Mu Rulan began to search through the items available in the car. She found a box of condoms, a small bottle of perfume, a few pencils, and a utility knife. They were obviously things that belonged to the girl in the car before.

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If she stuffed all of these in her pockets, she would definitely be asked to take off her jacket once she got out of the car. There would be no way to conceal them all. Translated by The Novelst

And most of all, the people present were mostly tall and strong men. She was outnumbered, and even if she wanted to escape now, it was too late. And it was even more impossible for her to turn around and leave knowing that Jin Biaohu had kidnapped her little brother. And also…

The tip of Mu Rulan’s tongue probed out of her mouth a little and she licked her lower lips. She looked dangerous and tempting behind the yellow headlights of her car.

Most psychopaths were charming and had good appearances. They were typically very popular, eloquent, and could disassociate themselves through slick speech.

They were selfish, good at disguise, and self-centered. Some didn’t feel fear at all.

Mu Rulan was a psycho: her case might be a little special, but the little devil in her heart definitely held the characteristics of a psychopath mentioned in all the books on criminal psychology.

She wasn’t scared at all. She was even a little excited.

Ah… her prey was trying to fight back against the hunter? How interesting. Hm, a pencil? It was sharp: what would happen if she used it to pierce the eyes?

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There was no need to worry. She would be careful not to touch the brain. And the knife… It was so easy to hold in her hand. It was the best tool to use to cut a throat open, to make blood pour down like a waterfall. It would be beautiful to see them laying in a pool of blood, body twitching all over…


The screen of the white phone, smashed, lying in the middle of the road, suddenly lit up. The message had finally sent.

At the Mu Family residence.

Ke Wanqing was busy. Her phone vibrated on the table and she gave herself a moment for annoyance to well up before picking it up to see what it was. She saw it was a message from Mu Rulan.

But the contents of the message were nigh unreadable and seemed to have been a mistake, so she didn’t give it too much thought and returned her phone to its place to continue with her work.

In K City, at the Love bar.

The atmosphere inside the room was tense. A group of men, all in black, looked avidly over the five young boys and girls across from them. They had guns in their hands, yet did not dare make a move.

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Opposite them was a young boy seated on a black sofa, relaxed with his legs crossed. He looked like the thorns that grew on the flowers of a cactus; beautiful yet dangerous.

“The things that I said today you can take some time to think about. There’s no need to rush. It’s better to wait until your head cools down,” Duan Yao said casually, a glass of wine held casually in his hand. “Humans tend to make the wrong choice when panicked. And those choices have consequences, like…”

Bang! The glass of red wine slammed to the ground and the piercing ring of glass shattering caused a few of the men to tremble. They resisted the urge to kneel.

The fairy-like appearance of the young boy lit up as he chuckled.

“Please walk slowly, ya,” Liu Feiyang offered them some friendly advice.

The gathered men seemed to be locked in place, still stunned by Duan Yao’s sudden movements. None of them dared move.

A girl beside Liu Feiyang narrowed her eyes, icy gaze roving over the group of men. “Still not getting out?”

The group of men shivered. They rushed out of the room in a single-file line.

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When they finally left, Li Shen jokingly kicked at Taishi Niangzi. “I see you’re getting better at pretending to be cool.”

She kicked back. “Do I need to pretend?”

Duan Yao stood, yawning lazily and stretching. “Let’s go back and sleep…”

Just as he walked out of the room, all their phones buzzed at the same time. They took out their phones simultaneously. It seemed they had all received a message.

“Huh, it’s Lan Lan,” Taishi Niangzi said in surprise. She was confused: “But what’s this message saying?”

Duan Yao and the others were also confounded. Had she sent it by mistake or was it in code?

Duan Yao, rooted in place, called Mu Rulan’s phone multiple times, but no one answered.

“Don’t tell me something has happened?” Taishi Niangzi said, expression serious.

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Duan Yao frowned a little, thumb rubbing unconsciously at the ring on his index finger. Mu Rulan rarely sent messages. If she needed something, she would simply call. And most suspiciously: she had sent this message in bulk?

Of course, this wasn’t to exclude the possibility that Mu Rulan had sent the message by accident. But he didn’t plan to leave it there.

“Mo, go check Lan Lan’s whereabouts for today.”

K City. The Lu Family. Translated by The Novelst

At the dining table, Mother Lu was scooping rice into bowls. She couldn’t help but begin nagging again, “Qianren ah… You need to put in some effort. Your aunt, mother and grandfather all really liked Lan Lan…”

Lu Zimeng immediately began hacking and coughing, all triggered by the mention of Mu Rulan.

Proofread by: Hannah

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