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"Mi Zhu,I'm going to follow you to Xiapi do wait for me tomorrow at front of the city gate." Said Lie Fan

"Ah yes My Lord." Said Mi Zhu

"Servant please call Chao Bo for me." Said Lie Fan

Waiting for Chao Bo to come,Lie Fan tell Mi Zhu to go and hurry prepare the necessary items for the journey toward Xiapi.After waiting for 10 minutes,Chao Bo came and kneel in front of Lie Fan.

"My Lord!" Said Chao Bo

"You may rise Chao Bo.the reason I'm called you here is to tell you prepare 200 elite soldiers fully equipped to come with me and Mi Zhu toward Xiapi." Said Lie Fan

"Yes My Lord it will be done,do you need any carriages to My lord?" Reply Chao Bo

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"No, but just in case prepare 3 for me." Said Lie Fan

"Okay My lord." Said Chao Bo prepare to leave and execute the order when Lie Fan called him

"By the way Chao Bo,what are the progress of the 2500 troops that I want to be recruited?" Ask Lie Fan

"It have a good progress My lord,we have managed to recruit 2000 man,lacking 500 man for the elites." Reply Chao Bo

"Great,keep up the good work.You may leave now." Said Lie Fan

seeing that he were allowed to leave,Chao Bo give a salute at Lie Fan and then hurry leave to prepare the soldiers and carriages.

The Next Day

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Lie Fan were preparing himself to meet with Mi Zhu at the city gate when Cheng Yu came to give something to him.

"My lord it's me Cheng Yu,I have something to give toward you." Said Cheng Yu

"What do you want to give me." Said Lie Fan to Cheng Yu

"This is a letter from Luoyang My lord,written for you from a lady named Diao Chan." Said Cheng Yu

"A letter from Diao Chan?! give it to me." Yell Lie Fan while taking the letter that Cheng Yu hold in his hand

"You may go now." Said Lue Fan toward Cheng Yu while sitting down in his chair to read the letter.

"Yes My lord." Said Cheng Yu while giving a salute then leave the room

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Seeing that Cheng Yu is gone,Lie Fan hurriedly open the letter

To:Brother Lie Fan

It's me Diao Chan brother Fan,I was writting this letter to let you know that the Imperial Court now is in chaos thanks to a group of eunuchs controlling the court with influencing the higher ranking officials.I were sending this to warn you not to come to Luoyang this year,wait until I send another letter when I know from My foster father when the eunuchs manage to be extinguished.that's all I have to say to you Brother Fan,I hope you were stayinh healthy in Huai An.

P.S:I miss you so much!


Diao Chan

After reading the letter,Lie Fan was relieved that the history is still the same and excited seeing that Diao Chan missed him.He knows that even though he were approached Diao Chan was to complete a quest,but now every single night he is dreaming about Diao Chan and him in Luoyang making him miss her so much.

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After putting the letter at his pocket,Lie Fan wrute back to Diao Chan telling him how much he is missed her to and thank her for the information and told her to be careful and don't go outside if its it's not urgent.finished writing,Lie Fan give the letter to a maid and told her to give this letter to Cheng Yu and tell him to send it as fast as possible.

After that Lie Fan take his Inspector badge and the things he want to bring to Xiapi then leave his room to meet Mi Zhu at the city gate.

20 minutes later,Lie Fan arrived at the city gate and daw the 200 soldiers were putting grains,golds,and other things at the 3 carriages that he tell Chao Bo to prepare.

"What are all of you doing?" Ask Lie Fan to a nearby soldier whi were taking a rest from lifting up grains,gold,and other things.

"Ah M-My lord! we were under lord Mi Zhu order to put this things at the carriage.

"Under Mi Zhu order? well you can continue your work." Said Lie Fan

"Yes!" Said Mi Zhu

after talking to that soldier,Lie Fan walk toward Mi Zhu to talk to him.

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