Extra-4 (What If) (6)

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***Below is Rothgarr’s rebirth after the official ending***

“I reject.”

Rothgarr had just regained consciousness when he heard a familiar voice.

He frowned. In front of him was Anna, but they were in a carriage now.

But he clearly remembered that he was making love to Anna on the bed just a moment ago.

Rothgarr realized in the next second that he was possessing someone else, and the carriage looked familiar. Anna in front of him looked at him with unfamiliar and fearful eyes, not the ones full of love.

Thinking back to the “I refuse” she just said, Rothgarr instantly understood that he might have returned to the time when he first met Anna.

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Rothgarr looked at Anna in front of him, feeling agitated.

In order for Anna to fall in love with him again, did he have to repeat everything in the past?

Rothgarr’s answer was no, he believed that Anna would inevitably fall in love with him; there is no need to repeat it again. He really didn’t have that patience.

Therefore, he materialized out of Parrish directly, and then got out of the carriage with Anna who stared wide-eyed in horror. Amidst the screams of many onlookers, he flew out of Blue Stone City and returned to his own castle.

At this time, Rothgarr’s castle was still empty and deserted. He used to think those things were noisy, but now he missed them a little.

He lowered his head and glanced. Anna, who was curled up in his arms, seemed to be frightened. She froze without saying a word, not daring to move.

Rothgarr carried her directly to his bedroom and placed Anna down on the bed.

Anna looked at the bed, at the demon in front of her, then at the bed, then at the demon. She swallowed nervously and fearfully, and asked softly, “Excuse me, do you want…to harvest my soul here?”

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Rothgarr stood by the bed, looking down at the terrified Anna, slowly feeling a little strange.

After all, he hadn’t seen a careful Anna like this for a long time.

But he was already used to sleeping with Anna in his arms every day, used to her looking at him with eyes that made him throb, and he really couldn’t stand that she was afraid of him.

“This is not the same world as yours, and I have no interest in reaping your soul,” Rothgarr said.

Anna’s face turned pale. Unexpectedly, this demon could see that she was time-traveling! Was this “Newton’s 3rd Law, action equals reaction”? She could see through the possession of this demon, and he could also see through the “possession” of her soul…

Rothgarr continued: “There are some novels called rebirth in your world, right? I’m from a few years later, reborn here. After a few years, you will love me deeply, so I want you to fall in love with me as soon as possible.”

Anna: “…”

A row of question marks were popping out above her head. What was the matter with this demon? But he actually knew that there were rebirth novels where she came from… But was it possible that she loved him deeply?

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Anna instinctively felt that this demon was lying to her, but he knew that she was time-traveled, and that there were rebirth novels in her world. It seemed that there was such a possibility?

However, it seemed like this demon would not kill her, so she could rest assured.

“This… I can’t guarantee that.” She said awkwardly, “You are a stranger to me now.”

She was just walking normally on the road when such a meteor had dropped suddenly on her; she really didn’t dare to believe this demon too much. So what if he knew something about her? Maybe in the future she wouldn’t love him at all, but he would fall in love with her, and they were stuck in a sadomasochistic love. He deceived her after being reborn… Anything was possible!

Rothgarr took a deep breath and said, “My name is Rothgarr, the Grand Duke of The Abyss. This is the Demon Realm, my castle, and your future home.”

As he spoke, he saw Anna showing a somewhat uncomfortable expression, and he was taken aback before suddenly remembering that Anna was just an ordinary person now, unable to adapt to the atmosphere of the Demon Realm at all. He forgot about it.

He hastily took a step forward, put his arms around Anna’s waist and kissed her lips, and placed his brand on her under her shocked resistance.

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Rothgarr wanted to simply allow Anna to get used to the atmosphere of the Demon Realm, but as they kissed, his hands became dishonest, and his whole body was pressed against Anna, letting her feel him.

It was Anna’s terrified eyes and constantly struggling hands and feet that brought Rothgarr back to reality. He looked at Anna who was struggling with tears under him, and let go of her irritably.

Anna immediately rolled aside and curled up, wiping her lips that were almost cut by him, and looked at him like how someone would look at a thief.

Rothgarr was extremely depressed. He wanted his Anna, the Anna that knew how to respond with just one look.

He endured it and didn’t do anything else to scare Anna.

He comforted himself saying that it was okay, Anna would fall in love with him again in a short time.

Rothgarr sat down on the edge of the bed. He pretended not to see Anna shrink back in fear. He said to Anna: “The air in the Demon Realm is very poisonous to you, I was helping you just now.”

Anna didn’t really believe him, but just now she did feel a little uncomfortable to breathe, but the discomfort didn’t last long. The demon had kissed her, and now she really didn’t feel uncomfortable.

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