Chapter 91 Take This Next Strike

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Cavendish felt a deep sense of disappointment.

He had believed that with his status as a Supernova, boasting a staggering bounty of 280 million, he would undoubtedly become the most popular figure of the year, drawing the attention of the entire world upon his arrival at Sabaody Archipelago. Yet, to his dismay, he found himself upstaged by a mere brat.

Enraged by this realization, Cavendish resolved to teach the young upstart a lesson.

As for his defeat of Diamante, in the eyes of a Supernova, the Four Emperors were nothing more than mere stepping stones to be crushed beneath their feet. How strong could a mere 17-year-old be in comparison? In any case, he knew he was stronger.

In the original story, Cavendish harbors a deep hatred for Luffy and his crew, as they had taken the spotlight from him as a Supernova. He is an outcast among pirates, obsessed over the attention of others and willing to do whatever it takes to gain their attention.

Surrounded by a throng of admiring female fans, Cavendish rode on his white steed, slowly approaching Rhodes with an air of superiority. He looked down upon the young man with a taunting grin and sneered, “You must be Rhodes. You don’t seem like much.”

Rhodes’s eyes narrowed in recognition, quickly understanding Cavendish’s true intentions. A hint of sarcasm danced across his features as he replied, “Cavendish, I presume?”

“Indeed, it is I, the young master!” Cavendish declared haughtily, striking a pose with an air of arrogance.

But Rhodes’s expression quickly turned cold and indifferent, as he prepared for the impending confrontation.

“Get lost!” Rhodes bellowed, as a fierce and powerful aura erupted from him, accompanied by the sound of thunderous explosions. The void itself seemed to crack open with the deafening roar of his presence.

Aura is something that usually accumulates with more and stronger defeated existences, personal strength, and experience. When a person reaches the peak state, they can use their aura to make the weak retreat, even if they can’t stun the whole audience like a tyrant.

With Rhodes’ aura, just a few days ago when he publicly defeated Diamante in front of everyone, it would have only made Cavendish feel surprised, but it caused a serious scare to his white horse, Farul, under his hip.

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Farul reared up on its hind legs, almost instantly standing up, scaring the people around him to scream, and they retreated one after another.

Cavendish desperately tried to calm the horse down, but it was of no use. He had to helplessly dismount and let his subordinates lead Farul away from this place.

At this time, those female fans who were still in shock returned to their senses and couldn’t help but turn their heads to look at Rhodes.

At this glance, they were shocked.

“Wow, so cool!”

The youthful and beautiful girls almost instantly fell for him.

Cavendish is blond and handsome, elegant and handsome, like a Western noble young man.

But Rhodes, with his striking appearance and superior aura, surpassed Cavendish in every way. His clothes were windless, and he had a kind of extraordinary and aloof charm that left everyone in awe.

At first, they didn’t notice it, but once they did, they found it more and more pleasing to the eye, the more they looked, the more they found him increasingly captivating. Each glance left them with a weird feeling in their body.

“Wow, this guy is incredibly handsome!”

“Are you single? How about you take me instead loverboy?”

“This is my hotel room number, let’s talk about our training session tonight?”

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The girls’ eyes were filled with desire, and without hesitation, they began to flock toward him.

Snowy was pushed aside by the wild crowd, her body trembling with fear.


Rhodes couldn’t help but narrow his eyes, exuding a powerful and intimidating presence, but to the women, it only made him more alluring, causing them to close in even more.


Rhodes’s eyebrows furrowed in frustration as he released a faint thunderbolt arc, scattering the women instantly and precisely striking the bodies of those who had lost their minds.


These thunderbolts were not particularly powerful, not even close to Rhodes’s current level of cultivation, but they were enough to halt the advance of these women.

They came to a sudden stop, standing in place, their bodies trembling slightly, their eyes blank, feeling a numbness spread throughout their bodies, and then…

They let out a collective moan of ecstasy.


The scene before them was truly breathtaking, drawing the attention of nearly every person in the port as they stared in confusion at Rhodes. Even Snowy’s gaze was filled with a hint of disbelief.

Rhodes couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe as he realized the extent of the power of the Thunder.

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Meanwhile, Cavendish was left speechless.

As he came to his senses, his eyes turned furiously red and he gritted his teeth in anger. Cavendish, who was already insecure, would naturally harbor a deep resentment towards anyone who stole the spotlight from him. And Rhodes’ actions were almost like a public display of NTR, causing his anger to boil over.

“I challenge you, in the name of the ‘Holy Sword’ Durandal! You must be defeated by me, only then will I be the most popular man on this island.”

His words were spoken with a venomous rage as if Rhodes had taken something precious from him.

Rhodes, confused by the sudden turn of events, looked at Cavendish with a serious expression and asked, “Are you sure you want to die?”

“I don’t think you have it in you!”

Cavendish was consumed by his fury.

“Then I shall fulfill your desire.”

Rhodes slowly gripped the sword handle, his body lowering in preparation. The once-lazy posture was replaced by an aura of deadly intent, emanating a shocking sharpness.

The manifestation of the will of a powerful swordsman was enough to make Cavendish’s body shiver with fear.

In a moment of almost divine clarity, he understood one thing with certainty!

He was not a match for this man. Under the exhilaration of life and death, Cavendish’s second personality suddenly awakened, his demeanor shifting to one of cold and frenzied madness.

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In this state, his sword fighting abilities would be nearly doubled. Those around him could feel the hair-raising killing intent emanating from him, causing fear and dread.

In an instant, the once sunny and handsome blonde had transformed into a senseless killer, devoid of any human rationality.

And in that same instant, he lost countless female admirers… The girls all showed expressions of fear and retreated, as they felt that Cavendish’s killing intent, directed at anyone and anything, was unstoppable.

As he watched this scene unfold, Rhodes’ expression remained eerily calm, as if he was prepared for what was to come.


Even though Rhodes didn’t exert any force, the sword hilt kept buzzing and vibrating, as if there was a power within the scabbard urging Rhodes to draw it.

“If you take this next strike, I’ll spare your life.”

Almost as soon as the words left his lips, Rhodes suddenly moved.


Under the specially crafted thunder element within the scabbard, Rhodes’ sword-drawing speed reached its pinnacle; it would even leave Ryuji from before in awe!


A whistle-like sound echoed through the air as sword energy, lighter than before, shot out from the blade of Aranakiri. The sword energy left behind a shocking white wave, breaking the sound barrier and creating a sound burst cloud.

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