I Love You (1)

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Although Rothgarr didn’t think he could escape in Anna’s body, he still tried his best to be careful leaving the scene.

Less than a minute after he walked out, the silence around him instantly became nosy, and he knew he had been discovered.

It took less than ten seconds between the start of the commotion for several five-star mages to show up in front of Rothgarr. He was not surprised by this.

It was precisely in anticipation of this possibility that he didn’t take Anna away directly.

The corner of his mouth hooked up halfway. Remembering that he was using Anna’s body now, he forced down his smirk and looked at the five-star mages in front of him expressionlessly.

“Weren’t you cooperating very well before? Why do you want to run now?” A five-star mage looked at Anna with an ugly expression.

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Rothgarr looked at the person in front of him. Although he wanted to scoff at what he was going to say next, he had to say: “There is no time. By the time you all settle on a plan, the demon eye will grow too big to control.”

Among the memory fragments of Anna’s he saw, there were some from after she was captured this time, particularly of when she confessed to these people that she had experienced hallucinations in The Abyss and suggested that they send her in.

These memories made him so angry that he wanted to kill someone. She really didn’t think about him at all!

Hearing Rothgarr’s words, the expressions of the five-star mages who surrounded him were somewhat strange.

If Anna hadn’t told them what she had seen in The Abyss and offered to send herself in, they would never have considered having her fill the demon eye. Thus, they kind of believed she really wanted to save the Human Realm, whether it was out of love for her family or for some other reason.

Therefore, when Anna said that she escaped for the purpose of going to the demon eye, they didn’t think this reason was too far-fetched.

One of the five-star mages said sternly: “Anna, can you tell us why you chose to run away? You even killed those three innocent priests!”

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Rothgarr sneered: “What use will it be if I tell you? You only believe in what you want, wasting time here waiting for the demon to take the bait. You overestimated my value to the demon. Waiting is just wasting the last chance to save the Human Realm!”

Hearing Rothgarr’s words, the five-star mages looked at each other solemnly.

Anna was the only human who had ever entered The Abyss, and her intuition was perhaps more accurate than others.

Seeing “Anna” looking like she was preparing to fight, a five-star mage said, “Don’t act rashly. With us around, you won’t be able to escape. Putting up resistance will only hurt you.”

Rothgarr suppressed his will to fight them. He knew very well that Anna was cowardly, and she would immediately compromise on such a matter with no chance of winning.

He suddenly saw the scene in his memory of Anna facing those five-star mages in the Demon Realm, allowing him to escape. He once suspected that she went with them on purpose, but this memory snippet told him that she did delay until she could no longer delay before giving up resistance.

This was somewhat of a comfort to him. At least she wanted to protect him.

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“If I were you, I would set off to the demon eye immediately, or the entire Human Realm will go down with you due to your hesitation!” Rothgarr said.

It was difficult for him to take Anna out of Black Cloud City under the noses of these five-star mages. But once he reached the line of life and death, as long as he found an opportunity to leave Anna’s body, he could immediately activate a teleportation portal and take Anna away. When he gets to the Demon Realm, no matter how many of these people chased him, it was trivial.

So, now he just wanted to trick them into setting off as soon as possible.

The act of “Anna” rushing to “send herself to her death” really moved these five-star mages, but they were able to sympathize.

The continued expansion of the demon eye was a matter of life and death for the entire Human Realm. If they had the chance to save the Human Realm, they would do so, too. In the face of such a major event, no one could stay out of it.

“We will carefully consider what you said. Now, if you don’t want to get hurt, don’t resist.” A five-star mage said.

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It was only then that Rothgarr made the appearance of giving up resistance.

A five-star mage came over and put him in a confinement circle, telling him to go back.

Rothgarr put on a harmless guise until he was brought into the hall where they were discussing earlier.

Bishop Conrad had arrived with a sullen face. When he saw Rothgarr walk in, he gave him an ugly look.

The five-star mages who came back with Rothgarr had told Conrad about “Anna” escaping.

Anna was very cooperative before, but now, she suddenly killed three people and wanted to escape. The contrast between before and after was too great, and he couldn’t help but guess what kind of “enlightenment” she got. Anna was someone who had entered The Abyss; perhaps she had a sense of it from having gone in, and that was why she was so impatient.

Whether it was The Abyss or the demon eye, both were unknown things for human mages. How could they not be afraid and helpless in the face of the unknown? It was just that they didn’t have any more clues to go off of, so they could only hold on to Anna, their life-saving straw.

The mages who gathered once again did not discuss for too long this time. In fact, the results of the discussion did not change much.

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