The End of Main Story (1)

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Aosta seemed to have noticed Anna and Balan, but he only paused for a moment before going into The Abyss.

Anna suddenly remembered that Bishop Conrad of the Vatican once said that they believed that filling the demon eye with demons would solve this crisis.

The Abyss was not the demon eye, but they were essentially the same. Filling The Abyss with demons could practically be regarded as filling the demon eye.

Now, there were four Grand Dukes in The Abyss.

Anna looked at Balan. If Balan also went in, then The Abyss would swallow all the demons that it had spit out.

Balan felt that something was wrong with Anna’s expression, and he frowned: “What’s wrong?”

Anna said, “You must not go in.”

She was really a little worried. If Balan also entered The Abyss, would there be that kind of effect of dissipating joy or a qualitative change of collecting all five demons?

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Rothgarr was still in there. It didn’t matter if she had a double standard. She was not against sacrificing herself to save the entire Human Realm, but if Rothgarr who needed to be sacrificed, she would not be happy; she would rather find another way.

After all, solving the problem by entering The Abyss to return to fruit in her palm was just her wishful thinking, some desperate suggestion she had to make when there was no other way. What if what Bishop Conrad said happened to be true?

Although Balan didn’t know what Anna was thinking at that moment, he still said, “I promised Roth, I won’t go in until he comes out.”

Hearing Balan’s words, Anna was relieved.

But thinking of what happened in The Abyss last time, she persuaded Balan: “Why don’t you stay a little further away, last time Rothgarr and I were sucked in by the sudden expansion of The Abyss.”

Balan nodded and said, “Then it’s better to step back.”

Then Balan looked at Anna, frowning.

Anna also looked at Balan.

The two fell silent.

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If Balan wanted to move back, he had to bring Anna along with him, but it was not appropriate for him to fly back with Anna in his arms; she belonged to Roth after all. But he couldn’t just move back and leave her here.

After a few seconds, Anna said: “You go ahead first, I’ll follow behind slowly.”

Balan remembered Rothgarr’s exhortation before he entered The Abyss, and said slowly: “Let’s walk slowly together.”

Balan was worried about Anna being by herself, and Anna was also worried about Balan being so close to The Abyss, so after playing the silent game, Balan slowly flew away, while Anna used the wind gathering technique to keep up.

The human and demon pair slowly drew distance between them, leaving The Abyss only the size of an egg from their viewpoint.

Anna sat down to meditate, recovering her mental strength, while Balan looked in the direction of The Abyss, waiting with a little worry for those who entered to come out.

An unknown amount of time had passed. Anna ate some dry food while waiting, and spent the rest of the time meditating to pass the time.

After Anna finished a round of meditation, Balan, who was also sitting, suddenly stood up.

Anna’s heart tightened, and she hurriedly looked at The Abyss, but because she was too far away, she could only see a small black dot floating out. The little black dot was hovering above The Abyss. She didn’t know what it was doing.

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“That’s not Roth.” Balan said. He was not familiar with the other demons either.

Anna nodded and continued to look at The Abyss worriedly.

After a while, the little black spot went into The Abyss again.

Seeing this, Anna said: “It seems to be really difficult to handle.”

But at the same time she was slightly relieved. If other demons could come out of The Abyss safely, then Rothgarr must be able to. She shouldn’t have to worry too much about his safety.

After waiting for another half of the day, Anna had to run further away to avoid Balan, so that she could relieve herself.

The originally calm The Abyss suddenly turned chaotic. Irregular surges of waves and white light appeared on the dark surface, as if it was about to explode at any time.

Seeing this scene, Anna panicked and asked Balan, “Should we move a little further out?”

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It was also the first time for Balan to see The Abyss like this. After hesitating for a moment, he saw a few small black dots appearing above The Abyss. Looking carefully, two of them flew into the air, and the other flew towards this side. It was Rothgarr.

“Roth has come out, let’s talk about it when he comes over.” Balan said.

Anna watched the little black dot flying towards them, and gradually could see that it was Rothgarr. He looked a little disheveled, with many more wounds on him than before he went in.

Looking at The Abyss behind him, it still looked like it was going to explode at any time.

The distance between Anna and The Abyss was short for Rothgarr, and seeing that she was well and outside, he relaxed a little.

Entering The Abyss this time could be said to be fruitless; the other demons were also at a loss for what to do. He was in a bad mood now. If he really couldn’t find a way…

In the end, he was too worried about leaving Anna outside The Abyss. After much deliberation, he decided to have Anna stay in Balan’s castle and have the people in Balan’s castle look after Anna while he and Balan went into The Abyss again.

As Rothgarr approached, Anna also noticed that his face did not look very good. Things must not have gone well.

She sighed internally. If nothing else worked, she would ultimately have to go. It was just that it was not easy to persuade Rothgarr. She would have to trick him and go behind his back. As for what he said about “becoming a nightmare for the Human Realm”… at least that was better than the entire Human Realm being destroyed.

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