in the East, pointed out by Nihil, were the people of Lynn, who had lost their homeland to the Empire.


“… Did she not order you to do anything else?”


“Yes, maybe it’s because of the Tomb conquest or something else special…”


Rena suddenly realized as she said that.


The reason Nihil was so generous yesterday.


She let it slide. She didn’t have to punish her because she was going to die anyway.


“Were there many people who were treated like a plaything by the emperor?”


“I’m just guessing it’s not just one or two people. Only the emperor will know for sure.”


“What happened to those people?”


“Most of them are dead. Very few have been freed.”


And Lynn was part of the freed.


When Lynn silently obeyed the order, Nihil stopped paying attention to Lynn at some point. Instead, Lynn realized that she had picked another nobleman and harassed that person. That he was finally released from her wretched hobby.


“Does the people of the Imperial Palace know about that?”


“No. Only those who have experienced it in person will know.”


The emperor’s actions in the empire, which have already departed from the normal range, are not well known to officials and nobles.


Especially what happens in Nihil’s secret room.


“I’m not sure, but the North might know. Because the previous Northern Duke was also killed by the emperor.”


“The previous Northern Duke…”


Rena quietly mulled over Lynn’s words.


Rena had a private conversation with the emperor yesterday. Did the North predict this situation after seeing it?


‘Will Father know?’


Did he? Even if he didn’t know for sure, he’d be having doubts. He would be watching her more closely than anyone else.


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‘Then maybe…’


Rena felt some suspicions interlocking together.


“… I think one of our knights is on my father’s side.”




When Lynn looked up in surprise, Rena narrowed her eyes and smiled.


She thought it was a little weird.


At the first meeting, the knights unanimously rejected Rena. And it didn’t seem like a mess that had just been gathered.


‘It would be more accurate to say it was instigated.’


In addition, malicious rumors spread as soon as a certain knight committed a mutiny, and Clavis entrusted Rena to the spearhead of the expedition.


It couldn’t have all been a coincidence.


Besides, today’s knights’ reaction and Eden Pieta’s request.


“Mr. Lynn.”


Rena called Lynn and pulled him back to herself.


Lynn, who was caught off guard and suddenly leaned forward, hurriedly touched the tree so as not to hit Rena.


When Lynn looked down at Rena in surprise, Rena smiled lightly and said.


“It’s a bit sudden, but I have something I want to discuss again about rift monitoring tomorrow.”


“… Which part?”


Rena brought her lips to Lynn’s cheek.


Those who were watching from afar will not hear anything anyway, but Rena whispered in Lynn’s ear like she was telling a secret story.


“I don’t think we will need help from the East tomorrow.”




The next morning, Rena and the Southern Knights took over the surveillance mission at Doom Palace.


Contrary to the discussion yesterday, all the Eastern Knights withdrew, and Eden, who was watching the scene, said happily.


“I knew Sir would understand.”


“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it, but I think everything you said is right.”


When Rena answered without hesitation, Eden and the knights looked satisfied.


But then, a voice that didn’t suit this place at all, like a sparrow chirping, rang out.


“Wow, this is my first time seeing that. It’s huge!”


It was the young maid next to Rena who shouted that while looking around.


The maid sat on a large bag, and gazed curiously at the Doom Palace and the rift.


“What’s with that kid…?”


“She’s my friend. I brought her here because she said she was bored by herself.”


“Oh, I see.”


Eden nodded with a slightly bewildered face. He actually wanted to ask why she brought her maid, but he didn’t say it because Rena had granted his request.


However, he was just curious about the bag that the maid was lying on, big enough for a person to fit in, but soon erased his curiosity about it.


“Then we will each go to our respective positions.”

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The Southern Knights were scattered in twos and threes in the empty Doom Palace. Rena sat on a sofa on one side of the palace with the rift, with Uni.


Like that, half a day was very peaceful.


But in the afternoon, there was a lot of noise outside, and a large number of knights broke into the palace.


They were all Northern Knights in red uniforms.


When the Northern Knights rushed in without notice, Rena stood up. Then she asked the person she hadn’t seen in a while who was at the forefront of the crowd.


“What’s going on, Mr. Rubid?”


“Use my title correctly, don’t be cocky.”


As soon as Rubid saw Rena, he frowned and handed over a piece of paper almost as if throwing it.


It was the church’s permit that allowed the Tomb to be searched.


Rubid, dressed neatly in a red uniform, glared at Rena with jewel-like eyes and chewed.


“Last time, I was bad.”


“I don’t have any particular memories.”


“Wait and see, I will pay you back tenfold.”


Rubid growled like that, hitting Rena’s shoulder as he passed by.



The Northern Knights followed. Wearing a red uniform, they had the same momentum as the first expedition, and the Southern Knights were driven into a corner without realizing it.


Rubid stood in front of the rift.


The knights paid their respects to the prince’s back and headed to the Tomb.




“Are they going to build a village or something?”


Uni muttered with her chin on the large bag.


And as the child said, the Northern Knights were carrying supplies to the Tomb every day that would have been enough to build a village.



“The Northern region is said to be rich, so it must be true. If I can afford that, I’d rather build houses for people on the outskirts.”


“I know. There’s nothing left in the Tomb no matter what you do.”


