Chapter 95 Surprising Encounter

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The island of Monsters and Roast Meat, a towering structure perched near the port.

This was one of Baroque Works’ offices.

“Did this man began training from birth? He’s only two years older than me, yet he’s already leaving a mark on the seas and causing a stir in the entire underworld.”

As Princess Vivi gazed upon that charming face on the wanted poster, her mind couldn’t help but wander.

If she possessed such power, the plight of Alabasta would be easily solved without the need for undercover work, a tedious and uncertain endeavor.

“If only I could ask for his help…”

It was an unavoidable thought that crossed her mind, but Vivi quickly shook her head. Even if she could convince Rhodes to aid her, making contact with him would be a monumental task.

The sea is vast and the odds of crossing paths with the person one desires are slim.


With a soft sigh, Vivi placed the wanted poster down and turned her gaze towards the nearby port.

And then it happened.

A gasp escaped her lips as she quickly grabbed the binoculars, her eyes scanning the scene with eagerness. And what she saw left her in shock.

“That man, he actually chose to dock here for supplies?”

“Indeed, this island is remote enough that many are unaware of its existence.”

Happiness had come unexpectedly and Vivi could hardly comprehend her current emotions.

But as quickly as it came, her excitement dissipated.

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She was but a powerless and insignificant princess, why would anyone offer their aid?

Reality is not a fairy tale, and simply revealing her princess identity will not guarantee that others will willingly and selflessly help her without any expectations of reward.

“I’ll give it a try.”

Vivi clenched her fist, her determination unwavering.

For the sake of her country, she was willing to give it all.

At the port.

“There’s no assassin around.”

Rhodes said calmly to Gates and the others.

The hostility of a typical assassin is almost impossible to detect through sight, smell, and touch, and even if they are well hidden, their malice can still be sensed by Rhodes and thus be discovered.

Unless they are of the highest caliber, like that guy Koala mentioned, it is possible for him to completely conceal his hostility in front of Rhodes.

Hearing this, Gates and the others let out a sigh of relief.

“We can finally relax.”

“I’m going to take a hot shower and let off some steam.”

“I want to buy some things to take back to the West Sea and try the local roast meat.”

The sailors excitedly whispered among themselves and, with Gates’ permission, they left in groups.

Gates went to the town center to purchase fresh water, food, and other necessary supplies, while also procuring a batch of high-quality furs.

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“Rhodes big brother, come quickly, I know where to find the most famous barbecue place here!”

Snowy walked ahead, her pure white dress fluttering with her light steps, creating a dazzling and beautiful sight.

Rhodes sauntered behind, taking in his surroundings with a carefree attitude.

This island was certainly different from the ones he had visited before.

Fewer people came and went, but each one exuded a formidable presence, with towering builds and a menacing aura. It was clear that they were not weak in strength.

Just then, a clear and melodic voice, light and graceful, echoed from beside him.

“Sir, is this your first time here? Do you need a tour guide?”

“I charge only two thousand belly.”

The voice was familiar, Rhodes followed it with curiosity, and was momentarily taken aback.

The person he saw was a very familiar figure.

With aquamarine hair cascading down her waist, a delicate appearance, and ordinary clothes that couldn’t conceal the noble air that seemed to originate from her very bloodline.

Princess Vivi of the ancient kingdom of Alabasta!

Rhodes never would have thought that he would chance upon her here.

But thinking about it, it made sense. This place was close to Alabasta, and it was normal for Baroque Works to have operatives stationed here.

“Sir? Do you need a tour guide?”

Vivi didn’t assume that Rhodes would be surprised by her appearance, but she gently reminded him with a warm tone.

Rhodes heard the words and snapped back to attention, his gaze fixed upon the desert princess posing as a tour guide. He had no intention of playing games with her, instead opting for a straightforward approach:

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“Princess Vivi, please come over here, I have something important to discuss with you.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, the delicate smile on Vivi’s face froze in place.

What on earth was happening?!

She knew that her first time as a tour guide would have its shortcomings, but she never expected him to recognize her as a princess!

Could it be that this man possessed the ability to read minds?

Vivi couldn’t help but gape in shock, her eyes wide and her mind filled with question marks.

This is not right.

“This is not a place for idle chatter, come with me.”

Rhodes’ tone was calm, yet there was an undeniable air of authority that made Vivi unconsciously follow him.

As they walked, Vivi slowly regained her composure. She gritted her teeth and attempted to clear her thoughts in a trial to uncover Rhodes’ intentions, but her mind was in a state of chaos, and she couldn’t even remember her own name.

It was Rhodes’ sudden revelation of her princess identity that left her in such a state of shock.

As the princess of Alabasta, Vivi rarely appeared in public, save for the world conference, which was also the reason why she was able to infiltrate the Baroque Works unnoticed.

But she never imagined that this young man, who she had never met before and was only two years older, would know her true identity!

Just as Vivi was lost in her thoughts, the two arrived at a secluded courtyard.

This was a courtyard for a barbecue shop, a space resembling a private room. Snowy stood at the entrance, beckoning to Rhodes with a wave.

Rhodes and his companions walked over.

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Snowy couldn’t help but inquire, “Rhodes brother, who is this woman?”

“Vivi, a friend of mine,” Rhodes replied.

“Hello,” Vivi managed a forced smile.

Normally, the sight of such an adorable girl would bring her joy, but at this moment, her mind was elsewhere.

The three entered the courtyard.

Little Snowy, ever the sharp one, picked up on the peculiar atmosphere between Rhodes and the young girl, and promptly offered to order the roasted meat.

With her departure, the scene grew quiet.

Vivi clenched her small fists tightly, her fingers turning white from the force. She was clearly nervous.

“Don’t be so nervous, I bear no ill will,” Rhodes reassured her with a smile.

Princess Vivi was an integral part of his plans.

To bring down Crocodile and claim a seat among the Seven Warlords, it was necessary to reveal to the World Government or the Marines the truth of his treacherous intentions.

And these pieces of evidence, personally testified by the royal family of Alabasta, are undoubtedly the most convincing.

Princess Vivi is the perfect candidate.

As Rhodes spoke, Vivi’s emotions slowly settled and a look of disbelief and a hint of shyness appeared in her eyes.

Even though Rhodes clearly stated his own interests, in the eyes of a 15-year-old girl, it appeared as something else.

Journeying thousands of miles, specifically to rescue Alabasta in danger, facing powerful and evil enemies, this is truly a heroic tale of epic proportions.

Vivi’s face flushed, as she looked at Rhodes, she couldn’t help but show a hint of admiration.

Could she be the princess of this hero’s epic legend?

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