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"So what business does Mr.Xu Chu have in the capital if I may know?" Ask Lie Fan to Xu Chu while the two of them ride their horse side by side

"I have to buy supplies for my Home town because of the harvest of wheat and others are not enough to pay the tributes for The Emperor, even for us to eat is still not enough." Reply Xu Chu

"It's that bad? but how can The Emperor still want your home town to pay tributes?" Said Lie Fan

"I don't know, I and some of the farmers have reported it to the administrator of the city but he doesn't care and just said to give all of them!" Reply Xu Chu

"Humph! how despicable that man is, how can he let his city and the people who were his subject devastated and just enjoy himself." Said Lie Fan

"If only we have a someone in the city who can rival him." Said Xu Chu

"Then how about this Mister Xu Chu, After I finish my task in Luoyang I will help you handle that administrator in return you and this 500 militia help me complete my task. If you don't agree then after arriving at Luoyang we will separate and go on our ways, how does that sound?" Ask Lie Fan

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"Hmm, let me talk about this with the other first." Reply Xu Chu

"Of course." Said Lie Fan

Xu Chu then turns back and call his man to gather around him because he has something that he wants to discuss together. Seeing that, Lie Fan ordered the group to stop and have a little rest while waiting for Xu Chu decision. After 15 minutes of discussion, Xu Chu walks toward Lie Fan to tell him the decision the entire group has decided.

"As the representative of State Of Pei militia, we agree with what The Young Lord has offered but we have one condition." Said Xu Chu

"Great! State your condition, as long it's not raping, stealing, and dishonouring my brother in arms I will agree on whatever your condition is." Reply Lie Fan with his right hand at his chest while looking at Xu Chu with a determined gaze

"The condition is that we want the young lord to help our family leave our hometown when we finish dealing with the administrator." Said Xu Chu shocking Lie Fan and his entire group when they heard what Xu Chu condition is

"That's a condition that even my strategist will agree and accept, but why do you and the other want to leave your hometown?" Ask Lie Fan

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"Because of all of us think that following the young lord will help us and our family in living with a better condition." Said Xu Chu

"Do you think that our young lord is your personal guard?! have to agree with that stupid condition!" Shout Zhang Fei with he heard the condition

"Zhang Fei st-" but before Lie Fan manages to finish his sentence, Zhang Fei with his snake spear at hand charge toward Xu Chu.


The sound of Zhang Fei Snake spear clash with Xu Chu big two-handed sword

"What is the meaning of this Lord Zhang Fei!" Said Xu Chu to Zhang Fei while staring at Zhang Fei eyes

"How can you give our Lord a condition of protecting you and your families! do you think he is your personal guard huh?!" Said Zhang Fei who the swing his snake spear again toward Xu Chu

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"We just want to have a better life!" Reply Xu Chu while block Zhang Fei snake spear

Then Xu Chu and Zhang Fei began to have a duel, attacking each other and have about 1.000 movements of attack and defence at the same time

"Stop both of you!" Said Lie Fan while coming in between Zhang Fei and Xu Chu

*Slash* *Slash*

Lie Fan who was in the middle of Zhang Fei and Xu Chu bout, he slashes Zhang Fei and Xu Chu hand with his sword making Zhang Fei and Xu Chu drop their weapons

"What do the two of you think you are doing?!" Said Lie Fan when he sees that Zhang Fei and Xu Chu finally stopped

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"I just angry at how this fat man conditi- *Smack*" Reply Zhang Fei but cut off with Lie Fan smacking Zhang Fei head

"Didn't I tell you to control your temper! and why can't you hear their reason first after giving the condition." Said Lie Fan angrily to Zhang Fei

While Lie Fan is lecturing Zhang Fei, Xu Chu who see that suddenly laugh


"What are you laughing you fat ma-*Smack*" before Zhang Fei manage to complete his word, he was smack by Lie Fan again

"Stop provocating others!" Said Lie Fan

"I will' but please My Lord stop smacking my head." Said Zhang Fei while holding his head

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