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"Move Out!" Said Lie Fan to the whole Expeditionary group that Lie Fan put together to help Wang Yun

The group consist of 500 soldiers from Huai An city army, Zhang Fei, Chao Bai, and Lie Fan himself

"Zhang Fei, stop drinking wine and come here I have something to tell you." Said Lie Fan who was riding his horse toward Zhang Fei who was drinking his wine

"Yes My Lord! let me finish this last gourd first." Said Zhang Fei while drinking the wine in a matter of seconds while drenching his outfit

"Hah this big man." Said Lie Fan while shaking his head

"Hahaha, I like him more." Said Chao Bai seeing Lie Fan shake his head in frustration with Zhang Fei habit of always drinking wine

"Ah, it's very delicious, What do you want to say to me, My Lord?" Ask Zhang Fei after drinking all of his wine

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"When we arrive at Luoyang, stop drinking wine because it will make you more impatience." Said Lie Fan

"But-" Said Zhang Fei before cut off by Lie Fan

"Zhang Fei." Said Lie Fan with a cold and chilling stare

"Yes My Lord." Reply Zhang Fei meekly

"Good, let's continue our ride." Said Lie Fan

On their twelfth day on the road, Hei'an suddenly screeches loudly then dive down toward Lie Fan arm.

"What's wrong Hei'an?" Said Lie Fan to Hei'an while giving it a piece of meat

Hei'an then screeches to Lie Fan, telling him something that only him can understand

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"What!? there's five hundred people in foot and horses coming toward us from the front?" Said Lie Fan

"*Screech* *Screech*," Said Hei'an toward Lie Fan while nodding

"Everybody prepares yourselves, there are five hundred people on foot and horse coming on our way from the front." Shout Lie Fan telling the whole group the information that Hei'an just give to him

The whole group began to raise their shield and swords while began to make a formation to protect Lie Fan

"My Lord, how can you know there are five hundred people heading on our way?" Ask Chao Bai to Lie Fan

"My friend here tell me what he saw from above the sky." Reply Lie Fan while petting Hei'an and showed him to Chao Bai

"But how can you understand what it says and make him understand what you said?" Ask Chao Bai again toward Lie Fan

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"Because I'm smart and very charming." Reply Lie Fan making Chao Bai angry at how shameless his lord is

While Lie Fan talk with Chao Bai, the whole group saw people coming toward them and

"They are here!" Said Zhang Fei while raising his snake spear

"Zhang Fei don't be rash if we can talk peacefully then we do that." Said Lie Fan to Zhang Fei

"Yes My Lord, but if they dare to dishonour My Lord honour I will personally behead their leader." Said Zhang Fei

"I Said don't make your temper control you." Said Lie Fan while hitting Zhang Fei head with his the back of a normal sword

"Can people in front of me introduce themselves to me?" Ask A big fat man from the five hundred people

"I'm Lie Fan from Huai An, Inspector of Xiapi and the young lord of Huai An, nice to meet you, Mister?" Reply Lie Fan

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"I'm Xu Chu, Xu Zhongkang from the State of Pei, Qiao County." Reply the fat man

"Xu Chu? what is he doing here with troops?" Thought Lie Fan

"What brings Young Lord Lie Fan here?" Ask Xu Chu to Lie Fan

"I'm just passing by heading toward Luoyang." Reply Lie Fan

"Are you really heading toward Luoyang!?" Ask Xu Chu

"Yes I'm, what's wrong?" Ask Lie Fan to

"May I join your group? because I have spent 5 days here doesn't know where Luoyang is." Ask Xu Chu

"Yes of course." Reply Lie Fan

"Thank You Young Lord." Said Xu Chu

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