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Mu Rulin studied with Mu Rulan inside her room until half past ten; then, he was kicked out to sleep. She rubbed his hair, telling him that a child like him should sleep early and wake early to have a healthy life. You already have a sister that teaches you everything so don’t you think it’s impossible to not getting passing grades for your subjects?

Mu Rulin carried his books and left Mu Rulan’s room. When he got up at 2 in the middle of the night to grab a drink, he noticed his sister’s room was still lit. He silently opened up the door a crack, and saw his sister was holding a pen and paper while reading a book. she was seriously studying so late into the night. Suddenly, he felt his heart aching and felt his eyes tear up.

This is not the first time, every time he saw Mu Rulan’s slim back slightly curved over the table, that look of her focused on solving questions late into the night tore at his heart.

The genius that people have always talked about, in his eyes, was just a lovely sister who tugged at his heartstrings. All of her achievements were the result of her hard work, in exchange for a lot of hardships. How could those people use her again and again as a bet to see whether she would be surpassed by someone else?!

Those annoying bastards!

Pu haha…… Translated by The Novelst

Did her cute little brother cry again?

With her back against the door, she looked at his reflection on the window. Mu Rulan lowered her head and laughed softly, no matter how she laughed, her smile was still as warm as usual. On the table, there were 10 copies of the past year’s exams that she downloaded from the internet. She yawned lightly, hmmm…… Study is a tiring task, so she never put forth much effort in her past. Who would’ve expect that she could work so hard in this life. Surely enough a person could really do whatever he put his mind to if there was a change in attitude.

While she was cleaning up her desk, a piece of paper fell to the floor. On top of the white paper was a sketch of a doll design.


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The next day.

As Mu Rulan headed to school together with Mu Rusen and Mu Rulin, she realized there was a police car stopped right in front of the school gate, causing many of the students to look terrified. Mu Rulan went up to ask what had happened, then she realized another incident had occurred. The missing case of two years back – once again someone had gone missing, and that person seemed to be one of the student from Liu Silan University!

“I think it was the second princess from Jin Family, Jin Moli!” said the of the student council members, Lee Qing.

Mu Rulan slightly furrowed her brows and nodded: “When did it happen?”

“I heard it was reported on this morning, Jin Moli didn’t return home the day before yesterday, but that girl used to play around and didn’t really go home often, so her family didn’t really notice her absence. But after some time, her sister tried to call her but no one answered so her sister asked her friends for her whereabouts, but nobody knew where she was. This is when they started to realize something was off, so they went to report her disappearance to the police this morning.” Lee Qing said while he reached to help Mu Rulan to carry her bag. Before he could touch it, Mu Rulan glared at him with a monstrous look, but Lee Qing still insisted on tugging the bag from Mu Rulan’s hands into his arms.

Mu Rulan glanced at Mu Rusen then took a look at the police car in front of the school gate. She slightly squinted her eyes and carelessly turned her head around to see Mu Rulin look as if he was in a daze so she asked: “What’s wrong?”

Mu Rulin seemed to be frightened, as even his forehead was covered in cold sweat, his hands cold as ice. He saw Mu Rulan was staring at him with a worried gaze, but his expression was a bit stiff when he nodded his head: “I’m fine.”

“Then hurry and go back to your class, all classes must finish decorating before tomorrow.” Mu Rulan said while dragging him into the school.

Mu Rulin followed her footsteps and walked into the school, but he couldn’t help himself and look back at that police car, his expression terrified.

Jin Moli……

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A black racing car stopped in front of the school gate. Mo Qianren was wearing a white shirt with black pants, his temperament chilly, and under that pitch-black fringe his eyes were so cold and sharp that it seemed as if he could see through things precisely. It seemed that his sight was following Mu Rulan’s figure as she walked further away.

There was a document laying on his lap with a photo a attached. As the sunlight shone through the open gap of the car window, it illuminated picture and reflected back a bright light. The picture was filled with a vague appearance of a girl with a clean and warm smile.

Lu Zimeng sat on the driver seat turned his head and asked: “What are your thoughts now?”

Mo Qianren withdrew his gaze back and rolled up the window, lowering his gaze and looking at the document and the photo before him: “Very suspicious.”

