Possessed (2)

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According to the Grand Duke of Lechery, the Grand Duke of Hubilis has not tired of Anna, and he will come to take back his belongings.” Bishop Conrad said, “Grand Duke Hubilis has the ability to possess others. If anyone behaves differently from before, they must be apprehended at once. If someone claims that they have lost their memory for a period of time, it must be him who has sneaked in.”

All the mages present committed these words to heart, but Rothgarr sneered internally. How could he let them see the flaws of possession again this time? In the past, he didn’t hide well, but that was only because he couldn’t be bothered to.

Bishop Conrad went on to say: “If filling the demon’s eye with the demon can’t stop the expansion of the demon’s eye, then we will accept Anna’s proposal and send her in.”

Rothgarr frowned suddenly.

He heard the first half of Conrad’s sentence but was unbothered by it. If they wanted to use him for something, they would have to catch him alive first.

But the second half of Conrad’s sentence made him puzzled and angry.

Hearing that humans named a certain place Demon Eye, it was obvious that this was not a nice place. They wanted to send Anna there? Moreover, this was Anna’s own proposal?

What was going on?

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Rothgarr wanted to find Anna so he could ask her, but he couldn’t be impulsive right now.

He could only resentfully sentence everyone present to death.

Hearing Bishop Conrad’s words, everyone had a different expression on their face, but no one raised any objections. After all, this was the result of their collective discussion.

Then they continued to discuss a plan for the demon to have no return.

And all of this was heard by Rothgarr verbatim.

After listening for a while, Rothgarr gathered all the scattered information and understood the reason.

There was a different space similar to The Abyss in the line of life and death, and the information that this place was “similar to The Abyss” was obtained by Anna, who also told them that she brought The Abyss tree fruit out from The Abyss. She believed that was what the demon eye needed.

Anna didn’t tell him about The Abyss fruit and the hallucination.

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Going alone into the demon eye which was similar to The Abyss, Anna would not be ignorant of what that meant, but she still offered the suggestion. If she didn’t tell them, no one would know about The Abyss tree fruit, nor about the hallucination she had experienced in The Abyss.

Rothgarr laughed out of rage.

Great! Very nice! Anna knew what would happen if she entered the demon’s eye, but she still planned to do it, and she didn’t even think about asking him!

What did she plan to do? In order to save the entire Human Realm, she would give up her life? Did she even think about him?

Did she already figure something out when she came out of The Abyss, and had long planned to sacrifice herself? Did she leave him voluntarily? Did she voluntarily allow herself to be brought back to the Human Realm?

For a moment, Rothgarr wanted to question Anna desperately. What did she take him as, a tool to help her improve her strength? The shyness she showed, the love in those eyes of hers, was it all pretend?

She shouldn’t even think about doing that to him!

If she dared to die for the Human Realm, he dared to make all her efforts come to naught.

He used to come to the Human Realm only occasionally, and he had no interest in conquering the Human Realm which he had no positive feelings for; but destroying it was much easier than conquering it. She could try to see how much he could destroy. Even if it was difficult for him to do it alone, he didn’t mind going to Aosta, Aquin, and Bailey to promise benefits; they would be very willing to participate.

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It took a lot of willpower for Rothgarr to keep this anger under control.

He didn’t allow Anna not to put him first.

Anna was restless in the room, worried that Rothgarr’s easily irritated personality would soon be exposed.

She hoped that her reminder just now could be of some use, and that he would be more cautious.

She was also seriously thinking about what else she could do. It was too difficult for Rothgarr to return without success, but it was even more difficult for him to take her away from so many five-star mages.

After an unknown amount of time, Anna heard some voices coming from outside the door. As soon as she stood up, the door was opened.

Rothgarr walked in.

He was still using the body of the priest from before. He closed the door behind him after entering. The two priests outside only thought that he had come under the orders of Bishop Conrad, and didn’t care too much because spells couldn’t be used in this room.

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“Why did you…” Anna lowered her voice, and then she noticed that Rothgarr’s expression was very ugly. He seemed to be suppressing his anger.

Rothgarr walked up to Anna step by step. If not for the fact that this priest’s body was still useful to him, he would have left this body by now, kiss Anna fiercely, make her hurt, and make her feel his anger.

“Anna, what am I to you?” Rothgarr stopped at an arm’s length away from Anna, and looked at her coldly, “A tool to help you improve your strength?”

Anna was taken aback, and quickly shook her head, “No. I might have thought that way before, but not now.”

“Then tell me, what am I to you?” Rothgarr still asked with a cold face.

What is he?

Anna didn’t want to talk to Rothgarr about this now. She said: “There are so many five-star mages out there, it’s too dangerous for you to come here! Before they find out, you should leave here. At least bring Balan…”

Before Anna finished speaking, Rothgarr squeezed her wrist tightly. She yelped in pain, and met Rothgarr’s cold and stern gaze.

“Answer my question!”

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