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"What is this special note?",Thought Lie Fan confused.

"Open the special note Sun Tzu.",say's Lue Fan to Sun Tzu

"Okay Host.",reply Sun Tzu

[Sun Tzu requesting permission to open the special note]


"Yes."Say's Lie Fan giving permission for Sun Tzu to open the Note


[Congratulation Host for receiving Special Note from the past user of the system]

[Do you want to read it Host?]


'Special Note from the past user?yes please',Thought Lie Fan while pressing the yes button

"To whoever the system chose next host/user after me,

I'm writing this note to tell you that the status that provided by the system it's not entirely shown.there's a hidden point/status that been hidden accidently by the system.And you can learn more than 1 cultivation by reaching a certain point at your former cultivation while not losing the former.that's all i gotta say for you,I hope you manage to reach the dream that you hope

By,Your predecessor"

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'Hidden accidently by the system?,so that mean the system it's not on full power?,cool.',Thought Lie Fan while thinking what were hidden by the system

"Well, let's not think about first.Sun Tzu is it true that you can have another cultivation method without losing your former cultivation method when you reach a certain point at your cultivation?",ask Lie Fan to Sun Tzu

"Yes you can,but first you have to reach a certain point that the system that mean me agree.",reply Sun Tzu

"Hmm,okay then.let's see what other items that I got.",said Lie Fan while opening his inventory

'The Book of Knowledge?,what this?',thought Lie Fan while pressing the item.

•The Book of Knowledge

A book that been used by the famous Li Bai from the Tang dynasty where he kept everything that he learn in here.this book will help whoever have it that the owner can remember everything that they see,because it was written in the book by the book himself.the owner just need to say the event and the book will show the page that they want and the book have an infinity page.

"Damn that's one hell of an explanation,but it's worth reading it.this book is crazy OP,can write everything that I see? That was crazy and having infinite page make it more OP.",Say's Lie Fan while he checking the other items.

•EXP Pills

Pills that contain EXP,1 pill contain 10.000 EXP,only can be used 1 per week.

•Health Pills

Pills that contain recovery effect,1 pill can give the user recovery of 250 Health.

'Hmm,this pills is amazing!'thought Lie Fan.'let's buy it when we got time.'

"Hey Sun Tzu do you think with my body I can consume the EXP pills now?",ask Lie Fan to Sun Tzu with his eyes looks like a puppy when definitely not the same.

"Yes Host with your body now tempered with your cultivation you can and stop that disgusting look on your faces!",reply Sun Tzu with a yell full of disgust.

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"Great!,then let's use it right now.",say's Lie Fam while ignoring the tone full of disgust from Sun Tzu

[1 EXP Pill has been used]


[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

"Wow 4 time leveling up! This pills is amazing,to bad can only use it per weeks.",thought Lie Fan."well let's check my statu now."


Name:Lie Fan

Age:5 years old(18 years old)


Current EXP:9.000

Next Level:11.000

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Cuktivation:Art Of War (level 23)


HP:250/250 —>1.250/1.250




STR:20 —> 120

VIT:20 —> 120

AGI:22 —> 122

INT:27 —> 127

WIS:21—> 121


ATR Points:20



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•Cultivation and Pills

•Equipment(Weapon,Armour,and Mount)





"Wow,what a crazy cultivation mine is to give this much boost to my attributes!",thought Lie Fan happily while looking at his status

"Hmm,now that i think about it my strength is stronger than a teenager right?",Thought Lie Fan

When Lie Fan is pondering about his new status.....


[Congratulation host for your first level up in your new world]

[Host received special item for your first level up]

[Received Vision Map]

"Vision Map?",thought Lie Fan

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