“What the hell! Give me a reason why you think she’s so suspicious?” Lu Zimeng couldn’t restrain himself from raising his voice, he couldn’t understand why this brother of his thought a student as perfect as Mu Rulan would be suspicious, but then his brother couldn’t even put into words why he found her so suspicious.

“My intuition.” Mo Qianren said lightly, his cold eyes reflecting the smiling face from the picture, “It’s unusual that a person can be as perfect as this.”

Lu Zimeng rolled his eyes and said: “Perfect means unusual; what else can it be, a psycho?”

“Maybe.” Mo Qianren coldly replied, “I can sense the smell of crime on her……”

Li Zimeng directed a blank stare toward him, he was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with him, “Are you going back to the police station or to my place? My mom said she wants to treat you tonight to welcome you back.”

“I still have something to do, I’ll go to your place tonight but you go first.” Mo Qianren raised up his head and closed his eyes, showcasing his long black eyelashes, and in constrast his skin was too pale. However, his overall look showed he was unrivaled in charisma, even with his legs crossed and his body leaning back. People would find the scene pleasing to the eye.

Lu Zimeng sat stunned for a while, and then thought of something, “What did you just say?”

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“Eh……But this is my car!” How could he be so arrogant in kicking him out of his own car! He was disturbed early in the morning by Mo Qianren’s call and had no choice but to crawl from his bed to fetch him from the airport. Not to mention he became a free driver for several hours, and now his pitiable self had to take a taxi to go back?

“Now the car is mine.”

…… Translated by The Novelst

The lingering beams of the setting sun surrounded the shadowed grey villa, the wall slightly mottled with even the black iron gate rusted. The villa looked very old, especially when it was enveloped in shadows; it looked just like a gloomy ghost castle.

Suddenly, there were footsteps crunching on the dried leaves.Two small children, identical twins, one with a cute white rabbit shirt and one with grey.

No one had any idea of how they had passed through the iron gate, but they were trying to sneak into the villa in secret.

“B-brother, I’m scared.” The white rabbit timidly pulled on the fur of the grey rabbit, his watery big eyes staring at this evil-looking castle.

The grey rabbit didn’t even turn his head around; he grabbed a long wire with his hand and inserted it into the door lock trying to hook it open as a childish voice replied: “What a coward, I’m sure there must be a witch living here. Remember if you see an apple, don’t eat it.”

Kaching! The old lock was broken by the skilled little kid. The grey rabbit smiled evilly with his eyes shining brightly. This door was the same as the one on his grandmother’s house. It was too easy to pick.


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The grey-black door looked very thick but in reality it wasn’t really that heavy. Those two little rabbits slowly pushed it open a crack, then the grey rabbit bent down in front of the door, his big eyes quickly scanning the layout of the room. He saw a dark red carpet with odd patterns, and the same pattern repeated on an identically colored sofa, a fireplace used to burn charcoal during the winter, and a luxurious chandelier above them……

Look, it was just like a witch’s house!

The grey rabbit was so excited, even his heart was beating faster. Before this, he was worried that in coming back to live with his parents, there would be no place for him to explore. How could he have imagined that there was a mansion here that looked exactly like his grandmother’s? Was there a witch just like his grandmother living inside?

The grey rabbit brought along the white rabbit to sneak inside. They silently tip-toed up the stairs, wearing a pair of fur-covered rabbit shoes, softly walking on the wooden floor. Nobody knew that there were two naïve little rabbits sneaking into this grey-black house……

As the sun gradually set, the dark night took its place over the bright day, just the time for the monsters to come out.

A white-clothed figure was casually walking nearby while humming a soft melody; in the corner of her mouth was a pure, light smile. Slowly, the white figure walked towards the house that was surrounded in shadows.

Further away, Mo Qianren’s skinny figure appeared to be walking slowly in the same direction at the same time.

The two little rabbits had just gone up to the third floor when all of a sudden they heard a noise – as if someone was rapidly hitting the door. Both children were freaked out, but the grey rabbit pulled at his hand when the white rabbit almost cried out loud, whispering to call him a scaredy-cat.

His curiosity was much stronger than his fear, so inevitably, he slowly walked toward the source of the noise. The noises seemed to be coming from the furthest room.

Proofread by: Hannah

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