Human Realm and Demon Realm (1)

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Anna lay limp on the bed, and couldn’t help but think that she really paid too much for the Human Realm.

Knowing the consequences she would face if she did that, she bit the bullet and decided to do it anyway, and the result was obviously more terrifying than she had originally imagined.

After finally recovering her breath, Anna turned her head to look at Rothgarr. He recovered earlier than her, and was half-sitting, half-leaning against the head of the bed. The quilt only covered his abdomen, revealing the beautiful lines of his muscles.

He lowered his head and looked towards Anna. Although there was an aftertaste of satiety on his face, his eyes were a little cold.

Anna propped up her upper body, and the quilt slipped off her back, revealing some traces of their indulgence in each other.

She moved closer and put her arms around Rothgarr’s waist, and said in a low voice, “You already promised me; you can’t go back on your word.”

She knew that what she did just now was a bit despicable, but her little plot was open and aboveboard. Rothgarr could see through it at a glance. If he didn’t want to agree, he could have just ignored what she was saying and had his way with her. She was the one who was trying to seduce him, so it wouldn’t make sense for her to push him away, nor could she push him away even if she tried to.

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Rothgarr looked down at Anna. Her long reddish-brown hair cascaded down her snow-white back, and she was extremely beautiful.

He caressed her long hair with a complicated expression on his face.

Although he really enjoyed himself just now, Anna’s little trick made him very unhappy.

Anna didn’t hear Rothgarr’s response. She looked up at him.

Rothgarr grabbed her by the shoulders and lifted her into his arms.

“After sunrise, I’ll take you there,” Rothgarr said, adding immediately, “Just to see.”

Anna was still a little worried that Rothgarr would go back on his word. Hearing this, she immediately hugged him tightly and said, “Thank you! I will only take a look!” This time.

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“Sleep.” Rothgarr lay down with his arms around Anna. Hearing the joy in Anna’s voice, his mood improved a lot.

With him watching, there would be no problem.

Her staged small goal was achieved, and Anna closed her eyes contentedly. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes again. She met Rothgarr’s gaze and smiled happily, leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. She said in a low voice: ” Good night.”

She was really happy now. As long as there was a possibility of communication, many of their problems would be solved.

Rothgarr’s displeasure was finally gone.

He had been with Anna for so long, and he already knew what kind of person she was. As she said, if something happened to the Human Realm, she would not be able to live carefree in the future.

He wanted to keep her by his side, but he also wanted to keep her smile.

The Human Realm was likely fine right now; if she wanted to go and check it out, then so be it. He felt that the Human Realm’s problem might not be that serious. If it was really going to be destroyed, he could bring her family to the Demon Realm. At least with her family, she could always be happy again slowly.

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Rothgarr held Anna tight. No matter what she said, he wouldn’t let her enter the demon eye and take that risk.

Anna fell asleep peacefully. When she woke up, she found that she was still in Rothgarr’s arms. She asked in a daze, “Has the sun risen?”

Rothgarr responded, “Yeah.”

Anna struggled to sit up. After a few seconds later, she became fully awake and clear-headed.

She looked to Rothgarr to confirm, “When I’m done eating, shall we go to the Human Realm?”

Although Rothgarr looked reluctant, he still replied: “Okay.”

Anna immediately felt relieved. She quickly got dressed, and ran downstairs to get herself something to eat.

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After Anna had breakfast, Rothgarr also repaired the teleportation portal that he had destroyed earlier.

Held in Rothgarr’s arms, the teleportation light flashed, and the two reappeared in the woods.

Rothgarr looked in a direction where some mages from the Human Realm were. The teleportation portal in his castle was positioned outside Blue Stone City, and the location every time he stepped out the portal was random. As long as he was within the line of life and death when he returned, he could return to his teleportation portal through special positioning. In the past, the Human Realm mages had relied on the ruby to get his precise positioning of the ruby.

It didn’t surprise Rothgarr that there were mages from the Human Realm patrolling nearby. If he used a sneak attack method, he could easily kill those mages, but thinking of what he had promised Anna, he didn’t make any trouble. He just carried her and flew to the inside of the life and death line.

Rothgarr had come a limited number of times to the inside of the line of life and death in the past. Every time he came to the Human Realm, his purpose was very clear, that is, to collect ancient books and find a way to break the curse of The Abyss. So, naturally he would not come to such a deserted place inside the line of life and death.

After flying in at full speed for a while, he suddenly felt a vague feeling, which was very similar to the one he had in The Abyss. He had never felt this way in the past few times he had been here. He frowned and flew in that direction.

There were dense forests within the line of life and death, and there were often hills, rivers, and valleys blocking the way, but Rothgarr was flying in the air, so these terrains could not stop their progress. If they were on the ground, such terrain would have seriously affected their speed.

When he saw the demon eye in the distance, Rothgarr found a tree and stopped.

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