Extra-1 (2)

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They were not a match for Anna, let alone the demon behind her, so seeing that they wanted to talk, how could there be any disagreement? It had been nearly a month since the demon eye disappeared. There has been no movement in the line of life and death. Many mages had withdrawn, and only these few were left. They could not call for backup in so little time, so it was okay if they were led to Black Cloud City, right?

Anna nodded and said, “Then I will trouble you.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Rothgarr said behind her, “Why bother?”

Then he spread his wings and flew over, picked Anna up in his arms, and flew towards Black Cloud City.

Anna couldn’t stop Rothgarr, she could only look at the stunned and even panicked mages, and then began to think about how to enter Black Cloud City to find Bishop Conrad.

—However, Rothgarr still let her troubles on this matter be wasted. He held her and hovered openly outside Black Cloud City, waiting for the people inside to come out.

With Rothgarr hovering in mid-air, how could the people of Black Cloud City fail to spot such a huge target?

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Not long after, a group of people came out in a mighty manner.

Anna was worried that Rothgarr would say something provoking, and wanted him to go away, but he refused.

Rothgarr flew in mid-air with Anna, and Anna knew that he would not go far, so she could only retreat and said: “Then set me down…you just stay here just in case something happens.”

Anna knew that she was completely on the side of the demon from the perspective of the human mages, so she was not sure that the other party would not do anything for “justice”, so she still had to have a plan B.

Of course Rothgarr understood what Anna meant, but he was still reluctant. He put his arms around Anna and whispered in her ear: “If I listen to you, what benefits do I get?”

Anna: “… Isn’t this good for the both of us?”

Rothgarr sneered, “It’s not like I wanted to come to the Human Realm.”

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Anna glared at him, and had no choice but to say in a low voice, “Then next time… the horn, or the Whip Tree Demon, you can choose whatever you want.”

Rothgarr smiled. “I want both.”

Anna: “…All right!” He really was a demon!

So after Anna was ready, Rothgarr let go of her, and she landed slowly using the wind gathering spell, while Rothgarr flew higher.

After Anna landed, she walked towards the large group of mages on the opposite side, but the eyes of those people on the opposite side were mostly on Rothgarr. After all, he was the demon who deserved to be treated with caution.

Anna was actually a little surprised. The matter had been over for so long, yet Bishop Conrad had not left here.

But she was an acquaintance, and it was convenient for her to communicate with the mages of the Human Realm.

“Bishop Conrad, hello.” Anna nodded politely.

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Bishop Conrad looked away from Rothgarr to Anna.

Bishop Christopher, Victor the Holy Son and others also stood behind Bishop Conrad, watching her silently.

“You… coming to find us; is there something wrong?” Bishop Conrad frowned. In the past, for the sake of the entire Human Realm, they had to fight against all demons, but now that the crisis of the Human Realm had been resolved, plus the fact that demons were really difficult to deal with, the Human Realm naturally did not want to provoke demons casually.

Although demon massacres happened in the past, they only appeared once in a hundred years. If demons were annoyed and often came to the Human Realm to cause massacre, then the loss outweighed the gain. Therefore, Bishop Conrad’s attitude was not too tough at this moment.

“Haven’t you ever wondered why the demon eye is gone?” Anna smiled, and raised her palms again to let them see that the red marks on both of her palms were gone.

Seeing that some of them were frowning while others had pensive expressions, Anna didn’t keep it a secret. She said with a smile: “I saved the Human Realm, don’t be too courteous.”

Anna’s words were empty with no proof, and the people opposite naturally didn’t believe them, but it was a fact that the demon eye disappeared for no reason.

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“Believe it or not, I’m telling the truth. The demon eye is part of The Abyss, and when The Abyss swells, the demon eye is created, and also swells. The Abyss’ return to normal is temporary, and over time, it will still expand one day, but you don’t have to worry. I will watch the changes of The Abyss in the Demon Realm, and will not let the expansion of The Abyss spread to the Human Realm again.”

Anna purposely did not explain that the next expansion of The Abyss will be at least a thousand years away. She said this to let them understand that she is very important to the Demon Realm and the Human Realm, and they had better be polite to her.

“Oh, by the way, I have another purpose here, which is to negotiate peace. That demon, Grand Duke Hubilis, promised not to kill humans in the future, unless someone foolishly takes the initiative to assassinate him.”

Bishop Conrad had a surprised expression, and the facts Anna said were somewhat unexpected.

It wasn’t long ago that they actually met the demon. Suddenly talking about negotiating peace was really weird. Moreover, it was impossible for them to believe everything Anna said.

“Why negotiate peace?” Bishop Conrad asked doubtfully.

Anna thought for a while before saying, “I’m still a human being. I like the Human Realm very much and want to come and go freely in the Human Realm. Coincidentally, the one in the sky loves me very much and doesn’t want to make me unhappy.”

Hearing Anna’s words, there was a wordless silence on the other side.

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