Mo Qianren stood before the window, icy gaze locked on Lu Zimeng. “I didn’t know when you changed to become so talkative.”

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“Me, talkative? Am I not trying to help you?” Lu Zimeng’s expression was serious. “Tell me the truth. Is Mu Rulan mentally unwell?”

Lu Zimeng scratched his head in annoyance. “I find it stranger the more I think about it. You’re a world-renowned criminal psychologist and you love staying at the mental hospital. It doesn’t make any sense that you’re staying here in K City for so long. It must really be true that Mu Rulan is a psychopath so you want to stay here to investigate her, or… perhaps she’s related to those missing persons cases…”

“Enough!” interrupted Mo Qianren. He was irritated, which was weird. It was he himself who had warned Lu Zimeng in the beginning that Mu Rulan was a psycho, that he should stay away from her. Now that Lu Zimeng believed him, he should be happy.

But… Translated by The Novelst

Why did he feel so uncomfortable?

Mu Rulan was the research subject he had targeted. She was his prey. He had wasted a lot of time and effort on her, so naturally, she belonged to him.

Since she belonged to him, how could he allow others to badmouth her?

“Hey!” Lu Zimeng looked at Mo Qianren, unable to understand. His expression changed as he thought more deeply, “Don’t tell me you’re in love with her? Isn’t she only a research subject?”

“Mind your own business,” Mo Qianren said, not wanting to talk to Lu Zimeng. But Lu Zimeng ignored him.

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“Damn, I’m gonna tell your parents about this!” He didn’t believe Father and Mother Mo would allow Mu Rulan near Mo Qianren after knowing she had mental issues.

“How dare you?” The atmosphere turned ice cold. Lu Zimeng paused in his rush to get out of the room.

He turned back and opened his mouth to say something before clamping it back shut, watching the look on Mo Qianren’s face. His entire body stiffened.

The look in his eyes reminded him of Mo Qianren’s eyes in the past: icy as he walked out of that place, his hands dripping with pitch-black blood.

He felt a lump in his throat and moved his lips soundlessly. But in the end he couldn’t get out even a word.

“I don’t need anyone meddling in my matters,” Mo Qianren bit out.

“But…” Lu Zimeng clenched his fist.

“There are no buts. The thing you’re so worried about will not come to pass. If it does…”

Lu Zimeng left the room looking slightly more assured. His parents saw him come down the stairs and surrounded him: “What happened?”

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“Huh? Oh, nothing. It’s fine,” he said, rubbing his nose.

“Nothing? Then why did you say not to put those two together?” Mother Lu was single-minded in her pursuit.

“Ah, that…” Lu Zimeng’s eyes rolled before he replied, “That’s because Miss Mu had said earlier that she wasn’t interested in dating before she graduates from high school, and yesterday you locked them up together. Miss Mu wasn’t too happy. Mom, you better stop scheming. These things should come naturally.”

“Huh?” Mother Lu was full of disappointment. All she wanted was to see Mo Qianren live in the sun like a normal person. Didn’t this mean he would still continue to research psychopaths?

That night, Ke Wanqing was wan and pale when she returned home. She walked absently to the sofa and stared at a fixed spot on the wall, obviously spacing out.

Mu Rulan saw her condition when she came downstairs and called out worriedly, “Mother…”

Ke Wanqing, hearing her daughter’s voice, immediately returned to her senses. She was a little agitated and clutched Mu Rulan to her side, as though holding on to a life-saving straw.

“At least I still have you… You’re still here… Lucky for me, you’re here…” Ke Wanqing mumbled.

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She had never been so terrified. It was the first time she had ever felt a looming catastrophe, as though she would soon become one of the ordinary people she despised the most.

This incident had brought unprecedented damage to the company. When she had received the project from Mayor Zhou, she had poured all the company’s funds confidently into the project. But now that things had taken a turn for the worse, even if she tried to make up for those funds with her own personal savings, it still would not be enough.

But her despair vanished when she saw Mu Rulan.

That was right. Why should she feel despair? How could she be desperate? After all, she still had Mu Rulan, this incredible daughter! Her beauty and intelligence alone would do enough: there were so many rich families in the city. Moreover, Mu Rulan could even help obtain the Ke Family properties and help Ke Wanqing gain benefits. As long as Mu Rulan was with her, even if the Mu Family fell, Ke Wanqing had no need to worry about falling down to the status of an ordinary person!

Ke Wanqing hugged Mu Rulan tightly. It was so tight that it seemed she wouldn’t release her for the rest of her life.

Mu Rulan let her hug her as she patted her mother comfortingly on the back. Her snowy white hand moved from Ke Wanqing’s neckline down to her vertebra, a hint of obsession flickering in her eyes. Ah… her beautiful puppet… probably couldn’t wait any longer, right? Don’t be in such a hurry, ya… Or else I might accidentally break you…

After a while, Ke Wanqing calmed and released her daughter.

“I’m fine, Lan Lan,” Ke Wanqing said, noticing the worry in Mu Rulan’s face. She smiled, “Lan Lan, your finals are coming up soon. Are you having trouble with anything?”

Mu Rulan smiled warmly in response, “No.” Translated by The Novelst

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“Then let’s take a day off of school tomorrow,” her mother continued. “Come with me on a trip,” Ke Wanqing said, realizing suddenly that she hadn’t taken Mu Rulan along with her to care for her body before. She was only sixteen and didn’t need it yet, but there was nothing bad about starting early.

Especially since they were going to attend a banquet the next night. She needed to decorate Mu Rulan beautifully: enough to surpass any other flower on the scene and to grab everyone’s attention.

Ke Wanqing brooked no argument. Mu Rulan nodded gently and didn’t waste any more time with her.

After Mu Rulan went back upstairs, Ke Wanqing took out her phone to call Mu Zhenyang.

She still felt fury burning inside her heart towards Mu Zhenyang. The reason she had to be so embarrassed and work so hard now was because her husband was too useless. The fire in her heart was fully lit. Since Mu Zhenyang was so useless, wasn’t it natural for him to become the punching bag to vent her anger?

However, today her call went unanswered. She looked in surprise at the call that clicked off and the fire burnt even stronger.

She called again but the call was once more denied. In the end, the line didn’t even ring: he had turned it off!

Ke Wanqing wanted to crush the phone in her hand to pieces.

Proofread by: Hannah

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