Extra-1 (4)

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Adele was the first to notice Anna walking with a smile on her face. She was taken aback for a moment, then ran over screaming, hugged Anna’s thigh, and shouted repeatedly: “Anna! Anna!”

Adele’s voice alarmed the people in the room. Gaea ran out quickly. When she saw Anna, her eyes turned red. Anna, it’s great that you’re not hurt!”

Anna smiled and said, “Mama, you don’t have to worry, I’ve been well…”

She thought for a while, and didn’t tell Gaea the whole story, so as not to scare Gaea. In the future, she would visit her family often, so she could explain it slowly in the future.

Because Rothgarr was just outside the city, Anna couldn’t talk to her family for too long. She mainly just came to see how they were doing. Adele still took care of little Evan, Evan was out working, and Jim was studying with a blacksmith, so that he could make a living by crafting in the future.

Anna originally came here to see if her family members were being bullied. Seeing that they were living a normal life, she was relieved and did not intend to do anything unnecessary. Because she has a different lifespan from them and could not grow old with them, it was better not to disturb their life trajectory as much as possible—of course, on the premise that they were living a normal and happy life.

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Anna chatted with Gaea for a while, and before waiting for Evan and Jim to come back, she told Gaea that she would come to see them next time but that she had to leave now.

Gaea knew very well before that Anna, who was already a mage, would not live a similar life with them again. Although her heart ached because of parting, she was willing to bless her daughter.

It was just like marrying off a daughter; it was impossible for a married daughter to come back to see her often, but if she came back once in a while to let her know that her daughter was doing well, then she would be satisfied.

Anna left with Gaea’s lingering farewell eyes.

Once out of Gaea’s sight, Anna quickened her pace.

There was a sudden commotion in front of her. Anna paused, but someone shouted, “Catch that fallen mage quickly, and don’t let him get away!”

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Anna couldn’t help but look up, and saw a man in a black robe fleeing in a hurry, followed by a dozen priests.

Anna almost didn’t think about it and cast the Wind Gathering spell to follow.

Her fondness for dark mages had always been there, and even though she had experienced things like Aosta in the middle, she didn’t think it was necessary for her feelings to change.

What’s more, now she didn’t actually have to worry about getting into unsolvable troubles. She had the strength of a four-star mage, and Rothgarr was just outside the city, so there was no need to worry about her own safety.

But even so, Anna was very cautious. She didn’t make a move, but just followed silently. She found that the dark mage was quite powerful. While resisting the attacks of these priests, he fled to the outside of the city, and soon approached the city gates. He opened the gates and fled the city after knocking down some soldiers who were in the way.

Because the priests chasing behind him were not easy to deal with, the dark mage seemed to have been seriously injured. If there was no one outside the city to help, he may either die under the siege or be captured alive.

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Anna continued to follow silently. Before she could decide whether to make a move, she saw the dark mage’s hood slip off, revealing that familiar side profile.

It was Dubian.

She sped up and cast a spell at those priests, her favorite “Heaven’s punishment”.

The sudden thunderstorm stopped the priests’ attack, and although Dubian sensed the movement behind him, he didn’t dare to look too much, and suddenly sped up and fled.

After the thunderstorm subsided, these priests didn’t dare to continue their pursuit, they just lined up and looked around nervously.

Anna hid behind a mound very cunningly, although she could completely beat them, no, she could at the very least scare them away with a four-star spell, but if she could scare them away without revealing herself, then there wasn’t a need to show her face.

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“What mage was that? Please show yourself.” A priest said, “We are hunting down a fallen mage. I am very sorry if we disturbed you.”

Anna didn’t make a sound.

The priest who spoke nervously swallowed his saliva. Those who could cast that spell just now had to be at least four-star elemental mages. They really couldn’t afford to offend someone of that level, but it was also their duty to arrest fallen mages.

After a stalemate like this for a while, the priest looked at his companions, thinking that the four-star elemental mage might have left. He motioned with his eyes to continue to chase the fallen mage in the direction where he was fleeing.

But they only took a few steps when another thunderstorm appeared in front of them. At this time, they didn’t know the intention of the four-star elemental mage. After a moment of hesitation, they finally retreated back into the city in an orderly manner. They knew that some elemental mages had weird tempers, and it was not a surprise that they would even do something to the priests if they were in a bad mood. It was better to leave here and find out which four-star mages were spotted in the city recently with affinity for the thunder element and ask the Mage Association for an explanation.

The priests retreated quickly. Anna was very satisfied with the effect of her spell, and walked out from behind the mound.

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