Chapter 92 One Strike, One Kill

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In an instant, the sword qi that exceeded the speed of sound closed the gap of dozens of meters. The onlookers were left in shock, unable to react.


Cavendish, a supernova of extraordinary talent, the strongest genius born in the Great Voyage in a year, would not go down easily.

When pushed to the brink of life and death, such a character can unleash hidden potential, displaying a power beyond normal means.

With a swift movement, he angled his sword to intercept the sword qi before him.

But it was not enough, no further action could be taken.

In the next moment, a hazy, dream-like sword qi, accompanied by a deafening sound, cleaved Durandel’s sword in two.


Cavendish was showered in a spray of blood.

Under the sword qi that exceeded the speed of sound, his sword was struck and split in the opposite direction, forming an X-shaped scar on his face.

At the same moment, he was thrown back, tracing a perfect arc in mid-air before crashing into a small building.

The building collapsed, and smoke filled the air.

This supernova, who had landed on Sabaody Archipelago with a reward of 280 million, was no more, felled by Rhodes’ sword.

This was a supernova with a reward of almost three billion! Though he hadn’t been tempered by the New World, he was not to be underestimated. He had defeated the Marines multiple times and successfully evaded their chase.

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But now, he was slain in one swift strike by Rhodes.


“Is this the young swordsman who killed Diamante? He lives up to his reputation as a renowned figure in the sea.”

Everyone exchanged glances, all with expressions of awe and admiration as if gazing upon a deity, at the white-clad young man holding a sword.

Rumors are one thing, but witnessing it firsthand is even more astounding.


Snowy clasped her hands together, displaying a look of awe and excitement.

“Too cool!”

Cavendish’s fans almost instantly switched sides, gazing at Rhodes with flushed faces and hearts filled with admiration.

A man of great strength, paired with exceptional charm and an unprecedentedly handsome appearance, was impossible to resist.

“Not bad, the effect is good.”

Rhodes’ face was devoid of expression, but he was quite pleased in his heart.

Ever since he saw Ryuji’s amazing sword-drawing technique, he had been thinking about creating one for himself.

But he hadn’t had a good idea until now.

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A few days ago, he acquired the Aranakiri sword, which perfectly complements his power of thunder. This gave birth to the idea of this drawing sword technique.

By harnessing thunder, he creates an electromagnetic environment within his sword scabbard, allowing for a draw at an unimaginable speed.

However, Rhodes’ drawing technique is difficult, and even time-consuming, unable to achieve the instantaneous results he desired.

This is the biggest drawback of this sword technique, still, it’s no major issue since it’s a drawing technique.

“The speed is incredibly fast, even surpassing the speed of sound. A sudden strike may catch the enemy off guard, but the power is not as great as a normal strike. I wonder if Cavendish is still alive.”

Rhodes quickly analyzed the situation.

Even if he was alive, Rhodes never pay attention to the enemies he has defeated.

He casually swung his sword, and then the blade slid into the scabbard with a loud noise.

At that moment, a sharp, blue-glowing black bullet came shooting out of nowhere, from hundreds of meters away.

There was no sound, as the speed of the bullet surpassed the speed of sound.

“So it was a sniper after all?”

Faced with this bullet, which was capable of killing Cavendish in an instant, Rhodes’ expression remained calm, as if he had expected it, slightly shifting his position to avoid it.

The bullet detonated upon impact, releasing a fiery heat and a wisp of blue smoke that swiftly corroded the earth within a few meters, emitting a sizzling sound. It was apparent that it harbored a highly toxic substance.

Rhodes’ gaze quickly shifted to the figure in black, who was making a hasty retreat in the distance, a killer who missed his mark and fled far away.

“A hitman from the underground?” Rod mused, as he watched the hitman retreat quickly and leap over a three-meter-high wall before disappearing. He furrowed his brow slightly.

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He picked up Snowy, and flashed beside Gates, placing her down.

“Wait for me here, I’ll be back soon,” Rhodes said casually, without waiting for Gates’ reaction, he stepped out. In a few breaths, he had appeared under the wall and then disappeared.

“A hitman?” Gates, with his experience, recognized it and couldn’t help but show a worried expression. Now, he and Rhodes were like shipmates, and if Rhodes had an accident, he feared that he would soon be torn apart by the surging hungry wolves, who are used to please the Donquixote family.

“Brother Rhodes, please stay safe.” Little Snowy whispered in prayer. Although she was young, she knew that hitmen were very dangerous.

And now, Rhodes was chasing the hitman through dozens of streets. The hitman was extremely fast, moving swiftly, and in a flexible way, like a grasshopper.

The assassin finally came to a stop after running non-stop from Island 23 to Island 47, covering half of the Saboady Archipelago Island group. He was out of breath, hands grasping his knees.

This extreme speed of escape had taken a toll on his stamina.

“You’re not running anymore?”

A relaxed voice caught him off guard from behind.

The assassin turned around and saw Rhodes standing there, arms crossed, with a calm expression as if he had just returned from a stroll.

This distance may have required the assassin to run at full speed, but for Rhodes, it was a breeze.

“I didn’t expect you to be so strong. No wonder the Donquixote family set such a high reward.”

The middle-aged man with a hooked nose and sinister aura spoke in a hoarse voice.

“Donquixote? Was it Doflamingo who sent you?” Rhodes slightly furrowed his brows.

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The retaliation from Donquixote had come so quickly, it had only been three days!

“It doesn’t matter if I tell you or not.”

The assassin sneered, “Two hours ago, the Donquixote family issued a hit on you in the underground world, with a reward of one billion Belly for your head.”

“I just happen to be in Saboady, that’s why I was the first to move, but there will be a steady stream of assassins to come, even including a top-notch assassin, known as the “Night Blade,” who has accepted the mission. He had once assassinated a Major General of the Marine Headquarters.

“Unless you kill them all, they will never give up.”

“One billion Belly?”

Rhodes gave a slight pause.

Doflamingo really held him in high regard, releasing a one billion bounty for his head.

This price is almost equivalent to the bounty of one of the Four Emperors or one of the three Disasters.

No wonder the assassin clearly felt the gap in strength, yet still dared to try.

While Rhodes was thinking, the assassin suddenly pulled out a huge black short gun from behind.


This gunshot was like a bomb exploding.

The assassin’s weapon was obviously specially modified, with tremendous power, and could be called black technology. He was confident that this shot could take down a Marines’ captain.

Even if Rhodes was powerful, he would inevitably be seriously injured.

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