The Dark Mages (4)

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Anna also pretended she didn’t know Abel. She looked at Magnolia and said, “If you catch a dark mage, you should hand them over to the church.”

As if she had heard something funny, Magnolia opened the thick fan, covering the lower half of her face. Smiling uncontrollably, she said “Hand them over to the church? Hahahaha, Anna, do you know what you are saying?”

Anna didn’t know what ridiculous thing she had said. Wasn’t what she said just now what anyone would have said in this world?

Until she saw Magnolia stretch out her ivory fingers, and a cloud of black smoke-like substance suddenly appeared in the palm of her hand.

“You’re a dark mage?” Anna asked in surprise. She always thought Magnolia was just an ordinary person.

Magnolia smiled and said, “A pure one, too.”

Her eyes fell on the black smoke, with a hard to read expression.

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Element affinity actually had a certain genetic component. Anna thought of the two dark mages that captured her and Natalie, and suddenly realized that the entire Magnolia family were hidden dark mages.

They actually hid so well under the nose of the Black Cloud City Church.

Anna used to have a good impression of dark mages because of Dubian. Seeing a dark mage like Magnolia, she couldn’t help but sigh.

There were always good and bad apples in a bunch. She was lucky to meet Dubian, but she couldn’t expect all dark mages to be good people.

“So, what did you capture us for?” Anna said, “I have no prejudice against dark mages. If you let us go, I won’t expose you.”

“Don’t be so naive, Anna, you’re making me laugh.” Magnolia smiled and shook her head. “Since I put in all this effort to capture you, why would I let you go?”

Anna looked at Magnolia and sighed: “I’m not pleading, but warning you. If you don’t let me go, terrible things will happen.”

“Anna, do you want to say that Raymond will come to save you?” Magnolia smiled happily, “Raymond may be fascinated by you, but how can he find you? Even if he knows where you are, with his strength as a two-star mage, how can he break in here? You really shouldn’t put your hopes on an unreliable man. If I were you, and able to study in the Mage Association openly, I wouldn’t care about any man. Instead, I would focus all my energy on cultivation.”

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She clenched her fists, and the black mist in her palm dissipated instantly: “You really don’t know how to cherish what you have.”

“You are talking nonsense! Anna obviously works harder than anyone else! It’s obviously Mage Raymond who has been pestering Anna!” Natalie suddenly retorted. She was shocked by Magnolia’s true identity and didn’t dare to make a sound. When she heard this, she couldn’t help but shout out.

Magnolia looked at Natalie coldly: “You shut up.”

Anna didn’t want Magnolia to focus on Natalie, and forcibly took over the words: “If I don’t work hard, how could it be possible for me to go from a mage’s disciple to a two-star mage within three months?”

Anna paused. She didn’t use the demon to warn or threaten Magnolia. One reason was that she likely wouldn’t believe her, and the other reason was that if the demon found out what she said, the secret would be out.

For now, she would just wait. She knew the demon would come.

Hearing Anna’s words, Magnolia didn’t refute her. She knew that what Anna said was true.

Seeing her disheveled appearance as a prisoner, Magnolia was in a better mood. In fact, it didn’t have to be Anna, but who told Anna to make her unhappy?

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She glanced at Anna again and turned to leave.

“Magnolia, why did you bring us here!” Anna asked, clutching the bar of the cell.

Magnolia stopped in her steps and turned her head with a charming smile on her face. “Anna, the only one I wanted to capture is you. Natalie was implicated by you. But who told her to accompany you home today? Since that’s the case, she can only die with you, I guess. As for how you two will die… I can’t tell you now, you will know tomorrow. ”

This time, no matter what Anna called her, Magnolia left without saying another word.

“Anna, don’t listen to Magnolia’s nonsense! She’s the one who’s evil, capturing us like this. How can she say that you were the one who implicated me!” Natalie grabbed the cell door and quickly said this to Anna. She didn’t want to Let Anna blame herself.

Knowing Magnolia’s intentions, Anna turned to Natalie and smiled reassuringly: “I know, you don’t have to worry.”

Having said that, Anna still felt a little remorse in her heart. If she had firmly rejected Natalie today, Natalie would not be involved in such a mess.

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She took a deep breath, but didn’t panic.

According to Magnolia’s words, she would kill her tomorrow, and tomorrow morning, the demon would discover that she was gone and definitely be able to find her.

Ironically, the only one she could count on now was a demon that wanted her soul.

“Natalie, right now, there’s nothing we can do. Let’s go to sleep.” Anna smiled at Natalie. “When we wake up, everything will be fine.”

Anna’s calm tone infected Natalie, she nodded solemnly: “Yes, everything will be fine.”

Before she laid down to rest, Anna went over to where Abel was again. She looked carefully this time. Abel was unconscious, the dark lines on his face were already very shallow, and his skin looked a little red, as if he had a fever.

Anna was used to Abel’s twitching from time to time, but this time was different. He wasn’t convulsing, and he seemed to have been in a coma for too long.

But Anna couldn’t do anything at this time. She laid down and curled up, thinking about what Magnolia was going to do to them, thinking about when the demon would discover she was missing and come find her, forcing herself to fall asleep.

She hoped that when she opened her eyes tomorrow, she would see the handsome yet hateful face of the demon.

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