After they arrived at the meeting hall, they begin to sit in the main host position where Lie Fan sit while Mi Zhu and Chao Bai respectively beside him.

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"The Grand Administrator Of Xiapi has arrived!" Shout a servant that is positioned on the front door of the guest hall, then entered a fat man with a group of 10 soldiers and 2 man who looks like his advisor

"Hahaha, Lord Yu Fan you have arrived!" Said Lie Fan while giving a fake smile with a salute

"Of Course I have to come right, it's Inspector Lie Fan who was respected deeply by The Emperor the one inviting me." Said Yu Fan

"Come have a seat, Lord Yu Fan, servant please bring our best tea for Lord Yu Fan and his retainers." Said Lie Fan

"So Inspector, what are businesses that you want to discuss that make you invite me?" Ask Yu Fan

"Ah yes how can I forgot about that, the thing is I don't know how to say it to you, Lord Yu Fan." Said Lie Fan

"Hahaha! what is that you want to say it's okay just to say it."Said Yu Fan while drinking the tea that already served by the servant

"The thing that I want to say is, I heard that Lors Yu Fan is helping a group of rebel?" Said Lie Fan

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"What?! who dare to spread a stupid rumour about me!" Said Yu Fan when he heard what Lie Fan says

"Calm down Lord Yu Fan, I heard it from the officials who said that they were the recruiter for you." Said Lie Fan

"Tell me the name of these officials Inspector Lie Fan." Said Yu Fan

"Humph! do you really think that I will just say their name without receiving any benefits?!" Said Lie Fan with a smug smile

"But its just a rumour!" Said Yi Fan

"A rumour or not what will the Imperial Court do when they heard about this rumour?" Ask Lie Fan

"You dare?!"Yell Yu Fan while he points his finger at Lie Fan

"Of course I dare to do that! without you in the city, I will be the one who has the biggest authority in Xiapi." Said Lie Fan

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"You?! guards detain him for me!" Shout Yu Fan

But before the 10 guards that Yu Fan bring want to detain Lie Fan, they suddenly felt their head were dizzy then they began to fall to the floor one by one.

"Hmm?! hey what going on?!" Said Yu Fan when he sees his guard falling one by one

"Hahaha! do you really think I will not plan everything before inviting you?" Said Lie Fan with a laugh

"Guards!" Said Chao Bai then suddenly enter numerous guards to the guest hall

"You?! Don't be stupid Lie Fan!" Said Yu Fan while his fat body were shivering

"I just want you to accept some things then you are good to go and The Court will never hear this so-called rumour." Said Lie Fan

"I-I agree!" Said Yu Fan

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"Great! what I want is to stop backing a certain merchant guild, give my merchant guild as many power as you can,3. never meddle in our things and don't acknowledge any other merchant guilds that report something about us." Said Lie Fan

"Will be done!" Said Yu Fan

"Good, you may leave now." Said Lie Fan while drinking his tea

Hearing that Yu Fan and his two advisors leave the guest hall leaving His 10 guards.

After this incident, Lie Fan merchant guild in just one month become the largest and most powerful merchant guild in Xiapi. His merchant guild is feared by the Grand administrator but loved by the people because of their honest and cheap price they offer.

When Lie Fan was helping Mi Zhu with placing documents inside a cabinet, suddenly Lie Fan heard a sound.


[Congratulations Host for completing all the chain quest.]

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[1.Train 2000 more troops and 500 elite troops for your hegemony(Completed)

2. Take control of Xiapi through the economy (Completed)

3. Recuit at least 3 talent at any kind of profession(Martial arts, strategy, and administration)(Completed)]

[Your reward has been sent to your Inventory]

"Hahaha! finally, it's done!" Yell Lie Fan

"What is done, My lord?" Ask Mi Zhu

"ah nothing, it's just I predict the soldiers that we trained back in Huai An has already done." Said Lie Fan giving stupid excuses

"Hmmm okay then." Said Mi Zhu continue his work

'Let's see the reward shall we'Thought Lie Fan while opening his Inventory

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