“Mu Rulan!” Mo Qianren was shouting, but soon thick black smoke rolled out of the warehouse, making him have to cover his nose with his clothing.

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After he confirmed that it was possible that Mu Rulan was in the building and her life in danger, his mind went blank, his usual rationality disappearing into thin air. Translated by The Novelst

Kicking away the burning piles in front of the building, he found the door was not locked, but an iron rod had been placed across the entrance previously by Jin Biaohu. It was burning hot at the moment because of the heat from the fire, but his pain receptors seemed to have gone numb. His hands reached out for that rod without hesitation.

He used all his strength trying to pull that rod out, but it wasn’t easy to maneuver it out.

Mo Qianren’s forehead was dotted full of sweat, but he couldn’t let go. His intelligence had been set aside.

Once Lu Zimeng reached Mo Qianren, he saw what was happening and yelled, “Don’t you feel any pain!”

Once he was done shouting, he raised his leg to kick the door in. But with a reverberating bang! the door still remained shut. The only result was Lu Zimeng gritting his teeth in pain. It was so painful! No wonder Mo Qianren hadn’t tried this method.

The iron rod fell to the ground with a loud clang. Mo Qianren then kicked in the door and let the smoke billow out for a bit and scanned for the figure he knew to be inside the room.

When he saw a body fallen across the floor he felt the world stop moving and turn silent.

Lu Zimeng was still coughing up a fit behind him, his eyes teary from the smoke. His hand was still in the air and before he could say anything, Mo Qianren had already rushed inside.

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Lu Zimeng felt the sky falling in. It was over. Just based on Mo Qianren’s reaction… it was over.

“Come in!” shouted Mo Qianren from inside. Lu Zimeng only then rushed into the room.

Mo Qianren carried Mu Rulan, while Lu Zimeng lifted Mu Rulin and rushed out of the room.

Mo Qianren placed Mu Rulan down onto the ground outside, his pale face a little grimy from the smoke.

“How is she? Is she alive?” Lu Zimeng was checking that Mu Rulin was still breathing. He didn’t know how Mu Rulan was.

Mo Qianren didn’t bother to give an answer, applying first aid to Mu Rulan.

A helicopter flew in their direction at this time.

Duan Yao jumped down from the helicopter before it had landed safely. He ran immediately towards them, looking at how haggard Mu Rulan was. His expression wasn’t good.

The police had also arrived within a few minutes, quickly surrounding the area with yellow tape and extinguishing the remaining fire.

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As for Jin Biaohu and Huang Maozai, who were about five hundred meters away still waiting for Zhou Yaya, they were also captured by the police.

The Zhou Family Residence

Zhou Yaya stood on the staircase, sticking her body out while trying to eavesdrop on Mayor Zhou’s phone call.

From the bits she overheard, she could tell that Mu Rulan had managed to escape death and get rescued. Jin Biaohu had even been captured!

Her face immediately paled and turned ugly.

Damn, they were really useless! Jin Biaohu, what a useless idiot! She only asked him to kill one sixteen-year-old girl. Not only did he hit one snag after another, but he had still failed in the end! Was his brain filled with poop? And he even got caught? What now? He would definitely drag her in and sell her out!

Zhou Yaya was panicking. If she was revealed to be an accomplice, her father would definitely be kicked from his position and her mother’s business would also be affected. At that point she would turn from a noble lady to an evil woman despised by all; she would be ridiculed by the crowd and even be insulted. This was all Mu Rulan’s fault!

Zhou Yaya’s expression was twisted as she stood there, struck by indecision.

But something flickered in her eyes as an idea flashed into her head. She looked a little deranged.

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She took a few steps down the stairs, sobbing, “Father…”


The racket in the hospital had finally died down for the night.

Several people were going to have trouble sleeping.

Mu Rusen, eyes red, leaned on Mu Rulan’s bed, unwilling to leave. He felt very guilty. This was all because of him. Why had he gone to race cars? He should have accompanied his sister like his brother had.

Mu Zhenyang had also rushed back when he heard the news. He didn’t notice the excitement on Bai Suqing’s face when she heard.

The group of people sat in the hospital until the doctor confirmed there would be no huge problems. Only then did they disperse, since having so many people there wouldn’t help much.

Mo Qianren sat behind his desk, a laptop open before him. Rows of text were reflected in his eyes as he moved his mouse.

It was an email from Mo Wuhen regarding the Jin Family: how they had gotten their fortune, and all of Jin Biaohu’s information. He wanted to see more about that family.

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As he had expected, someone wanted to control the Jin Family and had compiled a file with all the Jin Family secrets in case they betrayed them. So this file also included the happenings of the kidnapping case five years prior.

Xiao Jing and Li Yalan had been raped and abused to death. Jin Moli had ignored her conscience and spilled lies to the police, and Wang Qiang and Liu Mian had faked evidence for money.

The main culprit behind all this was the prince of the Jin Family, Jin Biaohu. He was acquitted and the other people who had gone missing were his accomplices. Translated by The Novelst

The photos on the wall of the basement of Mu Rulan’s home were all victims who had died in the hands of Jin Biaohu, Wang Qiang, and others…

They were a group comprised of the scum of society, who deserved more than death but were able to remain free due to their status and power.

The more he continued to read, the more he felt they deserved to have died.

Mo Qianren’s feelings were complicated. He covered his left chest unconsciously, feeling it ache suddenly.

Proofread by: Hannah

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