I Just Want To See (4)

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Anna walked to the back of the castle. The night star had just risen at this moment. She remembered that it was daytime when she had been possessed by Rothgarr, so it must have been at least twenty-four hours now.

She wondered what happened to the demon eye in the Human Realm.

Anna suppressed the worries in her heart and went to watch Gray Gray digging at the ground seriously. It had opened up new lands and worked extremely well.

When White Fur saw Anna, it rushed over with his spike pig friends, bouncing and snorting, and seemed very happy that Anna was safe and sound.

Anna touched White Fur’s head. She didn’t play favorites, patting the rest of the spike pigs’ heads also, one by one.

White Fur and friends were so happy that they danced around Anna before leaving.

Anna turned and walked to Rothgarr. She took his arm, leaned on him and said, “It’s so lively to see them, should we collect some more demonic creatures in the future?”

Hearing Anna’s words, Rothgarr held her hand and smiled gently: “Okay, if you like.”

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He really liked that Anna managed and arranged the castle like an owner. He hadn’t left a single living thing in the castle because of The Abyss curse in the past, but as long as she was there, it didn’t matter how lively the castle was.

“Then at least find a human-shaped demonic creature who can cook. I want to live with a silver spoon in my mouth.” Anna said longingly.

Rothgarr said, “Okay.”

“Let’s find someone who can make clothes. I’m tired of wearing the clothes in the closet.” Anna said again.


“Oh, and…”

Anna and Rothgarr walked back. Anna listed her requests and Rothgarr agreed to them all.

Anna didn’t notice that Rothgarr’s eyes had become brighter and brighter as he listened to her requests. As soon as she walked up the corridor on the fourth floor, she was picked up by Rothgarr, pressed against the wall and kissed. He swallowed all the words she hadn’t finished speaking.

Anna clearly felt the demon’s extraordinary talent, but felt that the unrestrained Rothgarr was too scary. Speaking of which, when she was staying in Balan’s castle temporarily, didn’t she often see Balan doing happy things with Catherine regardless of the occasion?

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It was a pity she realized it too late.

After Rothgarr finally let go of her a little bit, Anna said, pitifully gasping, “I really can’t anymore.”

Rothgarr pecked at the corner of her lips and said, “It won’t be long.”

Anna stared at him accusingly: “You are really handy in telling such lies.”

Rothgarr couldn’t help laughing, and carried Anna to the bedroom. Anna was just too cute; he couldn’t get enough no matter how many times.

Anna stared blankly at Rothgarr’s raised eyebrows, as if she had rarely seen him laugh so heartily.

She couldn’t bear to ruin his good mood, but she couldn’t help it.

When being pressed on the bed by Rothgarr, Anna avoided his kiss by turning her face. She met his dissatisfied gaze and said cautiously: “I’m a little worried about the situation of the Human Realm…can you take me to see it?”

She knew very well now that Rothgarr wouldn’t let her go to the demon eye or The Abyss, so she could only settle for the next best thing and ask to just go and see the situation. She hoped to persuade him step by step to let her complete her mission.

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The smile on Rothgarr’s face disappeared in an instant. He really shouldn’t have let his guard down; Anna hadn’t given up yet.

It made sense; how could Anna give up the Human Realm?

He looked at her and sneered: “What, do you think that since I already had you, I can send you to die?”

“That’s not what I mean, I just want to go and have a look.” Anna explained patiently.

“What can you change after you see?” Rothgarr rolled out from over Anna and hugged her tightly, with irony in his tone, “Didn’t you say that you can’t anymore? Then sleep well!”

Anna was completely trapped in Rothgarr’s arms, as if afraid that she would escape from his arms.

She looked at him. His eyes were closed, which meant that he refused to communicate any more.

Anna stared at him for a while, then suddenly reached below with her hand.

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Rothgarr’s body tightened, and he opened his eyes suddenly. His blood-red eyes looked at Anna in astonishment.

Anna looked at him pitifully: “I’ll just take a look, I won’t go in, okay?”

Rothgarr took a deep breath, but still refused, “No!”

He should have grabbed Anna’s hand, but he didn’t.

Anna’s thoughts moved slightly, and the thin vines of the whip tree demon emerged from the palm of her hand, wrapping around little by little.

Rothgarr could have stopped Anna, but he still didn’t. There seemed to be blood-red mist surging in his blood-red eyes, and his lips were tightly pressed together.

“I really just want to see. How can I run away if you take me there? I promise, if you don’t agree, I will definitely not do anything else.” Anna continued to persuade, the whip tree demon emerged from her palm, continuing to spread to both sides.

Rothgarr grunted, and finally relented: “Okay, I’ll take you there to see.”

Afterwards, he squeezed Anna’s wrist lightly, and the tree demon in her palm shrank back. His scarlet eyes fixed on her, and the corner of his mouth raised with a dangerous expression: “You asked for whatever happens next! ”

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