Interrogation (4)

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But now, Anna gave them another option.

“The word of a traitor cannot be trusted,” said a cardinal. She has been bewitched by the demon, either to escape herself, or to protect him.”

Bishop Conrad nodded; he also thought the same.

A five-star mage said: “The interior of the demon’s eye is too dangerous. I don’t think she can get in and out safely. Since this is another method, we can give it a try.”

Another female five-star mage said: “We would be sending her to her death. She was forcibly taken away by the demon in the beginning, not on her own will. I think she has lost the will to live after being forced by the demon, and is using such a way to end her life.”

The five-star mages did not really believe in the so-called prophecy, but they had no choice but to hold onto the only life-saving straw they had.

“Forced? You all heard what she said just now; she didn’t sound forced at all.” The previous cardinal said, “Her body and mind have been given to the devil!”

The female mage sneered: “Hehe, if it’s really like what you said, she wouldn’t have cooperated at all with us just now!”

Everyone in the hall started quarreling, expressing their own opinions.

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After all, these big shots were usually flattered by others, and were used to their words and their opinions being the right one. It was difficult for them to accept someone else’s opinions after they had made up their own mind.

Victor watched in silence for a while, and seeing that they could not reach a consensus yet, he quietly left the hall.

He stood at the door for a while, then walked towards the place where Anna was being held.

A priest was standing guard outside. Seeing that it was Victor, he hurriedly greeted him respectfully.

Victor had a faint smile on his face: “They’re in discussion over there; I came over to ask some more questions.”

He said this as if he had been ordered to ask a question, and the two priests hastily opened the door and let him in.

Anna turned her head when she heard the movement, and saw Victor stepping in. His silver hair was long and smooth, and she suddenly remembered the feeling on her hands when Rothgarr let her touch it.

It was very nice to touch.

“Esteemed Holy Son.” Anna stood up and said.

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She didn’t have any ill feelings towards this man. Rather, she felt pity for him for Rothgarr occupying his body, and using this holy body of his to seduce her…

“Mage Anna.” Victor nodded slightly.

Anna looked at him, waiting for him to explain why he had come.

He obviously had a question he wanted to ask, but it seemed like he had trouble getting it out.

She said politely: “Esteemed Holy Son, if you have any questions, just ask. If I am able to answer, I will answer truthfully.”

Victor regretted coming in.

If he asked, he would only have his suspicions, although these suspicions would cause him to be uneasy. But if he asked and got an answer he didn’t want, he would feel worse than not asking.

Anna didn’t know what Victor was struggling with. She asked, “Could it be that the discussions among the mages have come to an end? Tell me, I can bear any result.”

“They’re still discussing.” Victor shook his head, and was unwilling to leave like this, so he asked insincerely, “I’m a little curious. When the demon was pursuing you, did you know his true identity?”

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Hearing this question, Anna instantly became vigilant.

She knew that the possibility of her proposal being accepted was not high, and they might still want to capture demons to fill the eye. If so, how would they go about capturing demons? Although Balan deliberately downplayed her importance to Rothgarr in front of them, saying that she was just a pet, how could they not try to use her as a bait to let Rothgatr fall into their trap?

If that was the case, she absolutely couldn’t expose any information about Rothgarr, including the fact that she could see through his possession. They already knew that he could possess others, and she didn’t know what precautions they would take to deal with that ability. At least she could cooperate without talking to Rothgarr and just by seeing him; she couldn’t let them know about this.

“Of course I don’t know.” Anna immediately shook her head, “Even you didn’t know the true identity of the demon back then. I was just an ordinary person at the time, so how could I know?”

Victor said: “He possessed different men to pursue you, and you didn’t notice anything unusual?”

Anna said shyly, “No. I thought it was normal. After all, there were several outstanding boys in my neighborhood who wanted to marry me.”

Victor looked at Anna, speechless.

The doubts in his heart had been held back for too long, and he finally asked in a tactful way: “The Holy Son dedicates everything to the goddess. When the devil possessed me…to pursue you, didn’t you think ‘I’ was behaving abnormally?”

Anna still shook her head resolutely and said against her conscience: “I didn’t think it was abnormal at the time. The you who was possessed by the demon was still as elegant and holy as in the past…”

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Victor didn’t know what to make when he heard Anna’s words. What she meant was that the demon didn’t mess around using his body?

He had already asked till here, so he continued in a roundabout way: “But when you answered Bishop Conrad just now, you said that the demon is very obsessed with your… body. Did he really do… unreasonable things that made you suspicious?”

After Victor finished asking his question, he saw Anna looking past him to something behind him. He turned his head and saw that there was a priest at the opened door of the room.

“A little!”

Before Victor could take a closer look, when he heard Anna’s words, he suddenly turned around and his heart ached.

Anna tried not to look at the person at the door as much as possible, so as not to reveal anything.

But her spirits did lift.

Inside the body of the priest at the door was Rothgarr.

He had woken up!

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