[Do you want to open the reward package?]

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"Yes." Said Lie Fan


[Host has just opened the package as a reward from your quest, you received following Item and benefit:


The legendary sword used by Japanese God Susanoo to kill the legendary Yamato No Orochi

Price:1.000.000 SP

•Sword Mastery (Max)

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•Skill: Lightning Strike

making your sword move so fast like a lightning and can cut any kind of steel with the spot and speed that need to be made.

Price:750.000 SP

•The restriction for the EXP Pill will be released and host can use it as many as you want with restriction 10 per day.

•1.000.000 Tael and 750.000 Rations

•500.000 SP]

[Congratulations once again Host for completing your first chain quest]

"Wow look at the rewards that I got!" Said Lie Fan

"Now that I can use 10 pills every one day, I will continue my cultivation after going back to Huai An" Said Lie Fan

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After that, Lie Fan continue helping Mi Zhu for another week then prepared to go back to Huai An with Chao Bai and Ying Yue.

"Brother Lie Fan, is it okay that we left Brother Mi Zhu in Xiapi alone?" Ask Ying Yue when they were walking toward Mi Zhu office to tell him that they ready to go back to Huai An and will leave tomorrow morning.

"It's okay just believe him." Said Lie Fan with confidence because he knows that both in History and Fiction, Mi Zhu was a successful merchant with his own skill and never go beyond his moral code.

"Yup Ying Yue, just like My lord said just believe in him." Said Chao Bai to

"Well okay, I believe in him." Said Ying Yue

After that, they arrived at Mi Zhu office and enter the room.

"Mi Zhu, It's me Lie Fan." Said Lie Fan

"Ah! My lord comes have to sat." Said Mi Zhu who was surprised seeing Lie Fan with Chao Bai and Ying Yue entering his office.

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"Is there something that you want me to do My lord?" Ask Mi Zhu to Lie Fan after all of them take a seat

"No, I just want to say goodbye to you, Mi Zhu, because tomorrow morning I and this two will go back to Huai An." Said Lie Fan

"So then all of you will go back?" Ask Mi Zhu

"Yes, but don't worry I will send Ying Yue back after letting her meet her parents at Huai An because they were nagged all the time when they meet me about how they miss her so much." Said Lie Fan

"Then how about brother Chao Bai? Will he be coming back to?" Ask Mi Zhu

"No, because I have a special assignment for him." Reply Lie Fan

"Well, then I hope you have a safe journey back home My lord." Said Mi Zhu with a salute

"Brother Mi Zhu, will you not see us going tomorrow?" Ask Ying Yue

"W-Well I have a job to do y-you see." Said Mi Zhu stuttered

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"Ah yes how can I forgot about that." Said Ying Yue

"Well, then I have a document that needs to be given to the accountants immediately, excuse me." Said, Mi Zhu, while picking a document from the table then leave his office.

After Mi Zhu left his office, Lie Fan and the others decide to leave the room to prepare the things they have to bring back to Huai An.

The Next Day

"Ying Yue hurry up or we will leave you." Said Lie Fan to Ying Yue

"Wait just for a minute! this thing is heavy you know." Said, Ying Yue, while bringing her bag full of items that she wants to bring back to Huai An

"Huh... Why do you always bring unnecessary items." Said Chao Bai when he sees Ying Yue

"So what?! it's for my mom and dad." Said Ying Yue

After a little quarrel between Chao Bai and Ying Yue, Lie Fan and the two of them begin to head out from Xiapi with 150 soldiers that Lie Fan bring, with the other 50 soldiers stationed in Xiapi to protect Mi Zhu and train the guards from the Merchant Guild.

With a ride on their horses, Lie Fan and his group begin ride toward Huai An

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