As Uni grunted, Rena, who sat next to her, smiled softly and put down her teacup.


Three days have passed since the South took over the monitoring mission.


However, what the Southern Knights had been doing was closer to watching the Northern Knights come and go than to watch the dead come out of the rift.


The North was exploring the Tomb with a frightening force, taking full advantage of their infinite quantity and the timeless nature of the Tomb.


“He’s pretty desperate too.”


“Mr. Rubid?”


“Yes, I never saw him take a break. I thought he was an asshole who was also a drunkard who sprays alcohol on people, but surprisingly…”


“Uni. shhh…”


“Don’t worry, my lady. I am speaking in a low enough voice.”


It was none other than Rubid that Uni whispered and glanced at.


Rubid had been guarding the rift for the past three days and received reports from the knights who had returned from the Tomb and gave instructions again. And that appearance was quite surprising not only to Uni but also to Rena.

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‘I thought you were a mindless young master…’


The way he was gathering information seemed surprisingly steady. No, it wasn’t to the extent of being steady, but rather desperate.


Rena casually looked at him, and Rubid jerked toward Rena’s side as if he could feel her gaze.


Then, he growled openly towards Rena, whom his eyes met. Rena burst into laughter at the hostility that was so explicit that she didn’t even get angry.


“In spite of being fierce.”


“I know, right.”


Rena picked up the teacup again and ate the cookies opposite Uni.


Anyway, thanks to the North, the monitoring mission was relaxing. Of course, Rena thought this would not be just luck or coincidence.


So while she was waiting for when it would happen, Uni pulled Rena’s hem from the side.


“Oh, my lady.”


At Uni’s small call, Rena raised her head and faced an unexpected person.


“I came here to get some tea.”


It was none other than Marquis Ruber who suddenly approached and spoke to her affectionately.


“Can I sit down, Sir Rena?”


“… I don’t dare to be too big-hearted, Lord Ruber.”


It was a rather sudden approach, but Rena was not surprised and responded willingly.


“Uni, will you move out for a second?”


“Yes, my lady.”


Uni quietly backed away with a gait, and the Marquis sat down on the sofa opposite Rena.


As Rena and the Marquis sat down, she could feel the knights paying attention silently. In fact, Rena and the Marquis often met these past few days, and each time, meaningful gaze poured out.


But instead of pretending to know each other, they stayed in their respective camps, and suddenly, on some whim, the Marquis came over here.


Rena, anticipating her father’s plan, pushed the teacup along the tea herself.


“It may have been poisoned.”


“There’s no way.”


At Rena’s eerie joke, the Marquis smiled and picked up the teacup. Then he savored the scent.


“You drink good tea.”


“What is your business? There are many eyes here.”


Rena narrowed her eyes and asked in a small voice.


“Are you finally willing to be forgiven by me?”


The Marquis could not answer immediately, perhaps because the question was sudden. So Rena added generously.


“Take it slow, because there is still plenty of time.”


“Sir is a very bold person.”


The Marquis murmured. Then he erased his laughter and answered.


“That’s right. I want to ask for forgiveness from you even now. However…”




“In your way, even innocents will be hurt.”

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“Of course, I don’t want that to happen. But my lord, I want you to think for yourself whether what you just said is true or an excuse.”


Rena smiled and answered, and the Marquis smiled again.


“There are too many eyes to see here.”


The Marquis looked around and murmured. There were many things he wanted to say, but he thought it would be difficult here, so he lowered his voice and whispered.


“I would like to invite Sir in the near future. To my house.”


Rena’s eyes widened when she heard that he would invite her home. This was unexpected for Rena as well.


“Will it be uncomfortable?”


“… I’m not going to make any specifications.”


“I will send you an invitation soon. Then…”


The Marquis finished speaking and got up from his seat. Then Rena called him, who was just about to leave, back.


“But, my lord.”


The Marquis stopped and looked at Rena.


“You’ve been worried about innocent people for a long time, but what if there is no harm to them?”


“Then there’s nothing to hesitate about.”


“… You are so good at lying.”


Rena, who had asked the question, smiled again at the Marquis’ answer.


Then she added with a slightly tired face.


“People who really ask for forgiveness don’t do things behind the scenes.”


At Rena’s words, the Marquis’ eyebrows lifted slightly. But Rena pretended not to know and spoke her words quietly.


“I’ll understand this too, because there’s still plenty of time. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever shown it properly.”


“What do you mean?”


“The way I fight.”


At Rena’s meaningful words, the Marquis squinted and smiled.


He thought she had noticed something. But if she had noticed, she wouldn’t have asked for the East’s support.


Or, was she joking around again?


The strange hunch gave him goosebumps, but the Marquis smiled brightly, pretending not to know anything.


“… I look forward to it.”




Two days later, Lynn, who came running after hearing the news, looked in vain at the collapsed palace.




Lynn sighed as he looked at the ruins, the remains once called the Doom Palace.


It was as he heard. The Doom Palace was wrecked.


There was an oddity. It was said that a large number of the dead suddenly came out of the rift.


The knights prevented the dead from going to the Imperial Palace, but it was not enough, and the Doom Palace finally collapsed.


It had only been five days since the South began its rift monitoring mission.


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