It was the first time Mu Zhenyang could feel so proud of himself after marrying Ke Wanqing. Attending this sort of banquet didn’t seem so daunting now.

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He was in a black suit, a delicate hand at his elbow. The owner of the hand smiled shyly, looking like a pink lily; his heart softened just looking at her. So when he met others, he proudly introduced her as his daughter that would debut soon.

Bai Suqing was a master of playing with people’s hearts. After living with the Mu Family for so long, she had already seen the conflicts between Mu Zhenyang and Ke Wanqing. An old man like him, useless and suppressed for a long time, was the easiest to control as long as she could make him feel needed in proud. So simply would he then be dead set on her.

At least he was still a useful dog. Translated by The Novelst

If she were to enter the entertainment circle, forming connections was the most important thing.

“Yo, President Mu!” Jin Boxiong spotted Mu Zhenyang accompanying a beautiful girl.

“President Jin,” he said, smiling. It was rare to see the expression on Mu Zhenyang’s face when he faced Jin Boxiong. He patted Bai Suqing’s hand and said, “President Jin, let me introduce you. This is my daughter Qing Qing. She’s debuting as an artist under TMT Universal Entertainment. Please take good care of her.”

Bai Suqing knew that though the Jin Family was newly wealthy, there was a huge secret lurking behind them. So she greeted him shyly, “Hello, President Jin.”

Jin Boxiong felt his entire body grow numb as he listened to her speak. His eyes turned milky, a smile growing on his face, “Good, good. President Mu is so lucky to have two excellent daughters. How old is Qing Qing this year?”

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“Fifteen,” was Bai Suqing’s shy response.

Jin Boxiong’s eyes sparkled. He had heard the Mu Family had adopted a daughter, but hadn’t expected much. Mu Rulan was still their biological daughter so others would not care much about the adopted child, as Mu Rulan’s excellence truly outshone all who came near.

But now that Jin Boxiong had taken a good look, he thought in his heart that this girl indeed fell short when compared to Mu Rulan; not just by a little, but by a huge margin. Every time he saw Mu Rulan, he hated himself a little more for not being able to have such a beautiful, excellent daughter.

But Bai Suqing gave off more of a vibe that she would be a sexy kitten when it came to bedroom matters.

Mu Zhenyang had been suppressed by Jin Boxiong for a very long time. So upon noticing Jin Boxiong’s amiable attitude, he felt a little overwhelmed by the unexpected favor, his confidence rising. This was thanks to Bai Suqing.

The more Mu Zhenyang looked at Bai Suqing, the more pleasing he found her. His phone vibrated in his pocket and his expression turned sullen when he saw the name. In the past few days Ke Wanqing had been calling him at the same time every single day and without exception it had been to scold and embarrass him. Mu Zhenyang had been angry and had no choice but to face it before, but today?

Mu Zhenyang declined the calls as they came in. Once, twice, and in the end he turned his phone off.

Why would he have to tolerate it and allow her to trample his dignity? He had always believed Ke Wanqing was the Ke Family princess, despite the fact that Grandpa Ke had disowned her. No matter what, she was his biological daughter in the end: how would it be possible that he would really not want her any longer?

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Who knew: if one day Mu Zhenyang didn’t treat her well, the Ke Family might come to clean him up. Because of this fear, he had endured Ke Wanqing these years.

But Bai Suqing’s one sentence this very night had enlightened him.

After so many years, if Ke Changhuang was willing to forgive Ke Wanqing, he would have done so already. And Ke Changhuang didn’t lack children: he even had several grandchildren under him.

If that was the case, why would he still suffer in silence? He didn’t want to hear Ke Wanqing’s voice.

That night, Mu Zhenyang had a good night, while Ke Wanqing fumed and broke all the things in their bedroom.


The next day.

The students of Liu Silan heard that Mu Rulan was gone for another day, and the forum was filled with mournful posts. But lately, there had been a few people who didn’t fear death and came out to slander Mu Rulan.

“Originally, I had liked her a lot. But only because she got a little hurt rescuing a child, she’s out for half the semester? Acting like her injuries are so serious. How fake!”

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“If the president of the school doesn’t come, what’s the use of having a president?”

“What makes her so special that she has all these special privileges? Does the president not need to follow the rules? It seems like vice president Shu Min is the best person for the job!”

That sort of post kept appearing on the forums. Her fans were angry about it but were unable to suss out who exactly was behind it. But obviously, the person had been praising Shu Min, so in lieu of the actual poster, they aimed their wrath at Shu Min.

Zhou Yaya clicked send on a post, gripping her phone tightly in her hand. Her eyes were icicles. Though these kinds of posts were insignificant and wouldn’t bring harm to Mu Rulan, she wouldn’t let go of any chances she had to increase hatred for Mu Rulan.


Zhou Yaya’s phone lit up. The screen showed a photo of a young boy kissing a young girl, an image posted in the Liu Silan forums. It had been taken by Zheng Yang and Liu Kai when they were at Ziyuan high school. It was just that the post had already sunk down to nowhere.

Zhou Yaya gazed at the photo. She couldn’t tell if she hated or wanted Mu Rusen. All she knew was that she would obtain that young boy and steal him away from Mu Rulan’s side!

Shu Min sat inside the president’s office, feeling the pressure from the student council and the scolding of her classmates.

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Lately, Shu Min wasn’t doing very well. That person posted on the forums and disappeared just like that, but had caused her reputation to fall. She had to endure the glares from the other seniors. It felt as though she had encountered the legendary incompetent teammate.

Was that person truly on her side?

Who could it be? Translated by The Novelst

She spaced off. The entire office was filled with Mu Rulan’s things, reminding her she wasn’t the true president of Liu Silan.

She thought of something painful and rubbed her head, trying to discard the thoughts in her head. She took out the documents Mu Rulan had placed under the table. They were all things that didn’t yet need to be addressed.

She flipped through one of the blue folders before stopping in surprise.

Exchange program registration form for Mu Hua High School?

Proofread by: Hannah

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