Jin Biaohu ran to the factory, hoping that Mu Rulan was still locked inside so he wouldn’t have to see her again. He could just set the whole thing ablaze and let it burn to the ground.

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Mu Rulan obviously was not expecting Jin Biaohu to return. She had taken a few rounds of the room and the only window she could find was at the very top, and also locked. Translated by The Novelst

Inside the room there were several boxes of waste. It looked like it would be impossible for her to escape. She could only hope that her friends and family in K City would notice her disappearance and send help.

After running around for an entire day and even killing two people, she was exhausted. After she sat down, she began to feel tired and hungry.

Mu Rulin still hadn’t woken, so she sat on a wooden box beside him to rest.

Clang, clang, clang! Hearing the noise from outside, Mu Rulan opened her eyes and walked to the entrance to take a look through the gaps. Soon afterwards, her brows furrowed.

Jin Biaohu had amassed a pile of wood and other flammable goods and surrounded the room she was in. He had also managed to find some oil and poured it there, as well as a lighter inside the car Mu Rulan had driven to follow him.

Jin Biaohu stood in front of the room before the small fire dancing on the lighter. His throat rumbled as he said, “If you want to hate someone, blame Zhou Yaya! She’s the one who told me to come back and get rid of you guys. This was all her idea. She also stopped those people from calling the police. So if you turn into a ghost, don’t come looking for me!”

As he spoke, he threw the lighter onto the oil drum. The flames shot up and began to follow the path of the oil. In just a few minutes, the flames had surrounded the building.

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Jin Biaohu felt his fear ease up a little. He looked at his surroundings and thought that even if this place burned for three days, nobody would notice.

So he began to run back to his van in order to wait for Zhou Yaya to send someone to bring them back to the city.

A wave of heat rolled in from outside. Mu Rulan covered her mouth and nose and retreated to Mu Rulin’s side. She dragged Mu Rulin to the middle of the room, looking for a way to get out.

She did not expect Zhou Yaya to have been involved in this.


If she hadn’t involved herself, it wouldn’t be any fun. The world needed some unpredictable variables in order to be fun. If her life went too smoothly, it would be too boring.

Just you wait: if Mu Rulan could survive this fire, Zhou Yaya was the next person, ya. Initially she had wanted to follow her plan and do it slowly, since it would be much more beautiful if she waited for her materials to mature. But if she couldn’t hold back her desires, she might do something illogical.

The structure of the room was simple: there wasn’t a main beam nor tiling, so she didn’t need to worry that something would fall down and hit them.

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More urgently, the room was slowly filling with black smoke. Soon enough they would die from inhaling too much smoke, or from lack of oxygen.

Rulin… Rulin…” Mu Rulan knelt and shook Mu Rulin, but he didn’t show even a hint of waking up.

Jin Biaohu was afraid that Mu Rulin would wake up before they got rid of Mu Rulan, so before the exchange, they had dosed Mu Rulin once more with diethyl ether, causing him to be unable to wake up even now.

It was really bad, ya. Were her cute little brother and she, the psycho sister, going to die?

Mu Rulan didn’t fear death. She was coughing and finding it difficult to breathe now. However, she was still a little regretful for being unable to bring along her puppets to die alongside her.

What to do? Would her body be thoroughly grilled? In this sort of rural location, would she be eaten by dogs? If not, it was such a pity ya. Her body, abandoned to the wilderness…

It would be better if her flesh was eaten. At least she wouldn’t feel so cold inside.

If she could make a wish, she would want to be eaten after her body was grilled.

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It could be anything: humans, dogs, crows, anything. She didn’t want her body here alone ya. Winter would be coming soon. She would be very, very, very cold by then…


Mo Qianren and Lu Zimeng could see a flare from afar.

Lu Zimeng was extremely glad, damn it. After so much time driving he was finally able to see signs of human habitation!

Mo Qianren looked at the distant fire, a cold light flashing through his eyes. He floored it again and rushed to the scene.

Lu Zimeng followed behind him and turned off his car. Translated by The Novelst

“Oh my god. What’s happening here?” Lu Zimeng was unable to retain his composure and shouted out loud. Mo Qianren had already left his car to run towards the building.

In the distance, they could see that what was burning was not some sort of bonfire but a structure.

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Lu Zimeng was hesitating in following Mo Qianren before a thought flashed through his mind.

D-Don’t tell him – was Mu Rulan inside that burning house?!

Mo Qianren raced to the factory, his indifferent eyes scanning his surroundings.

There was only a racing car that could fit at most two people at the scene, when really there should have been at least three kidnappers alongside a hostage. So it was impossible for this car to belong to the kidnappers. It was likely the car Mu Rulan had driven here.

On the ground, there were skid marks that indicated a car had left, and judging by the tracks it was either a van or a business car: which meant that the kidnappers had left but the building was still burning. The likeliest possibility was that it was in order to burn the corpse and destroy the evidence.

After rapidly coming to this conclusion, Mo Qianren ran to the front of the factory.

Proofread by: Hannah

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