Jin Biaohu heard the dial tone, a fierce light flashing through his eyes. He had already made a decision in his heart. No matter what, he was done for. So why not choose to perish together?

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And most importantly, no one would know what had happened. The police weren’t omnipotent. And moreover, didn’t his friends’ cases get classified as “evaporated”? They hadn’t even managed to find the corpses.

Perhaps he could be so lucky. Mu Rulan could also be evaporated from this world, and his Jin Family could continue to prosper in K City.

With this in mind, Jin Biaohu felt more at ease. No matter what, she was only a sixteen-year-old girl. It was more than possible to handle her. And as for killing…

He was so used to it, he wouldn’t feel even a little bit of psychological pressure.

Jin Biaohu called Zhou Yaya once more. She guided him on the phone…

“Go find Mu Rulin’s phone and use it to call Mu Rulin. Ask her to throw her phone and any other electric devices in the car outside and most importantly, you need to cut off any avenue of contact with anyone else.”

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“Now, she thinks the police are on their way. So surely she wouldn’t hesitate to follow your instructions. But if you delay this further she might notice that there’s no movement coming from the police. So then she would call them directly…” she said.

Mu Rulan received a call from Mu Rulin’s number. Once she picked up, she tossed her laptop out the window in accordance with Jin Biaohu’s demands. “I promise that this is the only electronic device in this car that can be used to communicate with others.”

“Now I’ll count down from three. Throw your mobile phone out the window. If you don’t listen to me, don’t blame me for not going easy on your brother!” Jin Biaohu spoke fiercely.

His companion looked out the window with his binoculars and said, “She’s not making any suspicious movements.”

“You idiot, be quiet!” The person in the passenger seat yelled at him. He was speaking so loudly. What if Mu Rulan heard them?

It was just as the man said. Mu Rulan overheard them.

Her eyes narrowed as her mind worked through various thoughts and possibilities.

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Jin Biaohu was not someone that was good at planning. To think that he would make such a delicate move all of a sudden, someone must have advised him.

And he wanted her to throw away all her electronics… Was he afraid she would call the police? But typically one would assume that the police had already been called: even she had asked the two before.

Unless… they were afraid she would call again for help? So those two did not call the police, or were prevented from doing so?

The voice on the other end was already counting down. Mu Rulan spoke hurriedly, “Wait a minute!” Her thumb moved quietly on the keyboard, her long hair blocking her actions from the view of the person with the binoculars.

“No one’s going to wait! You better hurry…” Translated by The Novelst

“I want to make sure my brother is really okay! Don’t treat me like a fool. You’re afraid that the police might come soon so you want to take me hostage, huh?”

Zhou Yaya, who heard Mu Rulan’s tinny voice through Jin Biaohu’s phone, smiled.

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“It seems she really thinks the police have already been dispatched. Hurry up and have her throw away her phone. Once you guys arrive, immediately get rid of her. She’s crafty and cunning, and will be able to overturn the situation if you let her live for even two extra seconds!”

“You don’t have to remind me,” Jin Biaohu laughed. He put down the phone and picked up Mu Rulin’s. “Believe it or not: three, two, one!”

A white mobile phone was chucked out of the car. The impact was so strong that it bounced several times and the battery popped out from behind the cover.

Jin Biaohu hung up the call and dialed Mu Rulan’s number again. Nobody answered the call, likely because the phone had been destroyed on the road. Jin Biaohu smiled proudly.

Mu Rulan only had time to type a few words. The message was set to be sent in bulk, but because she was still on the line with Jin Biaohu, there was no way to send it out. It would only automatically send after Jin Biaohu had hung up the phone.

As long as even one person received it, the chances of the siblings surviving intact would be higher… All she could do was hope the phone was powerful enough to stay intact!

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The road became long and windy, and they drove past many forks in the road and continued on to a remote location.

If it continued on like this, to a place without any CCTV and no network signal, who could come to help?

Mu Rulan gripped the steering wheel. Her driving skills had been rusty in the beginning but now she had re-familiarized herself. Judging by the length of time she had been driving, she could nearly confirm that either the couple didn’t call the police or had been prevented.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be so quiet now. She had turned on the radio but had yet to hear any related news. Translated by The Novelst

She held the steering wheel tightly and narrowed her eyes.

Proofread by: Hannah

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