Human Realm and Demon Realm (4)

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Thinking that he and Catherine would be separated forever because of his past actions, Balan felt a pain in his heart.

“I’m stronger than you.” Rothgarr didn’t show mercy. After he finished speaking, he pulled Anna over and kissed her hard.

After releasing her, he looked into her eyes and warned, “Don’t play any tricks, if I don’t see you when I come out, even if the Human Realm is saved, my existence will be a nightmare for the entire Human Realm.”

Anna stopped him when he was about to leave.

“It’s too dangerous for you to go in alone, go with Balan. I promise, I will stay outside and wait for you to come out.” Anna said. She didn’t want Rothgarr to go in and risk it alone.

Rothgarr twitched his lips, he couldn’t trust Anna’s assurance.

“No, I’m enough alone.” He took Anna’s hand and said to Balan, “Take care of her.”

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Then, suddenly, he flew into the sky and flew towards The Abyss.

He knew The Abyss was more dangerous now than ever, but he had to figure out the situation and hopefully find a solution. He didn’t want to see Anna enter The Abyss to die, nor did he want her to die with him and the Demon Realm.

No, he had to find a solution!

Anna saw Rothgarr’s figure flying towards The Abyss, and turned to Balan and said, “Aren’t you good friends? It’s too dangerous for him to enter the current Abyss by himself, you can still catch up to him now if you hurry!”

Balan glanced at Rothgarr’s disappearing back, but shook his head and said, “No, I’ll wait for him to come out.”

He looked back at Anna, and suddenly said, “Don’t be like me and Catherine.”

Anna frowned, not knowing what Balan meant.

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Balan said: “Roth has been a virgin for thousands of years, and he has never treated anyone like you. He may not be good at sweet talking…well, maybe his mouth is a bit poisonous, but you have to understand, he’s someone who won’t change his mind once it’s made up. What’s more, he signed a soul contract with you. A soul contract that can only be signed once in a demon’s life, you should understand the weight of this. If he has done anything… wrong toward you, it’s only because he loves you too much.”

After listening to Balan’s words, Anna probably understood what Balan meant. He didn’t want Rothgarr to lose his lover like he did, right?

“I want to go to The Abyss, not because I seek death.” Anna said, showing Balan the red mark on her palm. She briefly explained what she encountered in the hallucination, and then continued, “I want to save the Human Realm …and now the Demon Realm, too.”

Balan frowned and listened to Anna’s story. He remembered that Roth had told him before he left to not believe in Anna’s words. No wonder he said that at the time.

“This is just your guess, what if you’re wrong?” Balan said, “Trust Roth, he will find a way.”

Anna looked at The Abyss silently. If possible, she also hoped there would be another way.

“Balan, if Rothgarr doesn’t find a solution, will you help me persuade him to agree to my solution?” Anna asked lightly.

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Balan didn’t answer right away.

Of course he didn’t want to die, and he didn’t want both the Demon Realm and the Human Realm to be destroyed. He wanted to live, to let Catherine continue to live in his memory. As long as he remembered her, she would live forever.

But how could he persuade Roth to let Anna go to die? He knew how painful it was to lose a loved one. He guessed that if Roth wanted to watch and even send Anna to The Abyss himself, Roth might rather die with her. This was not only because of Roth’s love for Anna, but also because of Roth’s pride. He would never trade his lover’s life to live.

“I won’t persuade him, and it won’t work even if I do.” Balan finally shook his head, and he quickly laughed again, “Don’t underestimate Roth, he will find a way.”

“Let’s hope so.”

Anna looked at The Abyss, which was still pulling her towards it. There seemed to be streaks of lightning flashing across its dark surface, and the boundary between it and the surrounding space was constantly fluctuating, as if it was breathing. It probably expanded slowly amid such fluctuations.

After that, neither Balan nor Anna spoke, until Anna suddenly saw the other side of The Abyss, just in front of her, a figure was flying rapidly towards them, from both the left and right.

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“Balan, that’s…”

Balan noticed the two figures earlier than Anna, and replied, “It’s Grand Duke Aiquin of Gridley and Bailey, Grand Duke of Slagold.”

Anna has heard these two names before. They were the other two Grand Dukes of The Abyss. It was just because the distance was too far, she couldn’t see what the two demons looked like.

The two demons didn’t stop when they flew in front of The Abyss, but flew straight in.

The changes in The Abyss were too obvious, and these demons would naturally be attracted to it. They were the strongest of the Demon Realm, the Grand Dukes of The Abyss, if they didn’t check the reason, who could?

At this moment, Anna noticed a figure flying from another direction, and she knew who it was even before she heard Balan say, “That’s Grand Duke Aosta”.

The five princes of The Abyss gathered in The Abyss, perhaps for the first time since they climbed out of The Abyss and left.

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