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“Brother, we should head back home soon, or else mom will be worried.” As they walked closer to that room, the white rabbit’s terror magnified to greater heights, so he tried to convince his brother with in a soft, crying voice.

“Wait a minute, it might be the witch making magic potions.” Even though the grey rabbit was afraid, his curiosity outweighed his fear. He wanted to see what was inside the room.

“But it’s getting dark, brother.”

That was right, the evening was getting darker, even the corridor was quite shadowed. If they stayed any longer, they wouldn’t be able to see clearly without a light. But the grey rabbit thought – just a glance, just one glance and they would rush to leave. Just as they had come in secret, they would leave the house, and nobody would realize they were there.

The room to the door creaked open. They couldn’t see anyone inside, but were only able to see that a very large, dark red closet stood right there in front of the wall. The closet had a few doors in it, and the ones in the middle seemed to have something locked inside, as the door shuddered again and again from the force of something heaving itself against the door from the inside.

The two little rabbits stood in front of the closet, terrified.

“Brother……” The white rabbit pulled the grey rabbit’s shirt, he was too scared to talk.

The grey rabbit was still a child after all, and his courage had dried up as he tried to bring himself to push the door open further. Just as he started to share his brother’s terror as they clutched their hands together, they turned to leave: “Let’s go… AHHHH!”

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They don’t know how or when it had happened but Mu Rulan was already standing right behind them, staring down at the two little rabbits who had entered without her permission. The room was dark, her expression covered in shadow so the children could not see her clearly…

The thing in the closet, clearly seeming to have heard the movement outside, became more vigorous in its efforts. Bang! Bang! Bang! The sounds increased in tempo, as if trying to deliver some sort of message.

The room was so dark, and the white figure looming in front of them with the weird closet behind them shaking with the force of whatever was inside trying to get out, making such loud sounds…

So scary! Both rabbits wanted to hug each other in fear, but the grey rabbit unconsciously put his body in front of the white rabbit’s instead. Their eyes when looking at Mu Rulan were brimming with tears, but they couldn’t voice their cries out loud because they were too frightened.

Mu Rulan stretched out her hands towards the two children. Paralyzed by the shock of her sudden movement, they belatedly began to struggle and try to run away, but were caught right up.

“Argh! No! Noo! Help! There’s a ghost arghhhh——” When the grey rabbit started to scream, his mouth was immediately covered by her hands.

“Shut up. If you struggle any further, I will throw you into the witch’s pot and make you into a piece of poop.” Mu Rulan warned them in a low voice, and carried them out of the room.

“Snap!” Mu Rulan switched on the lights, and the dark corridor suddenly became so bright that it blinded them temporarily. The two children were so afraid that they almost wet their pants. Tears had covered their entire faces and their watery eyes were staring at the supposed “ghost” ibefore them, and they started to hiccup.



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Mu Rulan looked at them with a gentle gaze and couldn’t help but to pull up a warm smile. If it wasn’t because her hands were full, she would have rubbed their round cheeks.

“Getting freaked out? You guys deserve it, who taught you to simply intrude into someone’s house like this?” She carried them downstairs and put them down. They were still in dazed, standing in front of her with their eyes opened wide like dinner plates as they looked at Mu Rulan, speechless.

Mu Rulan took out three lollipops from her bag, handing one to each twin as she popped the last into her own mouth. She sat on the dark red sofa with the weird patterns on it, the sweet and sour flavor of the candy making her shiver and her eyes start to squint.

The two rabbits stood on the red carpet hiccupping from time to time. They didn’t know what to do aside from staring at Mu Rulan, looking very pitiful.

Mu Rulan couldn’t help but melt a little inside, squatting in front of them and taking tissues to wipe their tear-stained faces. She asked: “How did you guys come in?”

The grey rabbit shrank and started to whine softly: “Wuwuwu…… I don’t want to become a piece of poop wuwuu……”

Mu Rulen was stunned before beginning to smile.


Mo Qianren stared at this house in front of him, there were lights shining through the window, bright enough for him to clearly see the thick layer of dried leaves and the drained fountain in the yard. His icy gaze scanned the surroundings as if he could look through everything before him. The moonlight shone on his slight body, his aloof temperament easily seen through his beautiful, detached silhouette.

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He didn’t enter the house immediately, instead leaning on a tree. Soundlessly, his cold gaze was on the hallway where the lights were on.

As time slowly passed, he became aware of a growing, delicious smell coming from the house. Then he saw Mu Rulan push open the door and come out. Her hands were taken by two little kids jumping up and down, her gaze gentle as she looked at them with her warmest smile.

“Both of you better not sneak into other people’s house again, okay? What if my naughty dog came out and bit you? What if the owner thought something went missing, and thought that both of you were thieves? It’s very rude to go into houses uninvited. If you guys do it again, surely you will get thrown into a witch’s pot and get turned into a piece of poop……”

The sound of their conversation gradually faded away, and Mo Qianren stepped out from behind the tree to look at the figure walking slowly away with the children. He then turned his head around to stare at the house. He thought this house would be too gloomy for most girls, and moreover this house…

Was filled with the scent of crime.

He took a few strides and followed in their footsteps in the direction Mu Rulan had gone with the two children.

The two kids were licking their lollipops and holding on tightly to Mu Rulan’s hands as she brought them back to their home. They lived just a few houses down away from her villa, and she learned that their family had just moved back from overseas. It seemed like they were anxiously searching for their children. When they saw Mu Rulan bring the kids back home and had even fed them, they continually thanked her for taking care of the twins, inviting her in. However, Mu Rulan rejected their invitation to go back to her villa.

Mo Qianren walked out from behind the tree once more, the moonlight gently shining on him and revealing his lonely figure, making others unable to keep their gazes away.

The parents paused while bringing the children into the house, cautiously looking at the man walking slowly toward them.

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“Is there anything you need?”

“Hello, are you the new neighbors that just moved in? I live nearby here too; my name is Mo Qianren.” Mo Qianren said in a harmonious voice. In combination with his natural elegance and his high-class outfit, he figured his appearance made him look like an elite, flawlessly helping him gain the trust of other people quite easily.

“Are these your children? Both of you are very cute, hello.” He reached out his hands and touched their faces, then grabbed their hands. His snowy white fingers briefly drifted over their pulse points before he released their hands.

Mo Qianren went back to Mu Rulan’s villa again, he standing outside and staring at the house where the lights were on.

His phone rang. He didn’t move his gaze as he took brought the phone to his ear and answered the call, “Hello?”

“Mo Qianren you bastard! Where are you? My mom cooked dinner and was waiting for you! How could you let an elder to wait for you…… Aiyo, mom! You always cherish him so much, people might think he’s your son instead of me……”

“I’ll come now.” Mo Qianren ended the phone call, his gaze turning serious as he stared at the house. After a long while he turned to leave the house with polished footsteps.

If Mu Rulan was really a criminal, then she was probably the cleverest criminal of all, the consequences would be terrible if he acted rashly and alerted her.

Proofread by: Hannah

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