Value Test

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Translated by Wook
Edited by Wook


Lynn looked at the ruined palace with empty eyes.




He turned pale and looked for Rena.


The outer walls of the poorly crumbled palace, red cracks blazing in the rift, and the Southern Knights groaning with blood.


But Rena wasn’t among them.


“Please let me go!”


Uni, who was being held by Lynn, shouted loudly.


Lynn lowered Uni, whom he was holding in one arm, weakly, and Uni ran straight to the ruins to find Rena.


“My lady! My lady! Mister, where is my lady? Hmm?”


Uni asked a wounded Southern Knight. However, the knight seemed to be in shock and did not answer the child’s question.


Uni, who became impatient, stomped her feet.


And Lynn stood there like he was drowning in a swamp as he watched the whole scene.






Not a single person thought that the Doom Palace would collapse that morning.


Five hours before the ruins of the Doom Palace, that morning.


The Doom Palace was moderately lively and moderately relaxed.


The Southern Knights loosely performed the surveillance mission they had become accustomed to, and the Northern Knights were still busy going back and forth between the rift.


And Clavis, who appeared with nothing to do, was accusing Rena.


“Is it for real?”


Clavis whined, leaning against the back of the sofa where Rena was sitting.


“Are you really dating the Eastern Duke?”


Rena pretended not to hear and looked elsewhere, but to no avail.


“You’re kidding, right? Can you afford to date now?”


Clavis did not give in and bothered Rena by flirting.


“How could you do that? You were so cold to me.”


Grumbling as if he had been betrayed by his lover, Rena couldn’t bear it and glared at Clavis.


Clavis, who finally got attention, smiled happily, and Rena was genuinely annoyed and spoke softly.


“I am on a surveillance mission. You’re disturbing me, so please leave.”


“Am I not the one in charge here?”


Rena was speechless by the fact-based teasing. Seeing the face, Clavis added, sweeping the surface of the sofa on which Rena sat.


“I was the one who brought this sofa, too.”


As soon as the words fell, Rena jumped up. At that hateful reaction, Clavis burst into laughter.


“Ah, I understand. I won’t bother you. Sit, sit. You can’t stand when you’re a commander.”


“You will get hurt if you touch me.”


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Rena sternly warned Clavis as he reached out his hand, pretending to soothe her.


So Clavis gently withdrew the hand that was reaching out to Rena. He quickly took up the seat where Rena was sitting, smiled brightly and jutted his chin the other side of the Doom Palace.


“Look at him.”


Rena turned her head involuntarily, and she found Rubid staring fiercely at her.


Rubid was looking at Rena and Clavis with a look between ‘you guys play well together’ and ‘what kind of shit are you two doing’.


“Isn’t he cute?”


‘In which part?’


“He’s angry because he lost my attention. He’s always been that upset if I don’t play with him.”


“It’s something I don’t really want to know.”


“How could it be? We’re in the same space for the first time in a while. It’s nice to be close, right?”


As Clavis spoke with a smirk, Rena turned her body as if she didn’t need to hear more. Then Clavis threw another word and caught Rena.


“Did you have a good audience with Her Majesty the Emperor?”


“… Thanks to you.”


“She’s going to make you her own, right?”


Rena looked at the man who still asked even though he had obviously known.


Clavis read Rena’s displeasure, but he pretended to be ignorant.


“Be careful, because if you make a mistake, you’ll be in trouble. You’ve only heard me talk about it, but you will understand soon why I want to kill the emperor.”


Clavis lowered his voice and whispered.


There were more than one hundred knights and priests in the Doom Palace where they were. It was far away, so nobody could’ve heard of this conversation, but Rena was still uncomfortable with Clavis discussing the emperor’s murder in an open place.


So she looked at him as if he was a true madman, but Clavis laughed indifferently.


As always, he is as beautiful as a burning angel.






It was still morning, three hours before the ruins of the Doom Palace.


Northern Knights still came in and out of the rift, and Rena was also curious about what they were doing.


So she approached the rift and tried to take a little look, and as soon as Rubid saw her, he screamed like an angry cat.


“What are you doing? Get lost!”


“… I didn’t approach Mr. Rubid to be exact, but even if that is the case, there’s no reason for me to take orders from Mr. Rubid.”


“Don’t be cocky, you miscellaneous mistress…”



[T/N: Remember the rumors before the first ball where Rena ‘danced’ with Rubid said that Rena might be the Southern Duke’s woman]


At Rubid’s frivolous vocabulary, Rena laughed as if it was ridiculous. Then she said, smiling still, as if he wasn’t even worth getting mad at.


“Do you want to be scolded again?”




“It seems that being scolded once is not enough. What a bad habit.”




Rubid snorted at Rena’s provocation. Then he turned cold again and looked at Rena.


His purple eyes were dyed sky blue like Nihil’s.

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Rubid was on the verge of making a serious riot.


“Y-Your Highness the Prince!”


From afar, someone came running calling Rubid. Then, before Rubid looked back, his wrist was grabbed.


“Calm down!”




“You can’t fight here!”


“You brat— Are you not going to let me go?”


“My father told me to stop you before you cause trouble…!”


“Trouble? This brat is really looking to die…”


Rubid grabbed the back of Angie, the boy priest who dissuaded him and treated him as a troublemaker, then lifted him all the way.


Angie, whose upper body was dangling, begged Rubid in that state.


“The esteemed, most handsome prince in the world, please fix this situation for my face. [T/N: As in for my sake, for my dignity. He asks Rubid to do as told because Angie has begged him in public] Be patient with anger and calm your heart, and treat the world with peace and gratitude, not violence and strife!”


