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"My Name is Zhang Fei,Zhang Yide! from Zhuo province! Hahaha!" Said Zhang Fei while drinking his ale and eating his fish soup like drinking an ale

"Zhang Fei,Zhang Yide?!" Yell Lie Fan

'Zhang Fei?! I'm in a great fortune if I can tame his rather overbearing attitude like Liu Bei did' thought Lie Fan

"What! you must be have heard my great name right Hahaha!" Said Zhang Fei with a very loud laugh

"Ah no I never heard your name,it's just your name sound very overbearing like an tiger!"

Said Lie Fan

"Enough of this talking! why don't we hurry up finish our meal and go to the young lord!" Said Zhang Fei while drink his ale and eat his fish soup very fast

"Ah yes of course, Mi Zhu Cheng Yu hurry now." Said Lie Fan

After eating their meal in just 5 minutes because of Zhang Fei,the four of them leave the tavern to go toward the City administrator mansion.

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While walking Lie Fan,Mi Zhu,and Cheng yu were walking in front of Zhang Fei who were seeing Huai An sceneries and have a discussion

"What do you think of him Mi Zhu and Cheng Yu?" Ask Lie Fan toward the two of them as another test

"Well he look's like a man of his word and great and martial arts to but a bit to overbearing." Said Mi Zhu giving his opinion

"As for me I think he is a simple minded man,overbearing,and have a big temper." Said Cheng Yu

"Hmm." Said Lie Fan then continue walking in front while not giving his reply to Mi Zhu and Cheng Yu

After a silent walk for 10 minutes,they finally arrived in front of the mansion

"Ah youn-" said the guard who were guardong the front gate before Lie Fan put his hand up to not letting him continue his salute

"please tell the young lord that Jiyu and his newly recruited retainers arrived to meet him." Said Lie Fan

the guard hearing that were confused but still do the order that Lie Fan give him,after waiting for 5 minutes the guard come outside again and tell him that the young lord were waiting in his mansion.

Hearing that Lie Fan and the other go to his arrived in front of Lie Fan mansion.Lie Fan said to the others that he will enter first then he will call the three of them.after entering Lie Fan sit in his host chair then call the three of them to enter.

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Hearing that Mi Zhu, Cheng Yu, and Zhang Fei enter the mansion,when they see Lie Fan sitting in the host chair Mi Zhu and Cheng Yu who know Lie Fan identity hurried kneel while Zhang Fei was confused

"Jiyu why are you sitting there and where's the young lord?!" Shout Zhang Fei to Lie Fan

"Sir Zhang Fei! he is not Jiyu,he is the young lord Lie Fan!" Said Mi Zhu who see Zhang Fei yell to Lie Fan making him scared to death

"What?! does that mean Jiyu and the young lord is twin brothers?!" Shout Zhang Fei

"No! the young lord just using a fake name to test your ral character when we were in the tavern so hurry kneel!" Said Cheng Yu

"Ah! Zhang Fei greets the young lord!" Said Zhang Fei when he heard what Cheng Yu has said and hurried kneel in front of Lie Fan

"Hahaha!" seeing that Lie Fan were laughing so hard making the others confused

"Zhang Fei Zhang Yide! I see that you're an honest man but to overbearing." Said Lie Fan making Zhang Fei sweating when he heard that.

"Please Forgive this humble man young lord,I just want to prove myself to you that I'm a very great martial artist!" Said Zhang Fei

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"It's fine I forgive you this time but remember you have to stop being to overbearing or you will not be forgiven next time." Said l

Lie Fan

"Yes young lord! wait does this mean I'm accepted to join you?!" Ask Zhang Fei

"Hahaha of course with man like you my days will not be to boring." Said Lie Fan

"All right!! Thank you My Lord you will not regret recruiting the great Zhang Fei!" Said Zhang Fei with a salute

"What about the two of us young lord? you will not go bavk to your word after saying that the two of us were newly recruited retainers in the tavern right?" Suddenly Ask Cheng Yu to Lie Fan

'This old fox know I'm still gonna test the two of them! oh well,accepting them is giving me more benefit than harm' thought Lie Fan,little did he know that in the future he will slightly regret not giving more test for Cheng Yu.

"Of course I will recruit the two of you!" Said Lie Fan

"Thank You My Lord!" Said Mi Zhu and Cheng Yu together with a salute


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[Congratulations Host for completing one of the chain quest]

[your reward will be given after the other quest have been completed]

Hearing that Lie Fan who were at first happy thinking that system will give him a reward,become angry that the system was giving a false hope.

"The three of you are dismissed,I have an appointment to do." Said Lie Fan

"Yes My Lord!" Said the three of them while giving a salute then walk out from the mansion

"Host you still have an reward package not opened." Said Sun Tzu out of nowhere making Lie Fan surprised

"You scared me Sun Tzu! where is the reward from?" Said Lie Fan

"From your completed quest making Diao Chan love you." said Sun Tzu

"Ah that one! let's see the reward shall we." Said Lie Fan while opening his system window

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