Extra-1 (5)

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She looked in the direction Dubian was fleeing, thinking that there was no need to catch up and reconvene with him. After all, Rothgarr was nearby… Speaking of which, with such a big commotion here, why didn’t Rothgarr stop to take a look?

Just when Anna was puzzled, a figure slowly walked out on the path that was originally blocked by the hills ahead.

The man turned his back to her, as if he was forced out by someone.

Anna looked in front of the man, and saw the tall Rothgarr slowly appearing.

She looked away suddenly. It turned out that the person with his back to her was indeed Dubian!

Dubian looked solemnly at the demon with a very distinctive appearance in front of him, and stepped back step by step.

He really didn’t expect that he would die in the hands of a demon after finally escaping from the hands of the priest.

He knew that he had been seriously injured, and he couldn’t put up fight at all.

Dubian looked desperately at the demon walking towards him, but unexpectedly, the demon passed him, glanced at him contemptuously, and walked behind him.

He turned his head suddenly, and saw someone not far behind him, and that person… turned out to be Anna who he hadn’t seen for a long time!

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At this moment, he realized that the demon was trying to hurt Anna, and hurriedly gathered the last bit of mental power, and threw a dark spell out. “Anna, run!”

The dark spell was tossed aside by the demon just as it approached him. After he approached Anna, he stretched his long arms, wrapping them around her waist, lifted her chin and kissed her.

Dubian thought that the demon was going to hurt Anna, but he didn’t expect to see this scene, and was stunned for a moment.

Anna was pissed off by Rothgarr, what kind of jealousy-juice did he drink; why did he have to do such a thing in front of Dubian?

Once angry, Anna did not feel like cooperating with Rothgarr at all. She stomped on his foot, and when he let go of her slightly in pain, she elbowed him in the ribs again, and then quickly backed away.

So in Dubian’s eyes, Anna was desperate to break free from the demon’s confinement.

Anna’s bravery inspired Dubian, who forcibly overdrew his spiritual power. No matter whether he could cause damage to the demon or not, he must fight hard!

But in the next second, he heard the demon angrily say, “Anna, you’re hitting me for this person?”

Dubian was stunned. Did this demon know Anna? Moreover, although his tone was angry, there was intimacy in his anger.

Anna had always been sincerely grateful to Dubian for bringing her into the mage world, and she didn’t want Rothgarr to pretend to be intimate with her in front of him.

If she could win in a fight against Rothgarr, she would really like to say, what are you, you dare to call me by my name!

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It was a pity that she couldn’t beat him just yet.

“Don’t go too far! I have always regarded Dubian as my teacher!” Anna glared at Rothgarr.

Rothgarr sneered: “You regard him as a teacher, but what does he regard you as?”

“A student!” Anna said confidently.

Although he was the person in their argument, Dubian didn’t register the truth yet. He just stared at them blankly, not realizing what was going on for a long time.

Until Anna suddenly approached the demon and said something. Although the demon’s expression still looked ugly, he kept his mouth shut.

Seeing Anna looking at him, Dubian suddenly snapped out of it.

“Anna…” Dubian glanced anxiously at the demon who was looking uneasy, and even hesitated to call Anna’s name.

“Dubian, long time no see.” Anna smiled. Her appearance has not changed much from the past, her smile was just as clean and sincere.

Dubian suddenly calmed down. He no longer looked at the demon, just nodded with a smile: “Long time no see, Anna.”

Anna smiled and said, “I didn’t expect to see you again, and seriously injured, at that.”

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Thinking of what happened just now, Dubian hesitated, “You saved me just now?”

He didn’t have time to look back at the spells cast just now, but he felt their majestic power.

“Yeah, in the past six months, I’ve had a little bit of an adventure… so my strength has grown very fast, and I also have a very powerful staff.” Anna explained briefly, because Rothgarr was on the side, and she couldn’t say much.

In fact, she was more than happy just to see Dubian again.

Dubian could tell that Anna was stronger than him now.

Even though he knew that she was extremely talented, he never thought that she could reach or even surpass him and his ten plus years of hard work in less than a year. It seemed that her adventure was indeed very magical, and it might have something to do with the demon next to her.

Normally, Dubian might be willing to find a quiet place to catch up with Anna, but now, with the demon watching over him, he knew that he may only be able to say a few words to Anna.

“I’m glad to see you have the strength you have now. I believe you will become stronger and stronger in the future.” Dubian said sincerely.

He could see that although the demon’s attitude was not very good, and Anna was a little tit-for-tat when talking to him, but the demon was not angry at all… It could be seen that there were encounters between them that he couldn’t imagine. He felt a little lost, but at the same time, he also felt that these feelings were a bit laughable.

He knew that Anna was a very assertive girl. He only wished her the best.

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Anna was a little worried about what Rothgarr would do to Dubian, so she simply said a few words, and finally asked, “Is there someone to help you?”

Dubian smiled and said, “My companion is a few miles away, don’t worry.”

Anna felt relieved when she heard his words, and replied with a smile, “Then goodbye and best wishes.”

“You too.” Dubian nodded with a smile and turned to leave.

With a pair of arms wrapping around her from behind, Rothgarr whispered in Anna’s ear: “Now that I think about it, you have been with Dubian day and night for more than half a month, and I hate myself for not taking you away then.”

Anna: “…”

She didn’t want to talk to him and gave him an elbow, but was stopped by Rothgarr who had been prepared. He sneered: “The favor you owe me…do you want to pay it back here?”

Anna’s face changed, she didn’t want to play around in the open!

Fearing that Rothgarr would really do as he said, she quickly turned around and got into his arms, and said in a muffled voice, “You have been following me for so long, don’t you know that nothing happened between me and him? He guided me into the mage world, and I just said good-bye to him just now. We will definitely not meet again in the future.”

“You said it, not me.” Rothgarr said, picking up Anna and flying into the sky, “Let’s go back. I can’t wait to collect the benefits I deserve.”

Anna thought of the things she had promised him before, and couldn’t help but let out a long sigh.

Immediately, she laughed maliciously. He wanted to play those games…but it was still unclear who was playing who!

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