Angie shouted like that without even breathing, and Rubid’s anger cooled down at that unreasonable plea.


His eyes suddenly turned purple, and his expression filled with nervousness as usual.


“Fine. Get out of my way, brat.”


“I love you, Your Highness.”


“Ah, step aside!”


Rubid only raised his voice, but he did not actively remove the Angie who was clinging to him.


And Angie, who succeeded in calming the prince, hid behind his side and glanced at the Southern Representative.



But contrary to the boy’s expectations, Rena Ruber had already turned her body and headed elsewhere.






An hour before the ruins of the Doom Palace.


Uni was sitting on the sofa, observing the boy priest who kept glancing at her.


The boy priest was, of course, Angie Ruber.


That punk usually goes to and from the basement laundry, but for the past few days, he’s been attending the Doom Palace every day.


It was obvious what his purpose was. So Uni rolled over on the sofa acting as sweet as honey and lay on Rena’s lap, who was sitting next to her.


Although this is normally not allowed for a maid, Rena naturally stroked Uni’s hair.


“Feeling sleepy?”




“Then are you bored?”


“No, it’s just because Angie Ruber kept looking at me.”


“Yes, I know.”


Rena replied with a smile.


So Uni stared at Rena’s face, then turned back to Angie in the distance.


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The guy was looking at this side with a hopeful face.






Forty minutes before the ruins of the Doom Palace.


Angie watched from a distance as Uni was acting like a baby to Rena, and when Uni’s and his eyes met, he quietly shifted his gaze.


‘What’s with her?’


What is she, pretending to be so friendly?


‘She’s not even her real sibling.’


Angie sighed inwardly and looked at Rena Ruber again.


Earlier, while appeasing Rubid, Angie saw the Southern Representative from a very close distance.


‘As expected, she looks alike…’


She looks like his sister. Enough to vividly remind him of his older sister’s face, which had been blurred since he hadn’t seen it in a long time.


‘Then why do you pretend you don’t know me?’


If you’re my older sister, you’d recognize me.


Angie thought as he kicked the innocent floor.






Twenty minutes before the ruins of the Doom Palace, the Marquis was persuading Rubid.


“Your Highness, I will look at the rest of the situation. You may go back and rest until the day of the expedition.”


“No need. I have to return here again anyway, so what’s the point?”


“You also need a break to do your best. Please rest just for one day.”


At the euphemism of the Marquis, Rubid finally got up.


At the same time, Angie and his servants came to the Marquis’ side, and the Marquis ordered Angie to take care of Rubid.


But then, a Southern Knight came and handed a note to the Marquis.


“The Southern Representative told me to deliver it.”


The Marquis, who was just about to withdraw, paused at the unexpected situation. He glanced at Rena on the other side of the palace, then opened the note brought by the messenger.


It contained one short sentence.


― Please watch the way I fight until the end this time.






Ten minutes before the ruins of the Doom Palace.


“I told him to keep an eye on me.”


Rena muttered in a tone that wasn’t too disappointed.


The Doom Palace, from which the Northern Knights withdrew, was empty.


The Northern Knights, who had been filling the palace for the past few days, escaped like low tide, led by Marquis Ruber. So, all that was left here was Rena, Uni, and the Southern Knights.


It was when the Southern Knights were standing around the palace that suddenly became vast.


“Something is coming!”


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One of the knights who was looking at the rift exclaimed urgently.


Immediately after, the red light of the rift exploded, and Northern Knights rushed out of the Tomb.


The knights, who were nervous thinking that the dead were coming, let out a sigh.


It was too early to be relieved.


The Southern Knights looked at the Northern Knights who ran out fiercely, and when they found that they had come with a tail, they froze.




They came to the world with terrifying heat.


Their shape resembled a bug, but their size was the same as before.


A flying being in the form of a gigantic evil insect with a ferocious flame.


“I-It’s the dead!”


The dead of Those Who Carried the Ashes, belonging to Hiems Gracia, the King of Burning and Scorching, were rushing out of the rift in a black wave.




Fireballs flew and swept through the palace.


However, the Northern Knights resolutely drove back and retreated, and the remaining Southern Knights after that were unable to do anything and became confused.


Looking at the chaos, Rena relaxed for a while.


She thought that they’d been wandering suspiciously in and out of the rift in the past few days, and sure enough, the North brought the dead out.


If any of these go outside and damage the main palace, it’s Rena Ruber’s responsibility. No one knows how the emperor will reprimand her.


Rena smiled bitterly when she saw the reality of what the Marquis had done.


‘Inviting from the front and digging a trap from the back.’


It seems that my father is still determined to be stubborn.


It’s a little annoying, but Rena understood that much.




“Yes, my lady. I’m done with the preparations.”


Uni opened the bag she had been sitting on for the past few days before Rena could even speak.


“It’s been a while since we took it out.”


“It’s too precious.”


“That’s right. It is the third reason why we are poor.”


Rena smiled and reached into the bag.


The iron piece, which was folding at the touch of its owner, rose up moving like a snake’s scales.


What was in the bag was a shining silver whip, whose length could not be measured.


Rena glared at the dizzying fireballs and stretched out her whip that had been rolled up.




The author’s note:

5 minutes before the palace collapses.



Translator’s note:

The reason why Rena and Uni are poor:

??? ??? Shining silver whip on Chapter 58 The white dress Rena wears when dancing with Rubid on Chapter 9

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