Possessed (1)

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When Rothgarr saw Anna, the dark clouds that had weighed on his heart for a long time finally dissipated.

He woke up a day ago and found himself in Balan’s castle, but he didn’t see Anna by his side.

He remembered that shortly after leaving The Abyss, he could no longer hold on anymore and passed out. In that moment, he thought that Anna had abandoned him and ran away.

But then Balan told him that there were intruders in his castle, and that to protect him, Anna had stayed behind to slow them down. Later, Balan followed them to the Human Realm, but the Human Realm mages came prepared, and he had failed to rescue Anna.

Rothgarr hadn’t healed yet from the injuries he got from The Abyss, but after hearing what Balan said, he didn’t bother to wait until he healed before going to rescue Anna.

He knew how humans were. He knew how kind and precious Anna was, but those humans would only hurt her because they saw her protecting him.

He couldn’t wait another moment.

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Before coming to the Human Realm and finding a way to get here through constant possession, Rothgarr didn’t dare to let himself think too much.

What would happen to a human–one who had helped a demon–in the hands of the Vatican?

He didn’t dare to think about it, but at the same time, couldn’t help thinking about it.

If something happened to Anna, he wouldn’t let the Vatican go, and he wouldn’t have mercy for the Human Realm either.

At this time, he slightly understood Balan’s pain of losing Catherine. He hadn’t lost Anna yet, but just thinking of that possibility was unbearable for him.

At this moment, Anna was standing right in front of him. Rothgarr wanted to walk up and bring her into his embrace, but he held back.

The teleportation portal could only be activated near the line of life and death, and his injuries were not fully healed yet. If he revealed himself and took Anna away at this moment, he would quickly be stopped by the many five-star mages here.

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If it was just him, he wouldn’t mind; he would be very willing to fight them, but he couldn’t put Anna in danger.

Therefore, he possessed someone, letting only Anna see him. He said, “Your Excellency Victor, the discussion with Bishop Conrad and the others have come to a conclusion.”

After hearing what the priest said behind him, Victor knew that he should go back, but he had already started the conversation and didn’t want to return without an answer. He motioned with his hand and said okay. He then looked at Anna and said, “Mage Anna, please tell me briefly what suspicions you had.”

Anna regarded her ability to see through Rothgarr’s possession as an advantage against the Human Realm mages, and she would never allow this to cause trouble for Rothgarr, so she immediately retracted her gaze and looked at the solemn-looking Holy Son.

She had a thoughtful and stunned expression on her face: “There is indeed one thing that made me feel strange… When you were possessed, he had me touch your hair.”

Touch his hair?

Victor’s expression immediately eased. This was better than he had expected.

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The worries he had for these past months were finally let go.

Because Bishop Conrad was in a hurry, he couldn’t stay here any longer, so he nodded to Anna and was about to leave immediately.

Anna suddenly raised her voice and asked, “Your Excellency the Holy Son, if the result of Bishop Conrad’s discussion is to use me as a bait to make the demon fall into the trap, could you please let me know?”

Victor paused, with a slightly hesitant expression on his face, and then said: “I believe they will ask you for assistance in the future; you can ask yourself when that time comes.”

“Okay, I understand.” Anna nodded without pursuing the matter. The purpose of her request was simply to tell Rothgarr fair and square that the mages were out to capture him and that he had to be more careful.

Victor left. The door slowly closed behind him. Anna looked outside at Rothgarr, until he was no longer in sight.

After seeing Rothgarr and learning that he had awakened from his coma, her first reaction was of course joy. But then she couldn’t help worrying that it wasn’t her who was in more danger now, but Rothgarr.

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Rothgarr had told her about the approximate strength values of each level. He could only take one 150 in the Human Realm, and was going against so many five-star mages who could take on 160 each. Although these values could not be fully accurate, the difference in strength was too great. How could it be done?

She wasn’t in any immediate danger here, but if he was caught, he would likely be stuffed into the Demon’s Eye according to Conrad’s plan.

She didn’t want him to save her.

On the other side, when Victor returned to the hall, the discussion here had indeed come to fruition. He came here on behalf of the Pope. Even if he was not involved in the previous discussion, he should listen to what they had come up with.

Seeing that Victor had arrived, Bishop Conrad began to explain the results of the discussion.

And Rothgarr, wearing the shell of an ordinary priest, followed openly behind Victor. He stood on the side and listened; no one noticed the existence of this demon.

“According to the original plan, Anna would be used as bait to capture the demon first.

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