Where is Anna (1)

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Early in the morning, Rothgarr came to the Mage Association with smugness and sat down in his usual seat at the library, waiting for Anna’s arrival.

Natalie, who usually came earlier than Anna, also hadn’t shown up yet, but he didn’t care. It was best if Natalie didn’t show up.

At nine o’clock, Anna hadn’t come yet. Rothgarr frowned.

At ten o’clock, Anna still hadn’t come, and Rothgarr became suspicious.

At twelve o’clock, Rothgarr couldn’t wait any longer. He got up and left the library, and had the coachman drive to Anna’s residence.

Givina had just finished lunch and was doing handicrafts in front of the house while watching her grandson Gore play carefree. Because Mage Anna lived upstairs, those relatives who wanted to rob her house were afraid to come and make trouble again. In addition, Mage Anna gave her some useful potions from time to time, and her life in recent months had been very comfortable.

Last night, she also drank the sleeping potion that Mage Anna gave her before going to bed, so she was in good spirits now, and she wondered whether she should make some of her famous scones and give some to Mage Anna.

At this moment, a distinguished carriage stopped in front of them. Givina hurriedly called Gore back, and when she saw a young and handsome nobleman getting off the carriage, she bowed her head subconsciously.

“Where’s Anna?” Rothgarr asked as he walked up.

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Givina was stunned before saying, “Mage Anna should be in the Mage Association at this time.”

“She’s not there,” Rothgarr said impatiently. If she wasn’t there, where else could she go? Could it be that……

At this time, Givina said humbly: “Please wait a moment, this inferior will go see if Mage Anna is in her room.”

Givina said this while pulling Gore back. She told him to stay put, and walked to the stairs of the attic by herself.

Rothgarr frowned and stopped Givina: “Where are you going?”

Givina said quickly: “Your honorable lord, this inferior one is going to find Mage Anna; she lives in the attic.”

Hearing this, Rothgarr’s entire face sank.

He still remembered that when he escorted Anna home for the first time, someone had popped their head out of the attic. The next day, when he asked Anna who it was, she said it was a relative of the landlord.

It turned out that Anna had always lived in the attic, and that day, she deliberately let him think she lived on the first floor.

That was to say, she was hiding someone in her room!

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Rothgarr’s face was like the calm before the storm. He told Givina to step back, and went up the stairs himself. He kicked the attic door open.

There was no one inside.

He glanced around with a cold face, and suddenly saw a few drops of blood by the door.

He squatted down, the blood had coagulated. It likely was from last night or earlier.

Rothgarr kicked the door open in the mood to catch a traitor, but when he saw the few drops of blood, he couldn’t help frowning.

Anna was in trouble.

He tried to calm his sudden racing heart, and decided to put off confronting her about the matter of secretly hiding someone until after he found her.

Rothgarr went down the stairs and asked the nervous Givina, “Did Anna come back alone last night?”

Givina swallowed and hurriedly replied: “Last night, this inferior one drank the sleeping potion given by Mage Anna and fell asleep very early. I don’t know when Mage Anna came back.”

“You didn’t hear anything last night?” Rothgarr demanded.

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“This inferior one slept soundly…” Givina also understood that something bad had happened at the moment, and her face couldn’t help but show panic. Did something happen to Mage Anna?

Rothgarr frowned and turned away.

“I heard someone shouting last night.”

A child-like voice suddenly sounded from behind. Rothgarr turned around. Gore, who was the one talking, hid behind Givina in fright, then stuck his head out and whispered, “I heard… I thought it was a very scary demonic creature, and was too scared to move.”

Rothgarr’s face became more and more gloomy. He threw two gold coins to Gore, turned his head and got into the carriage.

He asked the driver to drive to Natalie’s house.

Anna had been almost inseparable from Natalie, and the last person who saw Anna yesterday was probably Natalie.

When he arrived at Baron Wright’s house, Rothgarr was too impatient to wait for someone to report his arrival. He walked straight in, and then grabbed a servant and said he was looking for Natalie.

Rothgarr’s face was too dark. The servant took him to Natalie’s room in a panic.

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Of course, there was no one there.

At this time, Baron Wright heard that “Mage Raymond” had come. He rushed there, and only after asking the gatekeeper did he find out that Natalie had not returned overnight, and that her carriage and driver had disappeared. It was only now that he found out, Natalie was missing.

The Wrights had no clue, so Rothgarr could only leave.

He first went back to the Mage Association and asked Teresa if Anna and Natalie had been there.

The answer was of course no.

It was three o’clock in the afternoon, and Rothgarr was getting restless.

Anna was now a two-star mage, and her strength was much greater than that of those who were just promoted to two-stars. She must have been with Natalie at that time. To capture them both without making a ruckus, it likely involved a three-star mage, and more than one, at that.

Rothgarr’s first thought of the three-star mages who had a grudge with Anna and Natalie was Hansen York. After being beaten by him, Hansen avoided him completely, but he didn’t make a move for so long, maybe he was waiting for such an opportunity.

Rothgarr went out of the Mage Association again and rushed to the house of the Viscount York.

If anything happened to Anna, he would let the whole York family be buried with her.

When Rothgarr arrived at York’s Viscount House, of course, he did not wait politely, and instead, broke in directly.

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