I Love You (2)

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Instead of waiting here for the demon to throw himself into the trap, they changed the plan to waiting for the demon to come while heading towards the demon eye themselves. If the demon came halfway, they had so many five-star mages; they were bound to be able to capture him. Then, they would just follow their original plan and throw the demon into the demon eye first. If they reached the demon eye and the demon had not come yet, it meant that the demon didn’t care about Anna that much and there was no need to wait any longer. Or, if they found that the situation had become really bad after getting to the demon eye, then they could only go ahead with Anna’s suggestion and send her. If that didn’t work, then they would find a way to find the demon in the Demon Realm.

After the discussion was over, everyone immediately started preparing to set off for the line of life and death.

Fortunately, going to the line of life and death was part of the plan all along, and the preparations for the departure had already been made. They were able to set off very soon.

Rothgarr didn’t get another chance to be alone, but he didn’t care.

He just looked carefully at the parts of her memory that he was able to see. In fact, he couldn’t discover anything new. There were only fragments of the world that only existed in Anna’s memory. He didn’t understand it very well. He just vaguely understood Anna’s current personality and character fit much better with the completely different appearance and customs of that world.

He even saw Anna’s reflection in the mirror in that world, with her long black hair hanging down her shoulders. Although her appearance was different, she was equally beautiful. Anna looking that didn’t feel off-putting to him.

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Before the team set off, Rothgarr saw Leon.

Because Leon was obviously more familiar with Anna, Rothgarr subconsciously frowned when Leon walked over.

Leon would also be accompanying them to the line of life and death. He likely knew a lot already, and looked a little sad when he looked at “Anna”.

But even though he walked over, when he actually faced “Anna”, he didn’t know what to say.

Rothgarr was a little wary of Leon. He knew that Leon had feelings for Anna, but at this moment he couldn’t say anything to Leon. If he was discovered, everything he had done before would be meaningless.

Therefore, he just glanced at Leon and then lowered his head, also saying nothing.

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What made him feel less angry was that there were no scenes of Leon in the memory he got after possessing Anna, most of them were of him. He had been there for almost all of Anna’s brief “life” in this world, and this gave him a weird sense of satisfaction.

Leon couldn’t help sighing when he saw “Anna” lower her head, as if she didn’t know how to face him.

Recalling that when he first met Anna, she was just a young mage’s disciple who learned things quickly and seriously. At first, he admired her hard work and her talent in learning.

But now, her strength seemed to have already surpassed him, and she had experienced things that he couldn’t imagine at all. She even killed someone, all for the purpose of “sending herself to die” as soon as possible.

He didn’t know what else to say.

He didn’t even have the slightest say regarding the matter of the demon eye.

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“I’m sorry, Anna.” Leon looked at Anna and said bitterly, “But I’m very happy that I was your teacher for a short time.”

Rothgarr refrained from paying attention to Leon. Otherwise, he was afraid that if he said something, Leon would be suspicious.

If it was about becoming Anna’s teacher, he became one much earlier than Leon, and was one for much longer. What was Leon so happy about?

Seeing that “Anna” lowered her head and ignored him, Leon didn’t force her. He left slowly.

Rothgarr didn’t bother paying attention to him anymore. He lowered his head, looking down at “his” hands. He couldn’t help but think that Anna’s hands were so small. He still remembered them stroking his horns, his chest, and even his… Her touch drove him crazy.

He touched his right hand with his left hand. Although he knew it was Anna’s hand, he didn’t feel anything because he was in her body.

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Apart from her hands, the sensations in every part of her body were also really amazing.

He found that he was already missing Anna’s body, of course when she was in it herself. When he brings her back to the Demon Realm, he wouldn’t care about whether she was “willing” anymore. The fact that she was sending herself to her own death without telling him made him very angry. He really shouldn’t be so tolerant to her!

The team that set off did not appear to be weak. On the path to the demon eye, after crossing over the line of life and death, they would face countless demonic creatures, so there were many people in the team, and the five-star mages who came to Black Cloud City would also accompany them.

This mighty journey to the outskirts of the city attracted many crowds of onlookers, but the team still seemed very low-key. No one knew what this journey would be like.

Rothgarr was placed in the middle of the team. He was still wearing the Imprisonment Circle, and his hands were tied behind his back. The carriage was accompanied by two five-star mages.

Rothgarr wasn’t nervous; he had plenty of time between getting to the line of life and death and getting to the demon eye. Besides, how high could their level of defense be when they currently think that he is Anna?

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