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•31 Days,24 hours,50 minutes later

"Host Please Wake Up!",yell Sun Tzu to Lie Fan the third time

"Huhh,Fine I'm waking up you don't have to be that angry will ya.",reply Lie Fan annoyed because Sun Tzu yelled to Him

"I yelled because the host don't want to wake up and that made me annoyed.",reply the system coldly to Lie Fan

"Okay,Okay sorry.its just the cultivation state it's very relaxing thing that I have ever feel for my body.",reply Lie Fan to Sun Tzu

"I better check my cultivation level and my attribute.",Thought Lie Fan


Name:?????(Lie Fan)

Age:????(18 years old)


Current EXP:0

Next Level:1000

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Cuktivation:Art Of War (level 3)






STR:5 —> 20

VIT:5 —> 20

AGI:7 —> 22

INT:12 —> 27

WIS:6 —> 21


ATR Points:0

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•Cultivation and Pills

•Equipment(Weapon,Armour,and Mount)





"Hell Yeah! My attribute,HP,and STP just got upgraded whole level!",yell Lie Fan excited when he see his status

"Host,5 minutes to your Birth.",Interrupt Sun Tzu telling Lie Fan his remaining time.

"What?!,5 minute! Well then I'm gonna use this time for preparing my soul and will!",Says Lie Fan

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•4 Minute,55 seconds later

"Prepare your self host,its going to begin in 5.....,4.....,3.....,2...,1.... Congratulation for your reincarnation Host!",Say's Sun Tzu to Lie Fan


"Uwah,Uwah!!",the sound of a baby cries heared in an house

"Congratulation My lord your child has just been born!",say's a man in his thirties with a scar on his face wearing an armor to a man in his thirties to wearing a black robe with golden pattern across his robe.

"Hahahaha!,finally I Lie Shang have a child!",Lie Shang said loudly with tears in the corner of his eyes with a warm smile

"My Lord,my Lady want to see you and congratulation the child is a healthy young boy.",said a woman in her twenties to Lie Shang with respect twinkled in her eyes

Lie Shang,The lady,and the man with scar enter the room.the room was relatively big with many decoration on the wall.when they enter the room they see a woman with her age between27-29 lying in the bed and holding a baby laid in a blanket with a warm smile and tear in the corner of her eyes

"Dear,are you okay?",said Lie Shang to his wife,Yu Yan

"I'm fine,look at our cute son.",said Yu Yan to Lie Shang.

"Hahaha!,our son going to be a great man in the future just like his father!",said Lie Shang with a loud laugh

"His name is going to be....."


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"Damn it,it feels weird being born again!", Thought Lie Fan.

"It's a normal thing host so just bear with it.",said Sun Tzu with a cold tone

"Hey,maybe you already experience this many times but for me this is a new experience you know!",yell Lie Fan annoyed at Sun Tzu because always tease or said something that make him mad.

When Lie Fan and Sun Tzu is bickering and said bad thing to each other they suddenly heard a loud laugh

"Hahaha!,our son going to be a great man in the future just like his father!",said Lie Shang with a loud laugh

"His name is going to be Lie Fan!",Said a man With a black robe gold pattern in his thirties.

'Damn that almost make me have an heart attack!',thought Lie Fan'This must be my father well he is handsome enough',Thought Lie Fan

"Okay Dear whatever the name you gave our son is I whole heartedly support it",say a woman in her twenties with a smile that look cunning

'Then this must be my mom',Thought Lie Fan,'wow she is very pretty and have a beautiful smile.",thought Lie Fan again.

After maybe a couple of hours Lie Fan was given to a woman in her twenties to and given a bath.after the bath Lie Fan is placed in a crib,then he was given a milk and put to sleep.

"Hey Tzu,what year is this and what city was I born into?",ask Lie Fan to Sun Tzu

"You were born at...."

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