Chapter 96 The Dragon Egg Heist

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As the port and jungle met, two figures could be seen sprinting towards the port with great haste.

“Dur, big brother, we’ve hit the jackpot this time. This is a dragon egg, and if we put it up for auction in Saboady, it’ll fetch us a fortune!” said the young man, who was carrying a large bundle, in a hushed tone, excitement brimming in his voice.

“Keep it down, Peppa, we’re not out of the woods yet. Let’s get on the ship first and talk later,” Dur replied, his expression serious.

“Got it, got it,” Peppa replied with a sly grin on his face. A glint of malice flickered in his eyes as he proposed, “Why don’t we take advantage of the situation and take out a few pirate ships? Let them deal with the dragon while we wait. When the Black Dragon leaves port, we can come back and loot the battlefield for more gains.”

Dur was taken aback, looking at Peppa in disbelief. Such ruthlessness.

But he couldn’t deny the allure of the plan.

After all, they were all pirates, and attacking each other and scheming against one another were par for the course.

“If we don’t do this, we’ll regret it. If the Black Dragon causes too much damage, we’ll conquer this port completely and capture everyone as slaves,” Dur said, determination etched on his face.

“With such an accomplishment, our bounties will increase by a level, and we’ll be able to recruit more men in Saboady. Then we can set off to conquer the New World and become Pirate Kings!”

Peppa was in awe, “Big brother, you’re truly impressive.”

At that moment, it seemed as though a bright future was within their grasp.


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But just as they were reveling in their newfound prospects, a deafening roar echoed from the distance, sending shockwaves throughout the port and startling everyone.

People rushed to see what the commotion was about, while Dur and Peppa hastened their steps towards the sea, their expressions a mixture of fear and confusion.

In the shadows, a figure in black clothes watched as the two men fled. A faint smile crossed their lips as they looked towards Rhodes’ direction and whispered in a melancholic tone, “Slay the dragon, for when you do, it will mark your time of death.”

“Only by falling at the pinnacle of glory can one be worthy of a billion belly bounty.”

In the barbecue courtyard.

After reaching a consensus with Vivi, Rhodes came to the grill and stared hungrily at the golden, tender, and unknown animal roasting on it.

A unique aroma wafted in the air, stirring one’s innate desire for food.


Rhodes couldn’t help but swallow his saliva, his eyes bulging with hunger.

Vivi couldn’t help but drool either.

As a princess of the kingdom, she had often eaten barbecue from this place.

But it was clear that even with the same ingredients, the taste varied greatly in the hands of different cooks!

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Despite the lack of any elaborate techniques, the Snowy seemed to have a way of bringing out the full flavor of the food.

Just as the meal was about to be ready, a fierce and majestic dragon roar echoed through the air. The sound, emanating from the top of the food chain, startled Snowy causing her to jolt and almost drop the meat in the pot.

“Hmm? You stay here,” Rhodes said, annoyance creeping into his voice, before leaping onto the roof to survey the distance.

In the distance, a massive black dragon could be seen hurtling towards them. Its body was about 20 meters long, resembling a giant fighter jet. Its scales glistened with a cold metallic shine, its two dragon horns reached towards the sky, and its claws shone with a dangerous light.

Its sharp, red eyes stared down at the human port below.

This was unmistakably a Western dragon.

With a flap of its wings, it created a gust of wind that knocked over the humans in the port.

Rhodes could clearly see the highly human-like intelligence shining in the dragon’s eyes. Like the super-large sea kings, this black dragon also possessed human-like wisdom.

Without warning, the dragon’s gaze locked onto a specific direction and it prepared to swoop in for an attack.

But as it turns out, there are always humans who overestimate their abilities.

As the Black Dragon emerged, many people’s thoughts were consumed by one word: “Kill!”

The sound of gunfire echoed through the air as countless cannons were aimed skyward. These portable cannons, similar in appearance to RPGs, were incredibly powerful and could blast houses to pieces. But when aimed at the Black Dragon, they only made it stumble and left no mark on its scales.

“This is a death wish,” Rhodes murmured as he watched the Black Dragon charge down the port, its powerful dragon body a deadly weapon as it smashed through everything in its path like a bulldozer.

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Houses, buildings, and even the warriors who sought to kill the dragon were all instantly decimated.

“It doesn’t seem too strong, its breath seems a bit weak,” Rhodes observed, but he was in no rush to act.

Western dragons are still dragons, and in any world, they represent ultimate power and majesty, not to be underestimated.

Suddenly, Rhodes’ gaze became focused and his eyes changed color as he picked up a peculiar scent similar to the Black Dragon from a distance.

He then saw two figures emerging from a nearby alley. One of them was carrying a bundle, which was the source of the scent.

“A young dragon or a dragon egg?”

“It’s definitely a dragon egg,” Rhodes deduced swiftly.

A dragon egg, if it hatches and is nurtured properly, would make for an incredible battle companion, becoming a legendary dragon knight is the epitome of coolness.


He had no idea what it would taste like.

Rhodes stroked his chin, he had consumed eggs from chickens, ducks, geese, and ostriches, but never a dragon egg.

“Hmm, I have to give it a try.”

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In a blink of an eye, a streak of light zipped past.

Peppa, who was running, suddenly felt a tap on his back, and the bundle carrying the dragon egg flew out of his grasp.

“Who is it?!”

Peppa halted abruptly and looked behind him.

He saw a young man in white, who was examining the dragon egg in his hand, about half a meter in size, occasionally patting his lips as if contemplating how to relish it.

“Dammit! That’s my egg!” Peppa bellowed in fury as he stormed forward, his large sword raised high, creating a deafening whistle as he swung it with all his might.

Stealing a dragon egg from a dragon’s nest required not only luck but also a well-laid plan, but it was clear that these two men were not your average individuals in terms of strength.

Seeing Peppa’s actions, Dur had no choice but to draw his own sword and join the battle.

They were just two teenagers, how strong could they possibly be?

“Ants,” Rhodes sneered, as he nonchalantly waved his hand, summoning two silver snakes made of lightning force to surge forward.

Dur and Peppa didn’t even have a chance to react before they were bisected by the snakes.

Electricity crackled and sparks flew, thunder roared as they fell to the ground, their bodies exuding the smell of burning flesh.

These enemies were not even worthy of Rhodes unsheathing his sword.

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