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"Servant!",yell Lie Fan calling the household servant

"Yes,young master.",answer a maid to Lie Fan calling

"Please inform Chao Bo,Chao Bai,And Ying Yue to come to my room right now.",order Lie Fan to the maid

"Yes!",reply the maid and hurried off to called them

After giving the order,Lie Fan begin to walk toward his room from the training yard while thinking how to recruit Chao Bo and the others when they came.

After 10 minutes,Lie Fan arrived at his room and suprised when saw Chao Bo and the others already arrive waiting for him.

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"Ah...,hello guys come sit.",Say Lie Fan to Chao Bo and the others

"So,why do you call us here Lie Fan.",ask Chao Bai to Lie Fan after taking a sit while the other two look at Lie Fan with curiosity

"Well I'm inviting you Guys here not as friend but as the young lord of Huai An and I want to recruit the three of you as my retainers.",said Lie Fan with seriousness that Chao Bo and the others never seen before.

"I thought you say that.",said Chao Bai making Lie Fan suprised but not that suprised because he know that between his three friend Chao Bai is the brain and always sensitive about this kind of things

"Don't said it no more,I Chao Bo pledge my loyalty to you Lie Fan until death!",said Chao Bo with a shout that can pierce people ear

"Great Chao Bo you're going to be my first general for the army!,how about you Chao Bai and Ying Yue?",ask Lie Fan

"I understand the reason why you want to recruit me and Chao Bo,but I don't understand why do you want to recruit Ying Yue to?",ask Chao Bai to Lie Fan as a test,to see whenever he will discriminate talent just because its not a man

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"Well I want to recruit Ying Yue because of her knowledge and talent both in medicine and agriculture,this kind of talent is more rare than you and Chao Bo.You surely know about that,meaning you test me aren't you?",answer Lie Fan with a smirk to Chao Bai

"Hehehe you got me Lie Fan,then I'm going to pledge my loyalty to you for the rest of my life!",Said Chao Bai Embarrassed because he was found out

"Great!,how about you Ying Yue?",happy that Chao Bo and Chao Bai have pledge they're loyalty to him,Lie Fan begin to ask Ying Yue

"I agree and pledge my loyalty to you!",Said Ying Yue slightly blushed remembering how she was praised by Lie Fan


[Congratulation Host for recruiting your first retainer,you have receive a reward for your accomplishment]

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[Dragon Cape]

"Hell Yeah another reward!",thought Lie Fan,"better see it after Chao Bo and the others leave."

"Good,then let's talk about your what position will be.First Chao Bo,you're going to become my infantry leader so you better learn how to control your temper and begin learning some basic tactics from Chao Bai,but for the time being you're gonna become my bodyguard!",Order Lie Fan to Chao Bo.

"Yes Lie Fan!,I..I mean my Lord!",reply Chao Bo to Lie Fan stuttered with a salute(you know chinese salute thingy)

"Good,second Chao Bai,you're going to become my advisor and my strategist for civil and military!",order Lie Fan to Chao Bai.

"Yes My Lord.",answer Chao Bai with a salute.

"Third Ying Yue,you're going to become the agriculture supervisor and a physician for the army until there's more physician.",Order Lie Fan to Ying Yue

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"Yes My Lord",said Ying Yue with a salute

"Great! Now that you all already know your role and stuff go back and do your activities as normal and meet me at the town hall tomorrow morning.",said Lie Fan finishing his order and telling his retainers to disperse and meet him tomorrow.

"Yes My Lord!",reply Chao Bo/Chao Bai/Ying Yue at the same time,after giving their salute they left Lie Fan room and do their own activities.

"Now let's see what are the reward that I got.",thought Lie Fan while opening his inventory and pressing the cape that he just got.

•Dragon Cape

When Host wear it,your leadership ability will boosted by 25% when leading any kind of troops

"Increasing my leadership?cool.",thought Lie Fan

"Now let's meet father to discuss expanding this city and giving me control of the army.",thought Lie Fan while heading out form his room

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