The Dark Mages (3)

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Anna automatically thought of Abel. Although Dubian was also a dark mage, he had left for so long. The troubles related to him wouldn’t have waited until now to step out, and her relationship with Dubian was kept such a secret, how could it be discovered?

If it was Abel… She had always known that he had a secret. Could it be that after he left, he actually went to his organization and got her involved?

Anna couldn’t move, she could only think about this silently. She didn’t know how much time had passed when the carriage finally stopped. She was pushed out of the carriage, and then the carriage left again.

The carriage belonged to Natalie’s family; it was probably taken away and destroyed.

Because she couldn’t see the road, Anna walked a little staggered. She couldn’t hear any sounds around her, either. She felt herself walking along the flat ground for a while, then a flight of stairs that spiraled downward, and occasionally she could hear Natalie’s frightened exclamations, letting her know that she was not separated from Natalie, which gave her some peace of mind.

After walking down the stairs for a while, Anna was suddenly pushed from behind and tripped, and then the black cloth covering her body was pulled away, and there was a sound of locking behind her.

Anna looked around and took a deep breath.

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According to the feeling when they came, they should be underground now, and where she is now is a small wooden dungeon.

And she still couldn’t use her mental power.

“Anna…” Natalie’s trembling voice came from her side.

Anna took a deep breath. The dampness and musty smell in the air made her frown. She hurriedly walked to the side; Natalie was in a cell on her right.

“Don’t be afraid, we’ll be fine.” Ana held Natalie’s hand through the gap in the wood and comforted her softly.

Whoever these people were, they didn’t know who they were provoking. If the demon found out that she was missing, he would definitely come find her. Whoever dared to mess with the demon’s prey, they were finished.

“En, we’ll be fine!” Natalie’s eyes were a little red. She rarely encountered such a dangerous situation like this one. The last time was back at the line of life and death. Right now, she couldn’t help but be fearful. Only with Anna here could she remain some sense of calm.

“Has your spiritual power been sealed?” Anna asked.

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Natalie nodded: “Yes.”

Anna let go of Natalie: “I’ll look around.”

This space that was likely underground was about the size of two basketball courts. It was all made of stones. There were torches for lighting on the side. She didn’t know where the wind was blowing in from, but it changed the way the light and shadows fell. It was quite suitable for filming a horror movie.

In this circular space, except for a few cells here, only the middle was a bit special, but she couldn’t see the middle very clearly from where she was.

And in the several cells on this side, she and Natalie were not the only two here.

Anna looked at the cell on her left. There was someone lying there motionless. She slowly walked over and squatted by the cell. She was about to ask a question to the person she saw, when she noticed his clothes.

This was……

“Abel?” Anna looked surprised.

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This person was lying on the ground and she couldn’t see his face. Judging from his clothes and figure, this was Abel, who left in the middle of the night more than a day ago.

Were things really like what she had guessed?

Abel was a little far from where Anna was. She couldn’t reach him. He seemed to be unconscious. Anna called his name for a while but couldn’t wake him up.

At this moment, someone was walking over. Their footsteps were light and rhythmic. It sounded like a woman.

Anna looked at the door abruptly, and saw Magnolia in a long black dress walking over. She stopped in front of Anna’s cell, holding a thick white fan in her hand. The ruby

pendant on her chest was so vibrant, like the color of blood.

Anna hadn’t seen Magnolia for a long time, and she never thought that this matter would be related to this ordinary person who was not even a mage.

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The corners of Magnolia’s mouth were slightly curved, and she looked at Anna, who was in the cell, with a proud attitude.

“My dear Anna, long time no see. I heard that you have been promoted from one star level to the other, and you are now a two-star mage.” Magnolia’s eyes fell on Anna’s chest. The two gold stars on the badge irked her, and a dark cloud came over her eyes. She covered her mouth and gave a pretentious chuckle, “How gifted you are; I almost don’t have the heart to do this.”

“What did you take us here for?” Anna asked.

Magnolia’s mouth curled into a small smile, and her eyes darkened. “That’s right, what did I bring you here for?”

She touched the pendant on her chest and suddenly switched the topic: “Aren’t you curious where those people who kidnapped you came from?”

Anna pointed to Abel next door and said, “I’m more curious about what happened to him.”

Anna’s words did not reveal that she knew Abel, and Magnolia didn’t hear the hidden meaning of Anna’s words. She was a little unhappy when Anna interrupted her dominance. She glanced at the cell and said casually: “He’s just a dark mage picked up on the road.”

Anna frowned slightly. It turned out that Abel had nothing to do with her arrest. According to Magnolia’s words, she didn’t know that Abel and her were old acquaintances.

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