After 17 days ride on their horses, Lie Fan and his group finally arrived at Huai An. Then Lie Fan order his 150 soldiers to go back to their family 5 to have a vacation of one week as a reward for protecting him. Hearing what Lie Fan said, the soldiers were so happy that all of them began to cheers and laughs together not caring that they were in front of the young lord.

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After that Lie Fan, Ying Yue, and Chao Bai ride toward the administrator mansion. when they arrived they were welcomed by Lie Fan mother, Yu Yan.

After having lunch with Lie Fan and his mom, Chao Bai and Ying Yue said their goodbye to Lie Fan and his mom to go home.

"Fan'er when are you going to have a wife?" Said Yu Yan

"*Spurt* Why do *Cough* you suddenly ask that?!" Said Lie Fan who was choked by his tea

"You're 16 this year, it's a marriageable age for us noble and your mom want to hold and take care a grandchild while I still can do it." Said Yu Yan to his son while imagining holding a baby in her arm

"Mom!" yell Lie Fan when he heard that

"Now then go take a bath you stink." Said Yu Yan

"Fine." Said Lie Fan

After that, Lie Fan take a bath just like his mom told him to do then go back to his room to take a nap after the ride back from Xiapi.

"I Can't sleep." Said Lie Fan after trying to take a nap

'Hmm, if I can't take a nap because of what mom said.' Thought Lie Fan

'Marry? I'm not sure if I'm ready for it' thought Lie Fa

'Well, I'm just going to cultivate than think about this marriage thing.' Thought Lie Fan

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Lie Fan then sits in the Lotus position then begin to cultivate his AOW(Art Of War).

While cultivating for 10 hours from afternoon until midnight, Lie Fan manages to increase his cultivation by 5 levels, then he to consume 10 EXP pills levelling him up 12 times.

While cultivating, Lie Fan hear a knock from his door. Lie Fan then stops cultivating and open the door to see who we knock on his door in the middle of the night.

"My lord I'm sorry if I were disturbing you from your sleep." Said a Man when Lie Fan open the door

"Ah, Zhongde so it's you who knock and here I think who dare to come to my room in the middle of the night except my parents." Said Lie Fan

"I have something important to give to you My lord that's why I come to your room in the middle of the night." Said Cheng Yu

"Then it must be something important to make you give me in the middle of the night." Said Lie Fan

"Yes it was very important,here you go." Said Cheng Yu while give Lie Fan two letters

"Hmm? this letters is this important?" Ask Lie Fan

"Yes My lord and have a good sleep." Reply Cheng Yu then leave Lie Fan alone

After closing the door,Lie Fan open the letter that were stamped with a symbol that he have never seen before.This letter was from Mio who were Lie Fan ask to help him in training the 500 man that he want to make as information group,it says that she agree with Lie Fan proposal and she have some people who can train them the art of spy and assassin but they have to learn chinese first.

Seeing that Mio agree he was so happy that he accidentally broke a tea cup in his table.

As for the other letter,Lie Fan want to read it tomorrow after he done cultivating.So Lie Fan begin to cultivate again for another 10 hours making him level up 6 times and in the last hours he began consume 10 EXP pills again leveling him up 11 times.after cultivating,Lie Fan aware that it was already morning and he began to take a bath becaus of a long cultivation and leveling up 27 times making his body stinks.

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After taking a bath,Lie Fan take the other letter last night that he not read yet.


Name:Lie Fan

Age:15 years old(33 years old)


Current EXP:2.000

Next Level:75.000

Cultivation:Art Of War (level 43)->(54)

Skill:Apprentice Art Of Spear mastery:(boost spear piercing by 25%),Adept Spear Mastery:(boost spear handling by 50%),Pill Of Sight(New),Lightning Strike(New),Master Sword Mastery(New)





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ATR Points:100




(gives boost of 50% when comprehending the meaning behind martial art)


•Cultivation and Pills

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•Equipment(Weapon,Armour,and Mount)





-Spear of Chaos

-Vision Map

-1.510.000 Gold and 1.850.000 Kg rations

-10 Health pills,71 EXP pills

-1 Set of the Crouching Tiger Armor

-1 Mongolian Horse

-The Book of Knowledge


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