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"You were born 17 Years before the yellow turban rebellion begin so the year was 167 AD (yellow turban rebellion began at 184 AD) and the city you were born at was Huai An at Xu province under the rule of Tao Qian,1.000 Li east of Xia Pi (1 Li = 0,5 KM).",Answer Sun Tzu to Lie Fan with his robotic sound.

"Huai An?,I never heard a city with the name Huai An at the novel?",ask Lie Fan to Sun Tzu

"Huai An is a port city with population of 150.000+ people live in there and it's One of the port city in Xu province beside Dong hai.",reply Sun Tzu

"Hmm,interesting well I dont care where I was born.By the way what is my father job??? He looks like a important person and my room is very big and have many decoration,even the decoration were jade and other things that look very expensive.",Say's Lie Fan to Sun Tzu while he was drinking his milk.

"Your Father was the Administrator of Huai An with title Senior Major that have a separate command of a 3.000 army.",reply Sun Tzu

"Damn!,my father was the administrator and even have his own force! It's great for my inheritance and maybe Huai An will be our first city toward hegemony Tzu!",Say's Lie Fan excited when he heard his father job and title.

"Well now I'm just gonna continue cultivate so I can train my body early.",say's Lie Fan with a determined voice.

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"Good Host,your hard work will pay off and if you manage to reach level 23 in 5 years you will receive another package with a special note.",Say's Sun Tzu to Lie Fan with a praise that suprised Lie Fan not caring about the package that Sun Tzu told.

"Tzu did you just praise me?!",yell Lie Fan suprised

"No,I'm just saying a logical word.",replies Sun Tzu cold

"Humph!,fine if you don't want to say it again.I just continue cultivating.",say's Lie Fan


5 Years Later...

"Hmm, the deadline is two more days and I'm still in a threshold from level 22 to 23!",Say's Lie Fan frustrated.

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"Be calm host or you will never breakthrough and stuck in level 22 for ever.",say's Sun Tzu calming Lie Fan.

"Huhh,well I'm gonna try again tomorrow.I just gonna play with with my friends!",say Lie Fan happily

Lie Fan leave his room and run to a yard where there was 2 boys and a girl that was playing tag.the 2 boys are a twin,one is very big and look menacing named Chao Bo and the other one was little skinny but look smart and wise were Chao Bai.the girl name was Ying Yue look very pretty even though her age still 5 years old,when she grown up many people in the mansion believe that se going to be a beauty that can topple countries.

"Hey Guys!!!!",yell Lie Fan to his friends.

"Hey Lie Fan!",yelled back his friends to Lie Fan.

"Chao Bo,Chao Bai,and Ying Yue lets play!",said Lie Fan.

"Sure,your tag in!",says Chao Bo while laughing mischiveously.

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"Hahaha!",laugh Chao Bai and Ying Yue.

"Okay C'mon,lets play.",reply Lie Fan

After playing for couple of hours,Lie Fan and his friends separated.Lie Fan ate lunch with his parents,Lie Shang and Yu Yan. Lie Shang was very proud of his son,because his son is a genius!,he can walk,talk,read and write at a very young age.His son to is a prodigy in martial arts.

After Lunch,Lie Fan go back to his room and continue cultivating for hours.after 8 hours of cultivating,finally Lie Fan breakthrough to level 23.

"Finally I have done it!!",Shout Lie Fan excited.


[Congratulation Host for completing the Quest,your package reward has been sent to your Inventory]

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"Hell yeah!,Inventory open!",Says Lie Fan then pushing the package to open it.

[You Have success opening your package reward,you got the following items]

[100 EXP pills] (1 EXP Pills=10.000 EXP) can only used 1 time per week or the effect will weaken.

[Receive The Book of Knowledge]

[500.000 Gold and 1.000.000 Kg Ration]

[10 Health Pill]

[Special Note]

"What is this special note?",Thought Lie Fan confused

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