Extra-1 (3)

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No, didn’t you say “plaything” and “pet” last time? Now it’s “love”?

But the one in the sky didn’t refute her, and he himself being here today spoke volumes.

Bishop Conrad was at a loss for words for a while, until he said, “What kind of negotiations do you want to reach?”

Anna said: “We will try our best to keep a low profile in the Human Realm. We will not kill people or rob things. And if your people encounter us, don’t yell at us.”

She said with a smile, pointed to Bishop Conrad and his party, and said, “Actually, all I need is the approval of the five-star mages.”

Because only five-star mages could cause trouble for Rothgarr. Other mages were nothing to Rothgarr. If Rothgarr didn’t do anything to provoke them, those mages likely would not take the initiative to attack him, but it didn’t matter if they did.

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According to the classics of the Vatican, of course one could not turn a blind eye to demons, but almost all of those present were five-star mages. The upper-level people got different information from the lower-level ones, and they were actually unwilling to fall out with the demons.

There was no need at all.

The Human Realm and the Demon Realm had developed independently, and neither had what the other wanted. But if they fell out with a demon today, wouldn’t they still have the demon’s friends to deal with? To have such powerful creatures be on the bad side of the Human Realm, it was hard to say how chaotic the Human Realm would be in the future. It would be even worse if this demon was not caught, as he would definitely take revenge personally.

These five-star mages and priests preferred to study magic and cultivate their strength. The Human Realm was very peaceful now; there were almost no wars. In such a comfortable situation, they did not want to start a war with the Demon Realm at all.

“I agree,” said an elemental mage.

After the mage opened his mouth, the remaining elemental mages agreed one by one.

Bishop Christopher spoke in low voices to Bishop Conrad for a while, and then Bishop Conrad said: “According to the records of the temple’s memorabilia over the years, there will be a demon massacre every hundred years or so. Under such circumstances, how can I believe the sincerity of your peace talks?”

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“The demon who slaughtered cities was not him.” Anna shook her head and denied it. She knew that it was Aosta, and that it was because of his curse. She hesitated and said, “There will be no next time, I will stop that demon. In the ceremony that Magnolia put together, the demon was actually only one step away from massacring the city, but the one in the sky happened to stop him.”

Anna’s words made Bishop Conrad recall that the last record of a city massacre was one hundred and thirteen years ago. Thus, her words might be somewhat believable.

Because he didn’t want to continue to battle endlessly with the demon, even though Bishop Conrad didn’t fully believe Anna’s words, he just nodded calmly and said, “If you can really do it, then this peace talk can be negotiated.”

“Then it’s settled.” Anna smiled, and immediately returned to Rothgarr using the Wind Gathering spell. She waved her hands to the people below, “Think carefully about the terms of the peace negotiation, and we’ll come back to you in a few days!”

Rothgarr took Anna away, and the senior mages headed by Bishop Conrad fell into a strange silence.

The demon took the initiative to make peace with the Human Realm because he fell in love with a human?

No one would believe this kind of thing no matter how you spun it!

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But that demon not only brought his “lover” here, but also stood in the background for the whole process, without showing any hostility!

Anna didn’t care how conflicted those mages were. After she temporarily stated her position, she directed Rothgarr to Red Fog City, the town where the original Anna’s family lived temporarily.

Although Rothgarr was in the air and far away, he had heard what Anna and Bishop Conrad said. He asked coldly, “How do you plan to stop Aosta?”

Anna hesitated just now because she was afraid that Rothgarr would have some opinions about her plan. In fact, she already had an idea, but faced with his dangerous question, she still said: “I haven’t thought about it. That’s not for another hundred years later. It’s still early. What are you in a hurry for?”

Hearing Anna’s words, Rothgarr’s expression finally softened, and he said, “Those people will be dead in a hundred years, so you don’t have to fulfill any promises.”

Anna nodded: “Uh-huh.” Quite perfunctorily.

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Rothgarr didn’t discern it, and satisfactorily flew her to Red Fog City.

Outside Red Fog Cty.

Anna had brought her family here to avoid Rothgarr’s threats, but she didn’t expect that one day she would lead Rothgarr here.

Of course she still remembered where she settled her family. Before Rothgarr said that she would follow her into the city, she said: “My Papa and Mama are all devout believers. You will scare them if you go.”

Rothgarr didn’t really want to see the couple and their children, after all, they were not Anna’s real parents, and she just took care of them out of responsibility.

Therefore, he waited outside the city considerately, watching as Anna entered Red Fog City.

Anna hadn’t been in a bustling city of the Human Realm for a long time. She was not in a hurry to find her parents. She walked slowly for a while, and finally found the place where they were currently staying.

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