Extra-4 (What If) (7)

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Rothgarr continued: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t have memories between us, let me tell you. I met you because of a bet and fell in love with you at first sight. After that, I have been by your side and helped you solve all kinds of troubles. Later, you become a mage, and I help you to train and improve your strength. I didn’t know at first that you could see me the whole time, and you didn’t tell me either. I kept possessing different bodies to help you. During this period, you also fell in love with me and followed me back to the Demon Realm.”

Relying on the fact that Anna didn’t know the memory in his mind, Rothgarr tried his best to paint a rose-colored lens on himself. He pointed to the bed under him and said, “I signed a soul contract with you here, and shared my lifespan with you. For countless days here, we were immersed in each other and gave each other extreme feelings.”

Anna was still listening in confusion and deep thought, but when she heard Rothgarr say this she couldn’t help but look away in embarrassment.

What was the matter with this demon; they were still strangers now, please don’t talk about such private things…

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“If you still don’t believe me, I can sign a soul contract with you right now.” Rothgarr said, staring at Anna.

Anna quickly refused: “No… don’t worry, let’s talk about it later!”

She couldn’t help but mutter in her heart. “Soul contract”; would she believe him when he said that he shared his lifespan with her? What if the contract actually made her his eternal slave? Then she couldn’t sign it.

Rothgarr didn’t force Anna. He knew that she was wary of him now, and she didn’t know what the soul contract meant. If he forced her to sign it, she would push him away instead.

Although he wanted to keep Anna in his own room, Rothgarr reluctantly gave her an adjoining room.

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He knew that Anna wanted to eat normally, so he carried her to find Gray Gray and White Fur and had them get food for Anna.

He didn’t have women’s clothes here, so he went to Balan’s again, and brought over new clothes that Catherine hadn’t worn. He still remembered Anna’s taste, and picked out the styles she liked. As for how to explain to Balan that he just returned from the Human Realm…he only said that he had surrendered and would attend his and Catherine’s wedding, and didn’t say much about the rest.

In the next few days, Rothgarr began to recall the things he used to do with Anna, and took her to do everything again, such as watching flamingos.

At the same time, he also taught her to learn magic from scratch. He could see that Anna’s eyes lit up when he taught her magic.

Rothgarr couldn’t help feeling an emotion he hadn’t felt in a long time: jealousy. Anna really liked magic the most!

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But he still had to teach her; this was the best way for him to get closer to her.

While being wary of Rothgarr, Anna was absorbing spell-related knowledge from him. She didn’t know how talented she was, since there was no control group to compare herself with after all.

She could see that Rothgarr was in a good mood that day, so she asked cautiously, “Can I go to the Human Realm to see my family? I disappeared suddenly; they must be worried about me.”

She didn’t dare to mention it at first, but now she felt that Rothgarr didn’t seem to have any malice towards her, and coupled with the deliberate obedience she had shown during this period, she felt it was time to ask. It was not that she had much affection for those family members, it was just that she had taken over someone else’s body, so she had to take responsibility whether she wanted to or not.

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Rothgarr felt that Anna had gradually gotten used to his company during this period of time, and even liked him a little, so after hearing her words, he hesitated a little before agreeing to take her to see Blue Stone City.

But what Rothgarr never expected was when he had arrived with Anna in Blue Stone City, he was attacked by several five-star mages. What made him even more angry was that Anna took the opportunity to attack him with the spell he taught her. She escaped from his his arms, but because of the obstruction of those five-star mages, he couldn’t even catch her back!

Rothgarr was so angry that he took it out on by fighting a viscous battle with those five-star mages before returning to the Demon Realm with a wounded body.

How could Anna treat him like this!

He was very angry, but he still had to find a way to bring Anna back after recovering from his injuries. He regretted it very much now. If he knew that an Anna who wasn’t  in love with him was so difficult to deal with, he would have held back for a while and gone through everything again according to the memory in his mind!

It was a pity that it was too late to regret now. He could only embark on the road of chasing his wife in agony.

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