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[For completing your quest of making diao chan fall in love with the host host received following reward]

[Received title Charmer and Luck Token]


persuasion and charm attempt permanently boosted by 20% on same and opposite gender]

•Luck Token

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Whoever hold this token with host permission his/her luck will be boosted by 15%]

"Hmm the reward is not bad but not that good to." Said Lie Fan

"Tzu,the luck token can be used by me to right" Ask Lie Fan

"Yes host." Said Sun Tzu

"Good,but I think I keep it first." Said Lie Fan

After receiving the reward,Lie Fan continue supervising the recruitment for 10 days.Lie Fan was disappointed because he only received 5 talent that are worthy to be recruited and all of them are rank C and D talent.3 are talented at martial arts and the other 2 are talented at administration.

This talented personel was assigned to their respective profession,the administrators will be assigned a post at Huai An to help Lie Fan with consolidating his political power in Huai An,as for the martial artist 2 will be assigned at the military and 1 will be assigned to help Chao Bo train the new soldier and the Hépíng.

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After assigning the newly recruited personel,Lie Fan called for Mi Zhu,Zhang Fei,and Cheng Yu for giving them their order.

"I called all of you here to assign your job,but first I want to ask the three that did you bring your family to when you want to join the recruitment?" Ask Lie Fan

"I'm bringing my brother and little sister My Lord." Said Mi Zhu

"I don't bring my family" Said Cheng Yu

"I don't bring them to My Lord." Said Zhang Fei

"Okay for Mi Zhu I will accommodate your family a house and servants to take care of the house and your family." Said Lie Fan

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"Know let's talk what are your task,for Mi Zhu I want you to go to Xiapi and help my first advisor Chao Bai in building a merchant guild to take over Xiapi in secret,then after going back from Xiapi help my father supervise our trade with the Yamatai and our trademark." Said Lie Fan

"Yes My Lord." reply Mi Zhu

"For Cheng Yu,you will become my representative in Huai An administration and help me solidifying my influence so that I can do something more free and not wait for approval from the administrator,then you will ensure our relationship with the Yamatai and other city around Huai An." Said Lie Fan

"Understood" reply Cheng Yu

"Zhang Fei you will be with me to study basic strategy in leading an army and handling your temper." Said Lie Fan

"I can understand about handling my temper,but I understand about military strategy My Lord!" Reply Zhang Fei

"You understand military strategy? then tell me the strategy that you know." Ask Lie Fan

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"Just charge all of them until there's no more enemy!" Reply Zhang Fei

"Just charge to them?! then if the enemy have an ambush from other side or the enemy have superior number and more skilled soldiers how will just charge to them will make us win?!" Yell Lie Fan toward Zhang Fei at how simple is his strategy

"I-I'm sorry My Lord." Said Zhang Fei

"It's okay but you will have to learn the basic strategy first." Said Lie Fan

After that everyone is dispersed and do the task that has been given to them,Lie Fan was suprevising Zhang Fei as he is studying basic strategy and controlling his temper.

While supervising Zhang Fei,Lie Fan to ask the farmers how the salt production goes and the builders how the ship and ballista progress.

The farmers said that the salt production is going well and at the end of the month they can harvest 1000 Kg of salt,as for the builders said that they have begin assembling the prototype and will be ready in 2 weeks.Seeing that everything is going well Lie Fan decided to head out to Xiapi with Mi Zhu and bring 200 soldiers with him.

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