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"I'm sorry that I want to hit you just now." Said Zhang Fei

"It's fine I understand how you feel, If I was in your position I will be angry too if someone says that." Reply Xu Chu

"Now let's continue ride toward Luoyang, it's already delayed for half a day because of this." Said Lie Fan with a glare toward Zhang Fei

"Yes!" Said Everybody when they hear what Lie Fan said

For the next half a month, Lie Fan and Xu Chu have grown closer because they have the same personality, Know how to separate friendship when they were on duty or not.

"Chao Bai, with our speed how many days left for us to reach Luoyang?" Ask Lie Fan

"With this speed, we will reach Luoyang in 5 days My Lord." Reply Chao Bai

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While Lie Fan and Chao Bai still discussing the speed of the group, they hear Zhang Fei laughing together with Xu Chu

"Look's like they have grown closer." Said Chao Bai

"It's great that the two of them grew closer because If I manage to recruit Xu Chu and his 500 men it will make the two of them can work together perfectly." Said Lie Fan

"Are you sure My Lord that this man can be trusted?" Ask Chao Bai

"One hundred percent sure Chao Bai, Even though he looks innocent because of his chubby face then you have been deceived because you have already seen it for yourself right the power Xu Chu have." Reply Lie Fan

"Yes, he manages to exchange blows 1.000 times with Zhang Fei is considered very powerful and have a great talent at martial arts." Said Chao Bai

After that, Lie Fan and the group continue to ride toward Luoyang with a steady speed and just like Chao Bai says they arrive at Luoyang in 5 days.

"Finally we have arrived." Said Lie Fan

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"So this is the capital, it's very big..." Said Xu Chu when he sees the size of Luoyang

"Now let's find accommodation for our troops first." Said Lie Fan

Then Lie Fan and Xu Chu lead their own troops toward an inn and Lie Fan pays 5000 taels for the rooms with breakfast in the morning, Xu Chu who sees that Lie Fan pay for them to at first doesn't agree and think that he should pay for his own troops but when he heard that he need to pay 2500 taels he stopped arguing with Lie Fan because he doesn't have the money to pay.

"Thank you for paying the bills for us." Said Xu Chu

"It's fine, we are brothers aren't we?" Ask Lie Fan

"Of Course! then I will treat You and those two drink wine tonight." Said Xu Chu

"Hahaha! great but now I need to go first I have to finish my business first, I will call for you when I need your help." Said Lie Fan

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"Of course I will wait for the letter." Said Xu Chu

After saying their goodbyes, Lie Fan then call for his troops

"I hope all of you took care of each other and remember don't start a fight." Said Lie Fan to his troops

"Yes My Lord!!!" Reply the 500 soldiers that Lie Fan bring.

"Now all of you dismissed." Said Lie Fan

Then all of the soldiers disbanded and some went to a tavern while some go back to the inn to take a rest.

"Zhang Fei! Chao Bai! come on let's go we need to go toward uncle Wang Yun house." Said Lie Fan

"Coming!" Said Zhang Fei and Chao Bai

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Lie Fan, Chao Bai, and Zhang Fei ride their horse and go toward Wang Yun Mansion. While riding toward Wang Yun Mansion Zhang Fei ask something toward Lie Fan

"My Lord, if I may ask who is this Wang Yun?" Ask

"Uncle Wang Yun is an influential minister it the Imperial Court and a close friend of my father." Reply Lie Fan

"And the future father in law of our Lord brother Zhang Fei." Said Chao Bai teasing Lie Fan

"Really!? Congratulations My Lord!" Said Zhang Fei when he heard what Chao Bai said

"Don't raise your hope yet, I still don't know if uncle Wang Yun agrees or not." Said Lie Fan

"Of course he will agree, can't you see his eyes full of scheme to bring you and lady Diao Cham closer." Said Chao Bai

"Hey watch your word Chao Bai!" Said Lie Fan

While they were talking and arguing with each other, they finally arrive at Wang Yun Mansion

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