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"Vision Map?",thought Lie Fan while opening his inventory and pressing the Map

•Vision Map

Map that contain complete geographic of china.with the map you can see who's troops is marching and how many,city populations,and strategic locations for building fort,port,etc.

"Fuck!,isn't this thing is to OP! well it's not like I complain about it and with this map my hegemony to become the emperor is easier with this map.",thought Lie Fan still in awe with the Map that he just got

"Tzu please check the price of this OP Map at the shop.",ask Lie Fan to Sun Tzu

"Okay Host.",reply Sun Tzu

•Vision Map

Price:1.000.000 SP

"Damn!,one million SP?! that's freaking expensive.",thought Lie Fan

"Tzu you have to teach me how to use this map to the limit it can be used.",demand Lie Fan to Sun Tzu while looking at the map that had been laid across a table in his

"Okay Host,please listen carefully because I don't want to explain it again.",reply Sun Tzu


10 Years Later~~~~~

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"Hyah!",shout a young man in his teen while parries an incoming sword from a Big teen who looks menacing from afar with his spear.

"Come again Lie Fan,you can do better than that!",Say's the big teen to the young man who parries his sword

The young man was Lie Fan in his fifteen,for the past ten years Lie Fan training and study hard for the yellow turban rebellion that going to begin 2 more years.

"Prepare for my ultimate attack Chao Bo!",shout Lie Fan toward the big teen who was Chao Bo

"Hahaha!,Come!",shout back Chao Bo toward Lie Fan

"Art Of Spear,Piercing the Heavens!",shout Lie Fan with his spear piercing toward Chao Bo sword

"Ugh!",yelled Chao Bo when he try to parries the spear but failed and his hand grazed by Lie Fan spear

"Humph!,now you believe me right that I'm stronger than you!",Say's Lie Fan with an arrogant tone seeing he manages to defeat Chao Bo who were twices of his size.

"Okay Fine!,you win.",Say's Chao Bo while holding his hand and leave for the physician to bandage his hand.

"Humph!,that teach Chao Bo for always asking for spar everyday",Thought Lie Fan,"he is going to be a good candidate for my first general."

"Status!",says Lie Fan to check on his status


Name:Lie Fan

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Age:15 years old(33 years old)


Current EXP:7.000

Next Level:21.000

Cuktivation:Art Of War (level 43)

Skill:Apprentice Art Of Spear mastery(New):(boost spear piercing by 25%),Adept Spear Mastery(New):(boost spear handling by 50%)

HP:1.250/1.250 —>2.250/2.250

STP:1.160/1.160 —>2.160/2.160



STR:120 —>220

VIT:120 —>220

AGI:122 —>222

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INT:127 —>227

WIS:121 —>221


ATR Points:40




(gives boost of 50% when comprehending the meaning behind martial art)


•Cultivation and Pills

•Equipment(Weapon,Armour,and Mount)



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-Spear of Chaos(boost spear crit damage 15%)

-Vision Map

-510.000 Gold and 1.100.000 Kg rations

-10 Health pills,91 EXP pills

-1 Set of the Crouching Tiger Armor

-1 Mongolian Horse

-The Book of Knowledge


"Training hard for 10 years and consuming EXP pills finally paid off.",thought Lie Fan while looking at his status

Lie Fan while training for 10 years have upgraded his cultivation and attributes whole level.while training Lie Fan found the hidden point that his predecessor tell him when he got the special note,that the EXP pills can be used to other people than himself.he founded out this point when he was cultivating Chao Bo,one of the twins found the EXP pills in Lie Fan hands and eat it thinking that it was candy,the pills strengthen Chao Bo by leveling Chao Bo up one level and can used another one immediately with the side effect that he will throw up and feel very hot all over the body.

"Now It's time for asking Chao Bo and the others to be my retainers and beginning expanding Huai An and consolidating my position in the city army.",thought Lie Fan excited with the prospect of starting his hegemony.

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