After heard what Lie Fan just said,everybody in the hall except Lie Fan,Mi Zhu,and Chao Bai leave the hall.

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"Now then,I leave the two of you to discuss how to proceed our next plan." SaidnLie Fan while leaving Mi Zhu and Chao Bai

"Yes My lord!" Said The two of them

,Lie Fan who were leaving the hall suddenly heard a familiar sound


[Congratulations Host for completing another one of the Chain Quest]

'Hmm? what other quest is already done?' Thought Lie Fan while checking the quest

[The Quest:

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1.Train 2000 more troops and 500 elite troops for your hegemony(Completed)

2.Take control of Xiapi through economy

3.Recuit at least 3 talent at any kind of profession(Martial arts,strategy,and administration)(Completed)]

'So the one completed is the troop quest,then the last one is taking control of Xiapi' Thought Lie Fan happily

After checking the quest,Lie Fan quickly returned back to his room and write two letter,one to Chao Bo to recruit another 500 man but trained them to be skilled at assasination,spy,speech,and many more to become their elite spy networks and the other one to Mio to ask her if that The Yamatai have a skilled spy who skilled at almost everything to help Chao Bo train the 500 man,if she agree to help him he will give 200.000 rations to her.After writing this letter,he called for the messenger that followed them from Huai An to send the two letter to General Chao Bo on Huai An,hearing that the messenger hurry give his salute and leave Lie Fan room to go toward the stable to ride his horse.

'I Hope Mio agree to help us' thought Lie Fan.

While he was waiting for the reply from Chao Bo and Mio,Lie Fan was helping Mi Zhu and Chao Bai with expanding the Merchant Guild and influence minor official and servants at Xiapi with his title of the Inspector.for three weeks Lie Fan was helping Mi Zhu and Chao Bai when suddenly a soldier came from outside and yelling about something.

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"Hey breathe first then tell us whats going on." Said Chao Bai

"M-My lord,the Grand Administrator of Xiapi is heading here." Said the soldier

"What?!" Mi Zhu and Chao Bai who heard that was shocked while Lie Fan isn't.

"Why is he coming here?" Ask Mi Zho to Chao Bai

"I don't-" Reply Chao Bai wjo were cutted of by Lie Fan

"It's fine you two,I was the one who invite him." Said Lie Fan

"What?! why My lord?" Ask Chao Bai

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"Because I have something that will make him agree to anything that I want." Said Lie Fan mysteriously

Mi Zhu and Chao Bai who heard what Lie Fan says were confused and excited at the same timw because if the grand administrator really will do anything that means they can just ask him to make Lie Fan the grand administrator.

"Now then lets meet The Grand Administrator at the guest hall." Said Lie Fan

"Servants,please lead The Grand Administrator to the guest hall when he arrived." Order Mi Zhu to the servants

"My lord if may I know,what secret that you know that can make The Grand administrator to give anything you want and how do you get the secret?" Ask Chao Bai

"Chao Bai,did you remember the servants and minor officials across all of Xiapi that we inflenced and persuaded to join our side?"

"Yes,of course I remember it My lord because everyone single one of them agree to join us." Reply Chao Bai

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"Some of them give me an information and evidence that The Grand Administrator was helping an rebel group in our province with giving them weapons,armors,horses,and rations while at the same time making the people at Xiapi suffering because of 'The Emperor' so that they will join this group of rebels." Said Lie Fan

"What?! that fat man is helping a rebellion!?" Yell Chao Bai

"shh,don't yell about it Chao Bai and yes he is helping a group of rebel called Yellow Turban." Said Lie Fan

"But how this minor offcials know about this?" Ask Chao Bai suspicious about the information

"Because this minor officials was used as the recruiter of the Yellow Turban with their family as compensation if they do not join them." Said Lie Fan

"Damn that fat man!" Said Chao Bai

"Okay than lets hurry to the guest hall." Said Lie Fan

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